# RSA and Homomorphic Multiplication - https://arnaucube.com - https://github.com/arnaucube - https://twitter.com/arnaucube

--- - Intro - Public key cryptography - Basics of modular arithmetic - Brief history of RSA - Keys generation - Prime numbers - Encryption - Decryption - What's going on in encryption and decryption? - Signature - Verification of the signature - Homomorphic Multiplication with RSA - Resources --- # Intro - I'm not an expert on the field, neither a mathematician. Just an engineer with interest for cryptography - Short talk (15 min), with the objective to make a practical introduction to the RSA cryptosystem - Is not a talk about mathematical demostrations, is a talk with the objective to get the basic notions to be able to do a practical implementation of the algorithm - After the talk, we will do a practical workshop to implement the concepts. We can offer support for Go, Rust, Python and Nodejs (you can choose any other language, but we will not be able to help) --- # Public key cryptography ![pubkencr](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f9/Public_key_encryption.svg "pubkencr") --- Some examples: - RSA - Paillier - ECC (Corba el·líptica) --- # Basics of modular arithmetic - Modulus, `mod`, `%` - Remainder after division of two numbers ![clocks](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Clock_group.svg/220px-Clock_group.svg.png "clocks") ``` 5 mod 12 = 5 14 mod 12 = 2 83 mod 10 = 3 ``` ``` 5 + 3 mod 6 = 8 mod 6 = 2 ``` --- # Brief history of RSA - RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman): Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, Leonard Adleman - year 1977 - one of the first public key cryptosystems - based on the difficulty of factorization of the product of two big prime numbers --- # Prime numbers - We need an asymmetric key, in a way where we can decrypt a message encrypted with the asymetric key - Without allowing to find the private key from the public key - in RSA we resolve this with factorization of prime numbers - using prime numbers for $p$ and $q$, it's difficult factorize $n$ to obtain $p$ and $q$, where $n=p*q$ --- Example: If we know $n$ which we need to find the $p$ and $q$ values where $p*q=n$: ``` n = 35 ``` To obtain the possible factors, is needed to brute force trying different combinations, until we find: ``` p = 5 q = 7 ``` In this case is easy as it's a simple example with small numbers. The idea is to do this with big prime numbers --- Another exmample with more bigger prime numbers: ``` n = 272604817800326282194810623604278579733 ``` From $n$, I don't have a 'direct' way to obtain $p$ and $q$. I need to try by brute force the different values until finding a correct combination. ``` p = 17975460804519255043 q = 15165386899666573831 n = 17975460804519255043 * 15165386899666573831 = 272604817800326282194810623604278579733 ``` --- If we do this with non prime numbers: ``` n = 32 We can factorize 32 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 combining that values in two values X * Y for example (2*2*2) * (2*2) = 8*4 = 32 we can also take 2 * (2*2*2*2) = 2 * 16 = 32 ... ``` --- One example with bigger non prime numbers: ``` n = 272604817800326282227951471308464408608 We can take: p = 17975460804519255044 q = 15165386899666573832 Or also: p = 2 q = 136302408900163141113975735654232204304 ... ``` In the real world: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_numbers - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_Factoring_Challenge#The_prizes_and_records So, we are basing this in the fact that is not easy to factorize big numbers composed by big primes. --- # Keys generation - PubK: $e$, $n$ - PrivK: $d$, $n$ - are choosen randomly 2 big prime numbers $p$ and $q$, that will be secrets - $n = p * q$ - $λ$ is the Carmichael function - $λ(n) = (p − 1) * (q − 1)$ - Choose a prime number $e$ that satisfies $1 < e < λ(n)$ and $gcd(e, λ(n))=1$ - Usually in examples is used $e = 2^16 + 1 = 65537$ - $d$ such as $e * d = 1 mod λ(n)$ - $d = e^(-1) mod λ(n) = e