''' this script uses requests and provoj provoj is a simple library to test endpoints of an API RESTful provoj can be downloaded using: pip install provoj provoj repository: https://github.com/arnaucode/provoj To run this test, just need to run: python test.py ''' import provoj import requests test = provoj.NewTest("testing padArchiver API Server") url = "" jsonData = {"link": "http://board.net/p/pad1", "dir": "Group1", "title": "Pad1"} r = requests.post(url + "/repos/repo01/pad", json=jsonData) test.rStatus("POST add new pad", r) print(r.json()) jsonData = {"link": "http://board.net/p/pad2", "dir": "Group2", "title": "Pad2"} r = requests.post(url + "/repos/repo01/pad", json=jsonData) test.rStatus("POST add new pad", r) print(r.json()) jsonData = {"link": "http://board.net/p/pad3", "dir": "Group2", "title": "Pad3"} r = requests.post(url + "/repos/repo01/pad", json=jsonData) test.rStatus("POST add new pad", r) print(r.json()) r = requests.get(url + "/repos") test.rStatus("GET repos list", r) print(r.json()) reposList = r.json() testRepo = reposList[0] r = requests.get(url + "/repos/" + testRepo) test.rStatus("GET repo " + testRepo + " list", r) print(r.json()) test.printScores()