# paraulogic-word-finder *A friend has shown me [this game](https://paraulogic.rodamots.cat/), it was fun but I preferred to automate it, here is the code.* ## Usage 1. Dictionary can be downloaded from http://montane.cat/disc/DISC2-LP.zip, an place `*.txt` file in the `paraulogic-word-finder` directory - tho, if you use [Rodamots](https://rodamots.cat/mots/arxiu-alfabetic/) dictionary will have better match. 2. Set today's letters in `paraulogic-word-finder.py`, at lines 3 & 4 3. Execute: `python paraulogic-word-finder.py` 4. Open browser console in https://paraulogic.rodamots.cat, and copy&paste the output of step 4 and press Enter ![screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arnaucube/paraulogic-word-finder/main/screenshot.png "screenshot")