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  1. /*
  2. * NB: since truffle-hdwallet-provider 0.0.5 you must wrap HDWallet providers in a
  3. * function when declaring them. Failure to do so will cause commands to hang. ex:
  4. * ```
  5. * mainnet: {
  6. * provider: function() {
  7. * return new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, '<infura-key>')
  8. * },
  9. * network_id: '1',
  10. * gas: 4500000,
  11. * gasPrice: 10000000000,
  12. * },
  13. */
  14. module.exports = {
  15. // See <>
  16. // to customize your Truffle configuration!
  17. enableTimeouts: false,
  18. before_timeout: 1000000000,
  19. test_timeout: 1000000000,
  20. contracts_directory: "./test/build",
  21. compilers: {
  22. solc: {
  23. version: "0.6.0"
  24. }
  25. }
  26. };