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const DepositVerifier = artifacts.require("../build/DepositVerifier");
const WithdrawVerifier = artifacts.require("../build/WithdrawVerifier");
const Miksi = artifacts.require("../build/Miksi.sol");
const chai = require("chai");
const expect = chai.expect;
const truffleAssert = require('truffle-assertions');
const fs = require("fs");
const { groth } = require('snarkjs');
const { stringifyBigInts, unstringifyBigInts } = require('ffjavascript').utils;
const Fr = require("ffjavascript").bn128.Fr;
const WitnessCalculatorBuilder = require("circom_runtime").WitnessCalculatorBuilder;
const circomlib = require("circomlib");
const smt = require("circomlib").smt;
let insVerifier;
let insMiksi;
const nLevels = 4;
const secret = ["1234567890", "987654321", "123"];
const coinCode = "0"; // refearing to ETH
const ethAmount = '1';
const amount = web3.utils.toWei(ethAmount, 'ether');
const nullifier = ["0", "0", "0"];
let commitment = [];
let tree;
let currKey=0;
let proofs = [];
contract("miksi", (accounts) => {
const {
0: owner,
1: addr1, // used for the deposit
2: addr2, // used for the withdraw
3: addr3,
4: addr4,
} = accounts;
before(async () => {
insDepositVerifier = await;
insWithdrawVerifier = await;
insMiksi = await, insWithdrawVerifier.address);
before(async() => {
let balance_wei = await web3.eth.getBalance(addr1);
// console.log("Balance at " + addr1, web3.utils.fromWei(balance_wei, 'ether'));
tree = await smt.newMemEmptyTrie();
await tree.insert(currKey, 0);
it("Make first deposit", async () => {
nullifier[0] = await makeDeposit(secret[0], addr1);
balance_wei = await web3.eth.getBalance(addr1);
// console.log("Balance at " + addr1, web3.utils.fromWei(balance_wei, 'ether'));
// expect(balance_wei)'98993526980000000000');
it("Make second deposit", async () => {
nullifier[1] = await makeDeposit(secret[1], addr3);
it("Make 3rd deposit", async () => {
nullifier[2] = await makeDeposit(secret[2], addr3);
it("Get the commitments data & rebuild the tree", async () => {
// get the commitments data
let res = await insMiksi.getCommitments();
let commitmentsArray = res[0];
currKey = res[2];
// rebuild the tree
let treeTmp = await smt.newMemEmptyTrie();
await treeTmp.insert(0, 0);
for (let i=0; i < commitmentsArray.length; i++) {
await treeTmp.insert(i+1, commitmentsArray[i]);
it("Calculate witness and generate the zkProof", async () => {
proofs[0] = await genWithdrawZKProof(secret[0], nullifier[0], addr2, "1");
proofs[1] = await genWithdrawZKProof(secret[1], nullifier[1], addr4, "2");
proofs[2] = await genWithdrawZKProof(secret[2], nullifier[2], addr4, "3");
it("Try to use the zkProof with another address and get revert", async () => {
// console.log("Try to reuse the zkproof and expect revert");
await truffleAssert.fails(
withdrawSC(nullifier[0], addr1, proofs[0]),
"zkProof withdraw could not be verified"
it("Withdraw 1 ETH with the zkProof of the 1st deposit to addr2", async () => {
// withdraw
// console.log("Withdraw of " + ethAmount + " ETH to " + addr2);
let resW = await withdrawSC(nullifier[0], addr2, proofs[0]);
// console.log("resW", resW);
balance_wei = await web3.eth.getBalance(addr2);
// console.log("Balance at " + addr2, web3.utils.fromWei(balance_wei, 'ether'));
it("Try to reuse the zkProof and get revert", async () => {
// console.log("Try to reuse the zkproof and expect revert");
await truffleAssert.fails(
withdrawSC(nullifier[0], addr2, proofs[0]),
"nullifier already used"
balance_wei = await web3.eth.getBalance(addr2);
it("Withdraw 1 ETH with the zkProof of the 2nd deposit to addr4", async () => {
