# pad2ipfs [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/arnaucode/pad2ipfs)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/arnaucode/pad2ipfs) Simply Go lang library to get the content from a pad (etherpad) and put into IPFS. Needs to have installed IPFS (https://ipfs.io), and the daemon running ('> ipfs daemon'). ## Install ``` go get github.com/arnaucode/pad2ipfs ``` ## Usage The added pads are stored in 'addedPads' directory. The getted pads are stored in 'gettedPads' directory. #### - Add Adds the content from a pad to IPFS ```go hash, err := pad2ipfs.Add(link, format) ``` ```go hash, err := pad2ipfs.Add("https://board.net/p/selectedpad", "md") if err!=nil{ fmt.Println(err) } ``` Supported formats: - md - txt - html - pdf - odt #### - Get Gets the content from IPFS and stores it into a file ```go err := pad2ipfs.Get(hash, filename) ``` ```go err := pad2ipfs.Get("QmVyp4JSREK5syLmNRCafkZkhzC7CfvS9qYWKfvfffqK2B", "selectedpad.md") if err!=nil { fmt.Println(err) } ``` ### CLI In the directory /pad2ipfs-cli is placed the cli to interact directly with the library from the command line. Here is a screenshot: ![pad2ipfs-cli-screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arnaucode/pad2ipfs/master/pad2ipfs-cli-screenshot.png "pad2ipfs-cli-screenshot")