/*! * Angular Material Design * https://github.com/angular/material
* @license MIT * v1.1.3 */ goog.provide('ngmaterial.components.tooltip'); goog.require('ngmaterial.components.panel'); goog.require('ngmaterial.core'); /** * @ngdoc module * @name material.components.tooltip */ MdTooltipDirective['$inject'] = ["$timeout", "$window", "$$rAF", "$document", "$interpolate", "$mdUtil", "$mdPanel", "$$mdTooltipRegistry"]; angular .module('material.components.tooltip', [ 'material.core', 'material.components.panel' ]) .directive('mdTooltip', MdTooltipDirective) .service('$$mdTooltipRegistry', MdTooltipRegistry);
/** * @ngdoc directive * @name mdTooltip * @module material.components.tooltip * @description * Tooltips are used to describe elements that are interactive and primarily * graphical (not textual). * * Place a `<md-tooltip>` as a child of the element it describes. * * A tooltip will activate when the user hovers over, focuses, or touches the * parent element. * * @usage * <hljs lang="html"> * <md-button class="md-fab md-accent" aria-label="Play"> * <md-tooltip>Play Music</md-tooltip> * <md-icon md-svg-src="img/icons/ic_play_arrow_24px.svg"></md-icon> * </md-button> * </hljs> * * @param {number=} md-z-index The visual level that the tooltip will appear * in comparison with the rest of the elements of the application. * @param {expression=} md-visible Boolean bound to whether the tooltip is * currently visible. * @param {number=} md-delay How many milliseconds to wait to show the tooltip * after the user hovers over, focuses, or touches the parent element. * Defaults to 0ms on non-touch devices and 75ms on touch. * @param {boolean=} md-autohide If present or provided with a boolean value, * the tooltip will hide on mouse leave, regardless of focus. * @param {string=} md-direction The direction that the tooltip is shown, * relative to the parent element. Supports top, right, bottom, and left. * Defaults to bottom. */ function MdTooltipDirective($timeout, $window, $$rAF, $document, $interpolate, $mdUtil, $mdPanel, $$mdTooltipRegistry) {
var ENTER_EVENTS = 'focus touchstart mouseenter'; var LEAVE_EVENTS = 'blur touchcancel mouseleave'; var TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_Z_INDEX = 100; var TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_SHOW_DELAY = 0; var TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_DIRECTION = 'bottom'; var TOOLTIP_DIRECTIONS = { top: { x: $mdPanel.xPosition.CENTER, y: $mdPanel.yPosition.ABOVE }, right: { x: $mdPanel.xPosition.OFFSET_END, y: $mdPanel.yPosition.CENTER }, bottom: { x: $mdPanel.xPosition.CENTER, y: $mdPanel.yPosition.BELOW }, left: { x: $mdPanel.xPosition.OFFSET_START, y: $mdPanel.yPosition.CENTER } };
return { restrict: 'E', priority: 210, // Before ngAria
scope: { mdZIndex: '=?mdZIndex', mdDelay: '=?mdDelay', mdVisible: '=?mdVisible', mdAutohide: '=?mdAutohide', mdDirection: '@?mdDirection' // Do not expect expressions.
}, link: linkFunc };
function linkFunc(scope, element, attr) { // Set constants.
var parent = $mdUtil.getParentWithPointerEvents(element); var debouncedOnResize = $$rAF.throttle(updatePosition); var mouseActive = false; var origin, position, panelPosition, panelRef, autohide, showTimeout, elementFocusedOnWindowBlur = null;
// Set defaults
// Set parent aria-label.
// Remove the element from its current DOM position.
updatePosition(); bindEvents(); configureWatchers();
function setDefaults() { scope.mdZIndex = scope.mdZIndex || TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_Z_INDEX; scope.mdDelay = scope.mdDelay || TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_SHOW_DELAY; if (!TOOLTIP_DIRECTIONS[scope.mdDirection]) { scope.mdDirection = TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_DIRECTION; } }
function addAriaLabel(override) { if (override || !parent.attr('aria-label')) { // Only interpolate the text from the HTML element because otherwise the custom text
// could be interpolated twice and cause XSS violations.
var interpolatedText = override || $interpolate(element.text().trim())(scope.$parent); parent.attr('aria-label', interpolatedText); } }
function updatePosition() { setDefaults();
// If the panel has already been created, remove the current origin
// class from the panel element.
if (panelRef && panelRef.panelEl) { panelRef.panelEl.removeClass(origin); }
// Set the panel element origin class based off of the current
// mdDirection.
