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  44. <button onclick="connectMetamask()" class="btn color_primary-o">Connect Metamask</button>
  45. <br><br>
  46. Current miksi address: <div id="contractAddr"></div>
  47. Version: v0.0.1
  48. </div>
  49. <h2><i>miksi</i></h2>
  50. <i>From Esperanto, <b>miksi</b> (miks·i): to mingle, to blend, to mix, to shuffle</i>
  51. <br>
  52. <br>
  53. <div class="explainer">
  54. Ethereum trustless <b>zk-mixer</b>. Computations and Merkle tree reconstructions are done offchain and then proved inside a zkSNARK to the smart-contract. This approach requires only <code>~325.000 gas</code> to deposit, compared to <code>~1M gas</code> for an onchain computation approach (as currently implemented in
  55. </div>
  56. <br><br>
  57. <div class="alertBox"><b>WARNING</b>: experimental code, use only in Göerli testnet. Do not use with real ETH.</div>
  58. <br><br>
  59. <!-- deposit -->
  60. <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="deposit" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="deposit-tab">
  61. <div class="row">
  62. <div class="col-md">
  63. <h5 class="card-title">Deposit</h5>
  64. <hr>
  65. Under the hood, we'll generate a zkSNARK proof that proves you know a <i>secret</i> for a <i>commitment</i>. And that this commitment has been correctly added to the MerkleTree containing all the commitments in the mixer.
  66. </br>
  67. </br>
  68. We'll send this proof, along with the new <i>commitment</i> and the hash of the updated MerkleTree, to the <b>miksi</b> smart-contract. The contract will then verify the proof. If the proof is valid, both the new <i>root</i> and the <i>commitment</i> will be added to the contract, and the ETH will be deposited.
  69. <br><br>
  70. <button onclick="deposit('deposit')" class="btn color_primary float-right">Deposit 1 ETH</button>
  71. <br><br>
  72. <div id="depositRes"></div>
  73. <br><br>
  74. </div>
  75. <div class="col-md">
  76. <h5 class="card-title">Withdraw</h5>
  77. <hr>
  78. Under the hood, we'll generate a zkSNARK proof that proves you know a <i>secret</i> for a <i>commitment</i> in the MerkleTree that you wish to withdraw from.
  79. </br>
  80. </br>
  81. We'll send this proof, along with your withdrawal address, to the <b>miksi</b> smart-contract. The contract will then verify the proof. If the proof is valid, and it's the first time it's been correctly verified for this <i>commitment</i>, the contract will send the associated ETH to your withdrawal address.
  82. <br><br>
  83. <textarea id="jsonWithdraw" class="form-control" style="width:100%;" placeholder="{''secret'': <secret>, ''nullifier'': <nullifier>, ''key'', <key>}"></textarea>
  84. <br>
  85. <input id="withdrawAddress" class="form-control" placeholder="withdrawal address"></input>
  86. <br>
  87. <button onclick="withdraw('withdraw')" class="btn color_primary float-right">Withdraw 1 ETH</button>
  88. <br>
  89. <br>
  90. <div id="withdrawRes"></div>
  91. </div>
  92. </div>
  93. <div id="logs" class="logs">
  94. <b>> Logs</b><br>
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  97. <h5 class="card-title">Stats</h5>
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  99. <img src="miksi-logo00-square-pink.png" style="width:300px;" class="float-right">
  100. <div id="stats">Please connect Metamask</div>
  101. <br>
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  103. <!-- config -->
  104. <div class="tab-pane fade" id="config" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="config-tab">
  105. <h5><i class="fa fa-info" aria-hidden="true"></i> Info</h5>
  106. <hr>
  107. Specs and core code: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  108. <br>
  109. </br>
  110. What is a <a href="" target="_blank">mixer</a>? A mixer is a tool to increase transaction privacy by breaking the on-chain link between the recipient and destination addresses. It uses a smart contract that accepts ETH deposits that can be withdrawn by a different address. Whenever a new address withdraws ETH, the link between the withdrawal and the deposit is obfuscated.
  111. <br><br><br>
  112. <h5><i class="fa fa-sliders" aria-hidden="true"></i> Config</h5>
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