modinv λ(n)$ --- ### Example - `p = 3` - `q = 11` - `e = 7` value choosen between 1 and λ(n)=20, where λ(n) is not divisible by this value - `n = 3 * 11 = 33` - `λ(n) = (3-1) * (11-1) = 2 * 10 = 20` - `d` such as `7 * d = 1 mod 20` - `d = 3` - PubK: `e=7, n=33` - PrivK: `d=3, n=33` --- ### Naive code ```python def egcd(a, b): if a == 0: return (b, 0, 1) g, y, x = egcd(b%a,a) return (g, x - (b//a) * y, y) def modinv(a, m): g, x, y = egcd(a, m) if g != 1: raise Exception('No modular inverse') return x%m ``` --- ``` def newKeys(): p = number.getPrime(n_length) q = number.getPrime(n_length) # pubK e, n e = 65537 n = p*q pubK = PubK(e, n) # privK d, n phi = (p-1) * (q-1) d = modinv(e, phi) privK = PrivK(d, n) return({'pubK': pubK, 'privK': privK}) ``` --- # Encryption - Brenna wants to send the message `m` to Alice, so, will use the Public Key from Alice to encrypt `m` - `m` powered at `e` of the public key from Alice - evaluate at modulus of `n` ### Example - message to encrypt `m = 5` - receiver public key: `e=7, n=33` - `c = 5 ^ 7 mod 33 = 78125 mod 33 = 14` ### Naive code ```python def encrypt(pubK, m): c = (m ** pubK.e) % pubK.n return c ``` --- # Decrypt - from an encrypted value `c` - `c` powered at `d` of the private key of the person to who the message was encrypted - evaluate at modulus of `n` ### Example - receiver private key, PrivK: `d=3, n=33` - `m = 14 ^ 3 mod 33 = 2744 mod 33 = 5` ### Naive code ```python def decrypt(privK, c): m_d = (c ** privK.d) % privK.n return m_d ``` --- # What's going on when encrypting and decrypting? ![encrdecr](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1*4AXQNOrddQJud0fZJ3FNgg.png "encrdecr") --- ``` n = pq e phi = (p-1)(q-1) d = e^-1 mod (phi) = e^-1 mod (p-1)(q-1) # encrypt c = m^e mod n = m^e mod pq # decrypt m' = c^d mod n = c ^(e^-1 mod (p-1)(q-1)) mod pq = = (m^e)^(e^-1 mod (p-1)(q-1)) mod pq = = m^(e * e^-1 mod (p-1)(q-1)) mod pq = = m^(1 mod (p-1)(q-1)) mod pq = [theorem in which we're not going into details] a ^ (1 mod λ(N)) mod N = a mod N [/theorem] = m mod pq ``` --- # Signature - encryption operation but using PrivK instead of PubK, and PubK instead of PrivK - having a message `m` - power of `m` at `d` of the private key from the signer person - evaluated at modulus `n` --- ### Example - private key of the person emitter of the signature: `d = 3, n = 33` - message to be signed: `m=5` - signature: `s = 5 ** 3 % 33 = 26` ### Naive code ```python def sign(privK, m): s = (m ** privK.d) % privK.n return s ``` --- # Verification of the signature - having message `m` and the signature `s` - elevate `m` at `e` of the public key from the signer - evaluate at modulus of `n` --- ### Example - public key from the singer person `e=7, n=33` - message `m=5` - signature `s=26` - verification `v = 26**7 % 33 = 5` - check that we have recovered the message (that `m` is equivalent to `v`) `m = 5 = v = 5` ### Naive code ```python def verifySign(pubK, s, m): v = (s ** pubK.e) % privK.n return v==m ``` --- # Homomorphic Multiplication - from two values $a$ and $b$ - encrypted are $a_{encr}$ and $b_{encr}$ - we can compute the multiplication of the two encrypted values, obtaining the result encrypted - the encrypted result from the multiplication is calculated doing: $c_{encr} = a_{encr} * b_{encr} mod n$ - we can decrypt $c_{encr}$ and we will obtain $c$, equivalent to $a * b$ - Why: ``` ((a^e mod n) * (b^e mod n)) mod n = = (a^e * b^e mod n) mod n = (a*b)^e mod n ``` --- ### Example - PubK: `e=7, n=33` - PrivK: `d=3, n=33` - `a = 5` - `b = 8` - `a_encr = 5^7 mod 33 = 78125 mod 33 = 14` - `b_encr = 8^7 mod 33 = 2097152 mod 33 = 2` - `c_encr = (14 * 2) mod 33 = 28 mod 33 = 28` - `c = 28 ^ 3 mod 33 = 21952 mod 33 = 7` - `c = 7 = a * b % n = 5 * 8 % 33 = 7`, on `5*8 mod 33 = 7` - take a `n` enough big, if not the result will be cropped by the modulus --- ### Naive code ```python def homomorphic_mul(pubK, a, b): c = (a*b) % pubK.n return c ``` --- # Small demo [...] # And now... practical implementation - full night long - big ints are your friends