origin = 'md-origin-' + scope.mdDirection;
// Create the position of the panel based off of the mdDirection.
position = TOOLTIP_DIRECTIONS[scope.mdDirection];
// Using the newly created position object, use the MdPanel
// panelPosition API to build the panel's position.
panelPosition = $mdPanel.newPanelPosition() .relativeTo(parent) .addPanelPosition(position.x, position.y);
// If the panel has already been created, add the new origin class to
// the panel element and update it's position with the panelPosition.
if (panelRef && panelRef.panelEl) { panelRef.panelEl.addClass(origin); panelRef.updatePosition(panelPosition); } }
function bindEvents() { // Add a mutationObserver where there is support for it and the need
// for it in the form of viable host(parent[0]).
if (parent[0] && 'MutationObserver' in $window) { // Use a mutationObserver to tackle #2602.
var attributeObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { if (isDisabledMutation(mutations)) { $mdUtil.nextTick(function() { setVisible(false); }); } });
attributeObserver.observe(parent[0], { attributes: true }); }
elementFocusedOnWindowBlur = false;
$$mdTooltipRegistry.register('scroll', windowScrollEventHandler, true); $$mdTooltipRegistry.register('blur', windowBlurEventHandler); $$mdTooltipRegistry.register('resize', debouncedOnResize);
scope.$on('$destroy', onDestroy);
// To avoid 'synthetic clicks', we listen to mousedown instead of
// 'click'.
parent.on('mousedown', mousedownEventHandler); parent.on(ENTER_EVENTS, enterEventHandler);
function isDisabledMutation(mutations) { mutations.some(function(mutation) { return mutation.attributeName === 'disabled' && parent[0].disabled; }); return false; }
function windowScrollEventHandler() { setVisible(false); }
function windowBlurEventHandler() { elementFocusedOnWindowBlur = document.activeElement === parent[0]; }
function enterEventHandler($event) { // Prevent the tooltip from showing when the window is receiving
// focus.
if ($event.type === 'focus' && elementFocusedOnWindowBlur) { elementFocusedOnWindowBlur = false; } else if (!scope.mdVisible) { parent.on(LEAVE_EVENTS, leaveEventHandler); setVisible(true);
// If the user is on a touch device, we should bind the tap away
// after the 'touched' in order to prevent the tooltip being
// removed immediately.
if ($event.type === 'touchstart') { parent.one('touchend', function() { $mdUtil.nextTick(function() { $document.one('touchend', leaveEventHandler); }, false); }); } } }
function leaveEventHandler() { autohide = scope.hasOwnProperty('mdAutohide') ? scope.mdAutohide : attr.hasOwnProperty('mdAutohide');
if (autohide || mouseActive || $document[0].activeElement !== parent[0]) { // When a show timeout is currently in progress, then we have
// to cancel it, otherwise the tooltip will remain showing
// without focus or hover.
if (showTimeout) { $timeout.cancel(showTimeout); setVisible.queued = false; showTimeout = null; }
parent.off(LEAVE_EVENTS, leaveEventHandler); parent.triggerHandler('blur'); setVisible(false); } mouseActive = false; }
function mousedownEventHandler() { mouseActive = true; }
function onDestroy() { $$mdTooltipRegistry.deregister('scroll', windowScrollEventHandler, true); $$mdTooltipRegistry.deregister('blur', windowBlurEventHandler); $$mdTooltipRegistry.deregister('resize', debouncedOnResize);
parent .off(ENTER_EVENTS, enterEventHandler) .off(LEAVE_EVENTS, leaveEventHandler) .off('mousedown', mousedownEventHandler);
// Trigger the handler in case any of the tooltips are
// still visible.
leaveEventHandler(); attributeObserver && attributeObserver.disconnect(); } }
function configureWatchers() { if (element[0] && 'MutationObserver' in $window) { var attributeObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { if (mutation.attributeName === 'md-visible' && !scope.visibleWatcher ) { scope.visibleWatcher = scope.$watch('mdVisible', onVisibleChanged); } }); });
attributeObserver.observe(element[0], { attributes: true });
// Build watcher only if mdVisible is being used.
if (attr.hasOwnProperty('mdVisible')) { scope.visibleWatcher = scope.$watch('mdVisible', onVisibleChanged); } } else { // MutationObserver not supported
scope.visibleWatcher = scope.$watch('mdVisible', onVisibleChanged); }
// Direction watcher
scope.$watch('mdDirection', updatePosition);
// Clean up if the element or parent was removed via jqLite's .remove.
