const Verifier = artifacts.require("../../contracts/Verifier"); const Miksi = artifacts.require("../../contracts/Miksi.sol"); const chai = require("chai"); const expect = chai.expect; const truffleAssert = require('truffle-assertions'); const fs = require("fs"); const { groth } = require('snarkjs'); const { stringifyBigInts, unstringifyBigInts } = require('ffjavascript').utils; const WitnessCalculatorBuilder = require("circom_runtime").WitnessCalculatorBuilder; const circomlib = require("circomlib"); const smt = require("circomlib").smt; contract("miksi", (accounts) => { const { 0: owner, 1: addr1, // used for the deposit 2: addr2, // used for the withdraw 3: addr3, } = accounts; let insVerifier; let insMiksi; const nLevels = 5; const secret = "1234567890"; const coinCode = "0"; // refearing to ETH const ethAmount = '1'; const amount = web3.utils.toWei(ethAmount, 'ether'); const nullifier = "567891234"; let tree; let commitment; let proof; let publicSignals; before(async () => { insVerifier = await; insMiksi = await; }); before(async() => { let balance_wei = await web3.eth.getBalance(addr1); // console.log("Balance at " + addr1, web3.utils.fromWei(balance_wei, 'ether')); expect(balance_wei)'100000000000000000000'); const poseidon = circomlib.poseidon.createHash(6, 8, 57); commitment = poseidon([coinCode, amount, secret, nullifier]).toString(); // deposit // add commitment into SMT tree = await smt.newMemEmptyTrie(); await tree.insert(commitment, 0); await tree.insert(1, 0); await tree.insert(2, 0); expect(tree.root.toString())'9712258649847843172766744803572924784812438285433990419902675958769413333474'); }); it("Make the deposit", async () => { // console.log("root", tree.root); // console.log("Deposit of " + ethAmount + " ETH from " + addr1 + ".\nCommitment "+commitment+", root: "+ tree.root); await insMiksi.deposit(commitment, tree.root.toString(), {from: addr1, value: amount}); balance_wei = await web3.eth.getBalance(addr1); // console.log("Balance at " + addr1, web3.utils.fromWei(balance_wei, 'ether')); expect(balance_wei)'98998318640000000000'); }); it("Get the commitments data", async () => { // getCommitments data let res = await insMiksi.getCommitments(); expect(res[0][0].toString())'189025084074544266465422070282645213792582195466360448472858620722286781863'); expect(res[1].toString())'9712258649847843172766744803572924784812438285433990419902675958769413333474'); }); it("Calculate witness and generate the zkProof", async () => { const resC = await tree.find(commitment); assert(resC.found); let siblings = resC.siblings; while (siblings.length < nLevels) { siblings.push("0"); }; // console.log("siblings", siblings); // calculate witness const wasm = await fs.promises.readFile("./build/withdraw.wasm"); const input = unstringifyBigInts({ "coinCode": coinCode, "amount": amount, "secret": secret, "nullifier": nullifier, "siblings": siblings, "root": tree.root, "address": addr2 }); const options = {}; // console.log("Calculate witness"); const wc = await WitnessCalculatorBuilder(wasm, options); const w = await wc.calculateWitness(input); const witness = unstringifyBigInts(stringifyBigInts(w)); // generate zkproof of commitment using snarkjs (as is a test) const provingKey = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./build/proving_key.json", "utf8"))); // console.log("Generate zkSNARK proof"); const res = groth.genProof(provingKey, witness); proof = res.proof; publicSignals = res.publicSignals; }); it("Try to use the zkProof with another address and get revert", async () => { // console.log("Try to reuse the zkproof and expect revert"); await truffleAssert.fails( insMiksi.withdraw( addr1, nullifier, [proof.pi_a[0].toString(), proof.pi_a[1].toString()], [ [proof.pi_b[0][1].toString(), proof.pi_b[0][0].toString()], [proof.pi_b[1][1].toString(), proof.pi_b[1][0].toString()] ], [proof.pi_c[0].toString(), proof.pi_c[1].toString()] ), truffleAssert.ErrorType.REVERT, "zkProof withdraw could not be verified" ); }); it("Withdraw 1 ETH with the zkProof", async () => { // withdraw // console.log("Withdraw of " + ethAmount + " ETH to " + addr2); let resW = await insMiksi.withdraw( addr2, nullifier, [proof.pi_a[0].toString(), proof.pi_a[1].toString()], [ [proof.pi_b[0][1].toString(), proof.pi_b[0][0].toString()], [proof.pi_b[1][1].toString(), proof.pi_b[1][0].toString()] ], [proof.pi_c[0].toString(), proof.pi_c[1].toString()] ); // console.log("resW", resW); balance_wei = await web3.eth.getBalance(addr2); // console.log("Balance at " + addr2, web3.utils.fromWei(balance_wei, 'ether')); expect(balance_wei)'101000000000000000000'); }); it("Try to reuse the zkProof and get revert", async () => { // console.log("Try to reuse the zkproof and expect revert"); await truffleAssert.fails( insMiksi.withdraw( addr2, nullifier, [proof.pi_a[0].toString(), proof.pi_a[1].toString()], [ [proof.pi_b[0][1].toString(), proof.pi_b[0][0].toString()], [proof.pi_b[1][1].toString(), proof.pi_b[1][0].toString()] ], [proof.pi_c[0].toString(), proof.pi_c[1].toString()] ), truffleAssert.ErrorType.REVERT, "nullifier already used" ); balance_wei = await web3.eth.getBalance(addr2); expect(balance_wei)'101000000000000000000'); }); });