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# withdraw.circom
WARNING: WIP, very initial version of the miksi circuit
| |
PRI_secret+--------->+ Poseidon +<------+PRI_key+---------+
| | | |
| +----------+ +----+ |
| nullifier+----->+ != +<-----+0 |
| + +----+ v
| | +--+-------+
| v | |
| +-----+----+ | |
+--------->+ | | SMT +<------+PRI_siblings
| +--------------------->+ Poseidon |
PUB_coinCode+------->+ Poseidon | | Verifier |
| | | +<------+PUB_root
PUB_amount+--------->+ | | | +
+----------+ +----------+ |
+----+ +----+ |
PUB_address+--->+ != +<-------+0+-------------->+ != +<-------+
+----+ +----+
include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/comparators.circom";
include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/poseidon.circom";
include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/smt/smtverifier.circom";
template Withdraw(nLevels) {
signal input coinCode;
signal input amount;
signal private input secret;
signal input nullifier;
signal private input siblings[nLevels];
signal input root;
signal input address;
signal private input key;
component nullifierCmp = Poseidon(2, 6, 8, 57);
nullifierCmp.inputs[0] <== key;
nullifierCmp.inputs[1] <== secret;
component nullifierCheck = IsEqual();[0] <== nullifierCmp.out;[1] <== nullifier;
nullifierCheck.out === 1;
component hash = Poseidon(4, 6, 8, 57);
hash.inputs[0] <== coinCode;
hash.inputs[1] <== amount;
hash.inputs[2] <== secret;
hash.inputs[3] <== nullifierCmp.out;
component z = IsZero(); <== address;
z.out === 0;
component smtV = SMTVerifier(nLevels);
smtV.enabled <== 1;
smtV.fnc <== 0;
smtV.root <== root;
for (var i=0; i<nLevels; i++) {
smtV.siblings[i] <== siblings[i];
smtV.oldKey <== 0;
smtV.oldValue <== 0;
smtV.isOld0 <== 0;
smtV.key <== key;
smtV.value <== hash.out;