// A couple of notes:
// - In these cases the scope might not have been destroyed, which
// is why we destroy it manually. An example of this can be having
// `md-visible="false"` and adding tooltips while they're
// invisible. If `md-visible` becomes true, at some point, you'd
// usually get a lot of tooltips.
// - We use `.one`, not `.on`, because this only needs to fire once.
// If we were using `.on`, it would get thrown into an infinite
// loop.
// - This kicks off the scope's `$destroy` event which finishes the
// cleanup.
element.one('$destroy', onElementDestroy); parent.one('$destroy', onElementDestroy); scope.$on('$destroy', function() { setVisible(false); panelRef && panelRef.destroy(); attributeObserver && attributeObserver.disconnect(); element.remove(); });
// Updates the aria-label when the element text changes. This watch
// doesn't need to be set up if the element doesn't have any data
// bindings.
if (element.text().indexOf($interpolate.startSymbol()) > -1) { scope.$watch(function() { return element.text().trim(); }, addAriaLabel); }
function onElementDestroy() { scope.$destroy(); } }
function setVisible(value) { // Break if passed value is already in queue or there is no queue and
// passed value is current in the controller.
if (setVisible.queued && setVisible.value === !!value || !setVisible.queued && scope.mdVisible === !!value) { return; } setVisible.value = !!value;
if (!setVisible.queued) { if (value) { setVisible.queued = true; showTimeout = $timeout(function() { scope.mdVisible = setVisible.value; setVisible.queued = false; showTimeout = null; if (!scope.visibleWatcher) { onVisibleChanged(scope.mdVisible); } }, scope.mdDelay); } else { $mdUtil.nextTick(function() { scope.mdVisible = false; if (!scope.visibleWatcher) { onVisibleChanged(false); } }); } } }
function onVisibleChanged(isVisible) { isVisible ? showTooltip() : hideTooltip(); }
function showTooltip() { // Do not show the tooltip if the text is empty.
if (!element[0].textContent.trim()) { throw new Error('Text for the tooltip has not been provided. ' + 'Please include text within the mdTooltip element.'); }
if (!panelRef) { var id = 'tooltip-' + $mdUtil.nextUid(); var attachTo = angular.element(document.body); var panelAnimation = $mdPanel.newPanelAnimation() .openFrom(parent) .closeTo(parent) .withAnimation({ open: 'md-show', close: 'md-hide' });
var panelConfig = { id: id, attachTo: attachTo, contentElement: element, propagateContainerEvents: true, panelClass: 'md-tooltip ' + origin, animation: panelAnimation, position: panelPosition, zIndex: scope.mdZIndex, focusOnOpen: false };
panelRef = $mdPanel.create(panelConfig); }
panelRef.open().then(function() { panelRef.panelEl.attr('role', 'tooltip'); }); }
function hideTooltip() { panelRef && panelRef.close(); } }
/** * Service that is used to reduce the amount of listeners that are being * registered on the `window` by the tooltip component. Works by collecting * the individual event handlers and dispatching them from a global handler. * * ngInject */ function MdTooltipRegistry() { var listeners = {}; var ngWindow = angular.element(window);
return { register: register, deregister: deregister };
/** * Global event handler that dispatches the registered handlers in the * service. * @param {!Event} event Event object passed in by the browser */ function globalEventHandler(event) { if (listeners[event.type]) { listeners[event.type].forEach(function(currentHandler) { currentHandler.call(this, event); }, this); } }
/** * Registers a new handler with the service. * @param {string} type Type of event to be registered. * @param {!Function} handler Event handler. * @param {boolean} useCapture Whether to use event capturing. */ function register(type, handler, useCapture) { var handlers = listeners[type] = listeners[type] || [];
if (!handlers.length) { useCapture ? window.addEventListener(type, globalEventHandler, true) : ngWindow.on(type, globalEventHandler); }
if (handlers.indexOf(handler) === -1) { handlers.push(handler); } }
/** * Removes an event handler from the service. * @param {string} type Type of event handler. * @param {!Function} handler The event handler itself. * @param {boolean} useCapture Whether the event handler used event capturing. */ function deregister(type, handler, useCapture) { var handlers = listeners[type]; var index = handlers ? handlers.indexOf(handler) : -1;
if (index > -1) { handlers.splice(index, 1);
if (handlers.length === 0) { useCapture ? window.removeEventListener(type, globalEventHandler, true) : ngWindow.off(type, globalEventHandler); } } } }
ngmaterial.components.tooltip = angular.module("material.components.tooltip");