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const fs = require("fs");
const bigInt = require("big-integer");
const { groth } = require('snarkjs');
const { Fr } = require('ffjavascript').bn128;
const { stringifyBigInts, unstringifyBigInts } = require('ffjavascript').utils;
const WitnessCalculatorBuilder = require("circom_runtime").WitnessCalculatorBuilder;
const circomlib = require("circomlib");
const smt = require("circomlib").smt;
const Web3 = require("web3");
// const buildBn128 = require("wasmsnark").buildBn128;
const nLevels = 17;
const coinCode = "0"; // refearing to ETH
const ethAmount = '1';
const amount = Web3.utils.toWei(ethAmount, 'ether');
exports.randBigInt = () => {
return Fr.random();
exports.calcCommitment = (key, secret) => {
const poseidon = circomlib.poseidon.createHash(6, 8, 57);
const nullifier = poseidon([key, secret]).toString();
const commitment = poseidon([coinCode, amount, secret, nullifier]).toString();
return commitment;
exports.calcDepositWitness = async (wasm, key, secret, commitments) => {
const poseidon = circomlib.poseidon.createHash(6, 8, 57);
const nullifier = poseidon([key, secret]).toString();
const commitment = poseidon([coinCode, amount, secret, nullifier]).toString();
console.log("PROVA", poseidon([key, commitment]).toString());
// rebuild the tree
let tree = await smt.newMemEmptyTrie();
await tree.insert(0, 0);
for (let i=0; i<commitments.length; i++) {
await tree.insert(i+1, commitments[i]);
// old root
const rootOld = tree.root;
const resOld = await tree.find(key);
console.log("FIND old", resOld);
let oldKey = "0";
let oldValue = "0";
if (!resOld.found) {
oldKey = resOld.notFoundKey.toString();
oldValue = resOld.notFoundValue.toString();
console.log("oldKey", oldKey);
console.log("oldValue", oldValue);
// if (resOld.found) {
// console.error("leaf expect to not exist but exists");
// }
let siblingsOld = resOld.siblings;
while (siblingsOld.length < nLevels) {
await tree.insert(key, commitment);
// new root
const rootNew = tree.root;
const resNew = await tree.find(key);
console.log("FIND new", resNew);
if (!resNew.found) {
console.error("leaf with the new commitment expect to exist but not exists");
let siblingsNew = resNew.siblings;
while (siblingsNew.length < nLevels) {
// calculate witness
const input = unstringifyBigInts({
"coinCode": coinCode,
"amount": amount,
"secret": secret,
"nullifier": nullifier,
"oldKey": oldKey,
"oldValue": oldValue,
"siblingsOld": siblingsOld,
"siblingsNew": siblingsNew,
"rootOld": rootOld,
"rootNew": rootNew,
"commitment": commitment,
"key": key
console.log("input", input);
// const options = {};
// const wc = await WitnessCalculatorBuilder(wasm, options);
const wc = await WitnessCalculatorBuilder(wasm);
const witness = await wc.calculateWitness(input, {sanityCheck: true});
const wBuff = Buffer.allocUnsafe(witness.length*32);
for (let i=0; i<witness.length; i++) {
for (let j=0; j<8; j++) {
const bi = witness[i];
const v = bigInt(bi).shiftRight(j*32).and(0xFFFFFFFF).toJSNumber();
// wBuff.writeUInt32LE(v, i*32 + j*4, 4)
wBuff.writeUInt32LE(v, i*32 + j*4)
// const witness = unstringifyBigInts(stringifyBigInts(w));
// return wBuff;
return {
witness: wBuff,
publicInputs: {
exports.calcWithdrawWitness = async (wasm, key, secret, commitments, addr) => {
const poseidon = circomlib.poseidon.createHash(6, 8, 57);
const nullifier = poseidon([key, secret]).toString();
const commitment = poseidon([coinCode, amount, secret, nullifier]).toString();
// rebuild the tree
let tree = await smt.newMemEmptyTrie();
await tree.insert(0, 0);
for (let i=0; i<commitments.length; i++) {
await tree.insert(i+1, commitments[i]);
// await tree.insert(commitment, 0);
// root
const root = tree.root;
const res = await tree.find(key);
if (!res.found) {
console.error("leaf expect to exist but not exists, key:", key);
let siblings = res.siblings;
while (siblings.length < nLevels) {
// calculate witness
const input = unstringifyBigInts({
"coinCode": coinCode,
"amount": amount,
"secret": secret,
"nullifier": nullifier,
"siblings": siblings,
"root": root,
"address": addr,
"key": key
console.log("input", input);
// const options = {};
// const wc = await WitnessCalculatorBuilder(wasm, options);
const wc = await WitnessCalculatorBuilder(wasm);
const witness = await wc.calculateWitness(input, {sanityCheck: true});
const wBuff = Buffer.allocUnsafe(witness.length*32);
for (let i=0; i<witness.length; i++) {
for (let j=0; j<8; j++) {
const bi = witness[i];
const v = bigInt(bi).shiftRight(j*32).and(0xFFFFFFFF).toJSNumber();
// wBuff.writeUInt32LE(v, i*32 + j*4, 4)
wBuff.writeUInt32LE(v, i*32 + j*4)
// const witness = unstringifyBigInts(stringifyBigInts(w));
return {
witness: wBuff,
publicInputs: {