/*! * Angular Material Design * https://github.com/angular/material
* @license MIT * v1.1.3 */ (function( window, angular, undefined ){ "use strict";
/** * @ngdoc module * @name material.components.toolbar */ mdToolbarDirective['$inject'] = ["$$rAF", "$mdConstant", "$mdUtil", "$mdTheming", "$animate"]; angular.module('material.components.toolbar', [ 'material.core', 'material.components.content' ]) .directive('mdToolbar', mdToolbarDirective);
/** * @ngdoc directive * @name mdToolbar * @module material.components.toolbar * @restrict E * @description * `md-toolbar` is used to place a toolbar in your app. * * Toolbars are usually used above a content area to display the title of the * current page, and show relevant action buttons for that page. * * You can change the height of the toolbar by adding either the * `md-medium-tall` or `md-tall` class to the toolbar. * * @usage * <hljs lang="html"> * <div layout="column" layout-fill> * <md-toolbar> * * <div class="md-toolbar-tools"> * <h2 md-truncate flex>My App's Title</h2> * * <md-button> * Right Bar Button * </md-button> * </div> * * </md-toolbar> * <md-content> * Hello! * </md-content> * </div> * </hljs> * * <i><b>Note:</b> The code above shows usage with the `md-truncate` component which provides an * ellipsis if the title is longer than the width of the Toolbar.</i> * * ## CSS & Styles * * The `<md-toolbar>` provides a few custom CSS classes that you may use to enhance the * functionality of your toolbar. * * <div> * <docs-css-api-table> * * <docs-css-selector code="md-toolbar .md-toolbar-tools"> * The `md-toolbar-tools` class provides quite a bit of automatic styling for your toolbar * buttons and text. When applied, it will center the buttons and text vertically for you. * </docs-css-selector> * * </docs-css-api-table> * </div> * * ### Private Classes * * Currently, the only private class is the `md-toolbar-transitions` class. All other classes are * considered public. * * @param {boolean=} md-scroll-shrink Whether the header should shrink away as * the user scrolls down, and reveal itself as the user scrolls up. * * _**Note (1):** for scrollShrink to work, the toolbar must be a sibling of a * `md-content` element, placed before it. See the scroll shrink demo._ * * _**Note (2):** The `md-scroll-shrink` attribute is only parsed on component * initialization, it does not watch for scope changes._ * * * @param {number=} md-shrink-speed-factor How much to change the speed of the toolbar's * shrinking by. For example, if 0.25 is given then the toolbar will shrink * at one fourth the rate at which the user scrolls down. Default 0.5. * */
function mdToolbarDirective($$rAF, $mdConstant, $mdUtil, $mdTheming, $animate) { var translateY = angular.bind(null, $mdUtil.supplant, 'translate3d(0,{0}px,0)');
return { template: '', restrict: 'E',
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
element.addClass('_md'); // private md component indicator for styling
$mdUtil.nextTick(function () { element.addClass('_md-toolbar-transitions'); // adding toolbar transitions after digest
}, false);
if (angular.isDefined(attr.mdScrollShrink)) { setupScrollShrink(); }
function setupScrollShrink() {
var toolbarHeight; var contentElement; var disableScrollShrink = angular.noop;
// Current "y" position of scroll
// Store the last scroll top position
var y = 0; var prevScrollTop = 0; var shrinkSpeedFactor = attr.mdShrinkSpeedFactor || 0.5;
var debouncedContentScroll = $$rAF.throttle(onContentScroll); var debouncedUpdateHeight = $mdUtil.debounce(updateToolbarHeight, 5 * 1000);
// Wait for $mdContentLoaded event from mdContent directive.
// If the mdContent element is a sibling of our toolbar, hook it up
// to scroll events.
scope.$on('$mdContentLoaded', onMdContentLoad);
// If the toolbar is used inside an ng-if statement, we may miss the
// $mdContentLoaded event, so we attempt to fake it if we have a
// md-content close enough.
attr.$observe('mdScrollShrink', onChangeScrollShrink);
// If the toolbar has ngShow or ngHide we need to update height immediately as it changed
// and not wait for $mdUtil.debounce to happen
if (attr.ngShow) { scope.$watch(attr.ngShow, updateToolbarHeight); } if (attr.ngHide) { scope.$watch(attr.ngHide, updateToolbarHeight); }
// If the scope is destroyed (which could happen with ng-if), make sure
// to disable scroll shrinking again
scope.$on('$destroy', disableScrollShrink);
/** * */ function onChangeScrollShrink(shrinkWithScroll) { var closestContent = element.parent().find('md-content');
// If we have a content element, fake the call; this might still fail
// if the content element isn't a sibling of the toolbar
if (!contentElement && closestContent.length) { onMdContentLoad(null, closestContent); }
// Evaluate the expression
shrinkWithScroll = scope.$eval(shrinkWithScroll);
// Disable only if the attribute's expression evaluates to false
if (shrinkWithScroll === false) { disableScrollShrink(); } else { disableScrollShrink = enableScrollShrink(); } }
/** * */ function onMdContentLoad($event, newContentEl) { // Toolbar and content must be siblings
if (newContentEl && element.parent()[0] === newContentEl.parent()[0]) { // unhook old content event listener if exists
if (contentElement) { contentElement.off('scroll', debouncedContentScroll); }
contentElement = newContentEl; disableScrollShrink = enableScrollShrink(); } }
/** * */ function onContentScroll(e) { var scrollTop = e ? e.target.scrollTop : prevScrollTop;
y = Math.min( toolbarHeight / shrinkSpeedFactor, Math.max(0, y + scrollTop - prevScrollTop) );
element.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM, translateY([-y * shrinkSpeedFactor])); contentElement.css($mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM, translateY([(toolbarHeight - y) * shrinkSpeedFactor]));
prevScrollTop = scrollTop;
$mdUtil.nextTick(function() { var hasWhiteFrame = element.hasClass('md-whiteframe-z1');
if (hasWhiteFrame && !y) { $animate.removeClass(element, 'md-whiteframe-z1'); } else if (!hasWhiteFrame && y) { $animate.addClass(element, 'md-whiteframe-z1'); } });
/** * */ function enableScrollShrink() { if (!contentElement) return angular.noop; // no md-content
contentElement.on('scroll', debouncedContentScroll); contentElement.attr('scroll-shrink', 'true');
$mdUtil.nextTick(updateToolbarHeight, false);
return function disableScrollShrink() { contentElement.off('scroll', debouncedContentScroll); contentElement.attr('scroll-shrink', 'false');
updateToolbarHeight(); }; }
/** * */ function updateToolbarHeight() { toolbarHeight = element.prop('offsetHeight'); // Add a negative margin-top the size of the toolbar to the content el.
// The content will start transformed down the toolbarHeight amount,
// so everything looks normal.
// As the user scrolls down, the content will be transformed up slowly
// to put the content underneath where the toolbar was.
var margin = (-toolbarHeight * shrinkSpeedFactor) + 'px';
contentElement.css({ "margin-top": margin, "margin-bottom": margin });
onContentScroll(); }
} };
})(window, window.angular);