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use ark_crypto_primitives::snark::{FromFieldElementsGadget, SNARKGadget, SNARK};
use ark_ec::AffineRepr;
use ark_ec::CurveGroup;
use ark_ff::{fields::Fp256, Field, PrimeField};
use ark_r1cs_std::{
alloc::{AllocVar, AllocationMode},
fields::{fp::FpVar, FieldVar},
use ark_relations::r1cs::{ConstraintSynthesizer, ConstraintSystemRef, Namespace, SynthesisError};
use ark_std::ops::Mul;
use core::{borrow::Borrow, marker::PhantomData};
use derivative::Derivative;
// pub trait Nova<F: PrimeField> {}
pub trait Config<Fq: PrimeField, Fr: PrimeField> {
type AugmentedFunctionCircuit: SNARK<Fq>; // F'
type FunctionCircuit: ConstraintSynthesizer<Fq>; // F
type DummyStepCircuit: SNARK<Fr>;
pub struct AugmentedFCircuit<
Fq: PrimeField,
Fr: PrimeField,
C: CurveGroup,
GC: CurveVar<C, Fq>,
Cfg: Config<Fq, Fr>,
> {
pub dummystep_vk: Option<<Cfg::DummyStepCircuit as SNARK<Fr>>::VerifyingKey>,
_c: PhantomData<C>,
_gc: PhantomData<GC>,
impl<Fq: PrimeField, Fr: PrimeField, C: CurveGroup, GC: CurveVar<C, Fq>, Cfg: Config<Fq, Fr>>
ConstraintSynthesizer<Fq> for AugmentedFCircuit<Fq, Fr, C, GC, Cfg>
fn generate_constraints(self, cs: ConstraintSystemRef<Fq>) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> {
pub struct NIFSGadget<F: PrimeField, C: CurveGroup, GC: CurveVar<C, F>> {
_f: PhantomData<F>,
_c: PhantomData<C>,
_gc: PhantomData<GC>,
impl<F: PrimeField, C: CurveGroup, GC: CurveVar<C, F>> NIFSGadget<F, C, GC> {
// implements the constraints for NIFS.V
pub fn verify(
r: FpVar<F>,
cmT: GC,
// phi1, phi2 and phi3
cmE1: GC,
cmE2: GC,
cmE3: GC,
u1: FpVar<F>,
u2: FpVar<F>,
u3: FpVar<F>,
cmW1: GC,
cmW2: GC,
cmW3: GC,
// x's size will depend on the num_publicinputs of F circuit
x1: Vec<FpVar<F>>,
x2: Vec<FpVar<F>>,
x3: Vec<FpVar<F>>,
) -> Result<Boolean<F>, SynthesisError> {
let r2 = r.square()?;
+ cmT.scalar_mul_le(r.to_bits_le()?.iter())?
+ cmE2.scalar_mul_le(r2.to_bits_le()?.iter())?),
u3.is_eq(&(u1 + r.clone() * u2))?;
cmW3.is_eq(&(cmW1 + cmW2.scalar_mul_le(r.to_bits_le()?.iter())?))
// TODO x's check