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18 lines
484 B

  1. [global_config]
  2. title_transmit_bg_color = "#23393c"
  3. [keybindings]
  4. [layouts]
  5. [[default]]
  6. [[[child1]]]
  7. parent = window0
  8. type = Terminal
  9. [[[window0]]]
  10. parent = ""
  11. type = Window
  12. [plugins]
  13. [profiles]
  14. [[default]]
  15. cursor_color = "#aaaaaa"
  16. palette = "#3B4252:#BF616A:#5ca370:#EBCB8B:#94BFF3:#EC93D3:#88C0D0:#E5E9F0:#4C566A:#BF616A:#72D5A3:#EBCB8B:#94BFF3:#EC93D3:#8FBCBB:#ECEFF4"
  17. foreground_color = "#D8DEE9"
  18. background_color = "#20242c"