/*! * Angular Material Design * https://github.com/angular/material
* @license MIT * v1.1.3 */ (function( window, angular, undefined ){ "use strict";
/** * @ngdoc module * @name material.components.select */
### TODO - POST RC1 ### - [ ] Abstract placement logic in $mdSelect service to $mdMenu service
SelectDirective['$inject'] = ["$mdSelect", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$mdAria", "$parse", "$sce", "$injector"]; SelectMenuDirective['$inject'] = ["$parse", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming"]; OptionDirective['$inject'] = ["$mdButtonInkRipple", "$mdUtil"]; SelectProvider['$inject'] = ["$$interimElementProvider"]; var SELECT_EDGE_MARGIN = 8; var selectNextId = 0; var CHECKBOX_SELECTION_INDICATOR = angular.element('<div class="md-container"><div class="md-icon"></div></div>');
angular.module('material.components.select', [ 'material.core', 'material.components.backdrop' ]) .directive('mdSelect', SelectDirective) .directive('mdSelectMenu', SelectMenuDirective) .directive('mdOption', OptionDirective) .directive('mdOptgroup', OptgroupDirective) .directive('mdSelectHeader', SelectHeaderDirective) .provider('$mdSelect', SelectProvider);
/** * @ngdoc directive * @name mdSelect * @restrict E * @module material.components.select * * @description Displays a select box, bound to an ng-model. * * When the select is required and uses a floating label, then the label will automatically contain * an asterisk (`*`). This behavior can be disabled by using the `md-no-asterisk` attribute. * * By default, the select will display with an underline to match other form elements. This can be * disabled by applying the `md-no-underline` CSS class. * * ### Option Params * * When applied, `md-option-empty` will mark the option as "empty" allowing the option to clear the * select and put it back in it's default state. You may supply this attribute on any option you * wish, however, it is automatically applied to an option whose `value` or `ng-value` are not * defined. * * **Automatically Applied** * * - `<md-option>` * - `<md-option value>` * - `<md-option value="">` * - `<md-option ng-value>` * - `<md-option ng-value="">` * * **NOT Automatically Applied** * * - `<md-option ng-value="1">` * - `<md-option ng-value="''">` * - `<md-option ng-value="undefined">` * - `<md-option value="undefined">` (this evaluates to the string `"undefined"`) * - <code ng-non-bindable><md-option ng-value="{{someValueThatMightBeUndefined}}"></code> * * **Note:** A value of `undefined` ***is considered a valid value*** (and does not auto-apply this * attribute) since you may wish this to be your "Not Available" or "None" option. * * **Note:** Using the `value` attribute (as opposed to `ng-value`) always evaluates to a string, so * `value="null"` will require the test `ng-if="myValue != 'null'"` rather than `ng-if="!myValue"`. * * @param {expression} ng-model The model! * @param {boolean=} multiple When set to true, allows for more than one option to be selected. The model is an array with the selected choices. * @param {expression=} md-on-close Expression to be evaluated when the select is closed. * @param {expression=} md-on-open Expression to be evaluated when opening the select. * Will hide the select options and show a spinner until the evaluated promise resolves. * @param {expression=} md-selected-text Expression to be evaluated that will return a string * to be displayed as a placeholder in the select input box when it is closed. The value * will be treated as *text* (not html). * @param {expression=} md-selected-html Expression to be evaluated that will return a string * to be displayed as a placeholder in the select input box when it is closed. The value * will be treated as *html*. The value must either be explicitly marked as trustedHtml or * the ngSanitize module must be loaded. * @param {string=} placeholder Placeholder hint text. * @param md-no-asterisk {boolean=} When set to true, an asterisk will not be appended to the * floating label. **Note:** This attribute is only evaluated once; it is not watched. * @param {string=} aria-label Optional label for accessibility. Only necessary if no placeholder or * explicit label is present. * @param {string=} md-container-class Class list to get applied to the `.md-select-menu-container` * element (for custom styling). * * @usage * With a placeholder (label and aria-label are added dynamically) * <hljs lang="html"> * <md-input-container> * <md-select * ng-model="someModel" * placeholder="Select a state"> * <md-option ng-value="opt" ng-repeat="opt in neighborhoods2">{{ opt }}</md-option> * </md-select> * </md-input-container> * </hljs> * * With an explicit label * <hljs lang="html"> * <md-input-container> * <label>State</label> * <md-select * ng-model="someModel"> * <md-option ng-value="opt" ng-repeat="opt in neighborhoods2">{{ opt }}</md-option> * </md-select> * </md-input-container> * </hljs> * * With a select-header * * When a developer needs to put more than just a text label in the * md-select-menu, they should use the md-select-header. * The user can put custom HTML inside of the header and style it to their liking. * One common use case of this would be a sticky search bar. * * When using the md-select-header the labels that would previously be added to the * OptGroupDirective are ignored. * * <hljs lang="html"> * <md-input-container> * <md-select ng-model="someModel"> * <md-select-header> * <span> Neighborhoods - </span> * </md-select-header> * <md-option ng-value="opt" ng-repeat="opt in neighborhoods2">{{ opt }}</md-option> * </md-select> * </md-input-container> * </hljs> * * ## Selects and object equality * When using a `md-select` to pick from a list of objects, it is important to realize how javascript handles * equality. Consider the following example: * <hljs lang="js"> * angular.