let resW = await withdrawSC(nullifier[1], addr4, proofs[1]);
balance_wei = await web3.eth.getBalance(addr4);
it("Withdraw 1 ETH with the zkProof of the 3rd deposit to addr4", async () => {
let resW = await withdrawSC(nullifier[2], addr4, proofs[2]);
balance_wei = await web3.eth.getBalance(addr4);
async function makeDeposit(secret, addr) {
currKey += 1;
const poseidon = circomlib.poseidon.createHash(6, 8, 57);
let currNullifier = poseidon([currKey, secret]).toString();
let currCommitment = poseidon([coinCode, amount, secret, currNullifier]).toString();
let resI = await tree.insert(currKey, currCommitment);
while (resI.siblings.length < nLevels) resI.siblings.push(Fr.e(0));
// calculate witness
const wasm = await fs.promises.readFile("./test/build/deposit.wasm");
const input = unstringifyBigInts({
"coinCode": coinCode,
"amount": amount,
"secret": secret,
"oldKey": resI.isOld0 ? 0 : resI.oldKey,
"oldValue": resI.isOld0 ? 0 : resI.oldValue,
"isOld0": resI.isOld0 ? 1 : 0,
"siblings": resI.siblings,
"rootOld": resI.oldRoot,
"rootNew": resI.newRoot,
"commitment": currCommitment,
"key": currKey
const options = {};
// console.log("Calculate witness", input);
const wc = await WitnessCalculatorBuilder(wasm, options);
const w = await wc.calculateWitness(input);
const witness = unstringifyBigInts(stringifyBigInts(w));
// generate zkproof of commitment using snarkjs (as is a test)
const provingKey = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./test/build/deposit-proving_key.json", "utf8")));
// console.log("Generate zkSNARK proof");
const res = groth.genProof(provingKey, witness);
let proof = res.proof;
const verificationKey = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./test/build/deposit-verification_key.json", "utf8")));
let pubI = unstringifyBigInts([coinCode, amount, resI.oldRoot.toString(), resI.newRoot.toString(), currCommitment, currKey]);
let validCheck = groth.isValid(verificationKey, proof, pubI);
// console.log("VALIDCHECK", validCheck, pubI, proof);
await insMiksi.deposit(
[proof.pi_a[0].toString(), proof.pi_a[1].toString()],
[proof.pi_b[0][1].toString(), proof.pi_b[0][0].toString()],
[proof.pi_b[1][1].toString(), proof.pi_b[1][0].toString()]
[proof.pi_c[0].toString(), proof.pi_c[1].toString()],
{from: addr, value: amount}
return currNullifier;
async function genWithdrawZKProof(secret, nullifier, addr, k) {
const resC = await tree.find(k);
let siblings = resC.siblings;
while (siblings.length < nLevels) {
// calculate witness
const wasm = await fs.promises.readFile("./test/build/withdraw.wasm");
const input = unstringifyBigInts({
"coinCode": coinCode,
"amount": amount,
"secret": secret,
"nullifier": nullifier,
"siblings": siblings,
"root": tree.root,
"address": addr,
"key": k
const options = {};
// console.log("Calculate witness");
const wc = await WitnessCalculatorBuilder(wasm, options);
const w = await wc.calculateWitness(input);
const witness = unstringifyBigInts(stringifyBigInts(w));
// generate zkproof of commitment using snarkjs (as is a test)
const provingKey = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./test/build/withdraw-proving_key.json", "utf8")));
// console.log("Generate zkSNARK proof");
const res = groth.genProof(provingKey, witness);
return res.proof;
async function withdrawSC(nullifier, addr, proof) {
// console.log("withdrawSC", proof);
return insMiksi.withdraw(
[proof.pi_a[0].toString(), proof.pi_a[1].toString()],
[proof.pi_b[0][1].toString(), proof.pi_b[0][0].toString()],
[proof.pi_b[1][1].toString(), proof.pi_b[1][0].toString()]
[proof.pi_c[0].toString(), proof.pi_c[1].toString()]