const TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api'); var mumble = require('mumble'); var config = require('./config'); var chatId = ""; const bot = new TelegramBot(config.telegramToken, {polling: true}); bot.onText(/\/start/, (msg, match) => { console.log("chatId"); console.log(chatId); if(chatId) { // bot.sendMessage(chatId, "[warning] Some other is trying to connect to the bot from another group/chat"); // var msg = "For security reasons, only 1 instance of bot is allowed, if you want to connect to this bot, restart the bot from the server."; // bot.sendMessage(, msg); } else { chatId =; console.log("chatId", chatId); var msg = ` Wellcome to mumble-telegram-bot. Available commands: /start /bambi /pot `; bot.sendMessage(chatId, msg); } }); bot.onText(/\/bambi/, (msg, match) => { if(chatId) { bot.sendMessage(chatId, "This is not bambi 🦌"); } }); bot.onText(/\/pot/, (msg, match) => { if(chatId) { bot.sendMessage(chatId, "💰"); } }); var options = {}; console.log( 'Connecting' ); mumble.connect(config.mumbleURL, options, function ( error, connection ) { if( error ) { throw new Error( error ); } console.log( 'Connected' ); connection.authenticate( 'TelegramBot' ); connection.on( 'initialized', function() { console.log( 'Connection initialized' ); }); connection.on( 'user-connect', function( user ) { var msg = '[mumble] ✋️😊 User ' + + ' connected at ' + + ' channel.\nThis is not Bambi 🦌'; console.log(msg); if(chatId) { bot.sendMessage(chatId, msg); } }); connection.on( 'user-move', function( user ) { var msg = '[mumble] 👋 User ' + + ' moved to ' + + ' channel.'; console.log(msg); if(chatId) { bot.sendMessage(chatId, msg); } }); connection.on( 'user-disconnect', function( user ) { var msg = '[mumble] 😢 User ' + + ' has disconnected.'; console.log(msg); if(chatId) { bot.sendMessage(chatId, msg); } }); });