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) { * $scope.users = [ * { id: 1, name: 'Bob' }, * { id: 2, name: 'Alice' }, * { id: 3, name: 'Steve' } * ]; * $scope.selectedUser = { id: 1, name: 'Bob' }; * }); * </hljs> * <hljs lang="html"> * <div ng-controller="MyCtrl"> * <md-select ng-model="selectedUser"> * <md-option ng-value="user" ng-repeat="user in users">{{ user.name }}</md-option> * </md-select> * </div> * </hljs> * * At first one might expect that the select should be populated with "Bob" as the selected user. However, * this is not true. To determine whether something is selected, * `ngModelController` is looking at whether `$scope.selectedUser == (any user in $scope.users);`; * * Javascript's `==` operator does not check for deep equality (ie. that all properties * on the object are the same), but instead whether the objects are *the same object in memory*. * In this case, we have two instances of identical objects, but they exist in memory as unique * entities. Because of this, the select will have no value populated for a selected user. * * To get around this, `ngModelController` provides a `track by` option that allows us to specify a different * expression which will be used for the equality operator. As such, we can update our `html` to * make use of this by specifying the `ng-model-options="{trackBy: '$value.id'}"` on the `md-select` * element. This converts our equality expression to be * `$scope.selectedUser.id == (any id in $scope.users.map(function(u) { return u.id; }));` * which results in Bob being selected as desired. * * Working HTML: * <hljs lang="html"> * <div ng-controller="MyCtrl"> * <md-select ng-model="selectedUser" ng-model-options="{trackBy: '$value.id'}"> * <md-option ng-value="user" ng-repeat="user in users">{{ user.name }}</md-option> * </md-select> * </div> * </hljs> */ function SelectDirective($mdSelect, $mdUtil, $mdConstant, $mdTheming, $mdAria, $parse, $sce, $injector) { var keyCodes = $mdConstant.KEY_CODE; var NAVIGATION_KEYS = [keyCodes.SPACE, keyCodes.ENTER, keyCodes.UP_ARROW, keyCodes.DOWN_ARROW];
return { restrict: 'E', require: ['^?mdInputContainer', 'mdSelect', 'ngModel', '?^form'], compile: compile, controller: function() { } // empty placeholder controller to be initialized in link
function compile(element, attr) { // add the select value that will hold our placeholder or selected option value
var valueEl = angular.element('<md-select-value><span></span></md-select-value>'); valueEl.append('<span class="md-select-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>'); valueEl.addClass('md-select-value'); if (!valueEl[0].hasAttribute('id')) { valueEl.attr('id', 'select_value_label_' + $mdUtil.nextUid()); }
// There's got to be an md-content inside. If there's not one, let's add it.
if (!element.find('md-content').length) { element.append(angular.element('<md-content>').append(element.contents())); }
// Add progress spinner for md-options-loading
if (attr.mdOnOpen) {
// Show progress indicator while loading async
// Use ng-hide for `display:none` so the indicator does not interfere with the options list
element .find('md-content') .prepend(angular.element( '<div>' + ' <md-progress-circular md-mode="indeterminate" ng-if="$$loadingAsyncDone === false" md-diameter="25px"></md-progress-circular>' + '</div>' ));
// Hide list [of item options] while loading async
element .find('md-option') .attr('ng-show', '$$loadingAsyncDone'); }
if (attr.name) { var autofillClone = angular.element('<select class="md-visually-hidden">'); autofillClone.attr({ 'name': attr.name, 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'tabindex': '-1' }); var opts = element.find('md-option'); angular.forEach(opts, function(el) { var newEl = angular.element('<option>' + el.innerHTML + '</option>'); if (el.hasAttribute('ng-value')) newEl.attr('ng-value', el.getAttribute('ng-value')); else if (el.hasAttribute('value')) newEl.attr('value', el.getAttribute('value')); autofillClone.append(newEl); });
// Adds an extra option that will hold the selected value for the
// cases where the select is a part of a non-angular form. This can be done with a ng-model,
// however if the `md-option` is being `ng-repeat`-ed, Angular seems to insert a similar
// `option` node, but with a value of `? string: <value> ?` which would then get submitted.
// This also goes around having to prepend a dot to the name attribute.
autofillClone.append( '<option ng-value="' + attr.ngModel + '" selected></option>' );
element.parent().append(autofillClone); }
var isMultiple = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean(attr.multiple);
// Use everything that's left inside element.contents() as the contents of the menu
var multipleContent = isMultiple ? 'multiple' : ''; var selectTemplate = '' + '<div class="md-select-menu-container" aria-hidden="true">' + '<md-select-menu {0}>{1}</md-select-menu>' + '</div>';
selectTemplate = $mdUtil.supplant(selectTemplate, [multipleContent, element.html()]); element.empty().append(valueEl); element.append(selectTemplate);
if(!attr.tabindex){ attr.$set('tabindex', 0); }
return function postLink(scope, element, attr, ctrls) { var untouched = true; var isDisabled, ariaLabelBase;
var containerCtrl = ctrls[0]; var mdSelectCtrl = ctrls[1]; var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[2]; var formCtrl = ctrls[3]; // grab a reference to the select menu value label
var valueEl = element.find('md-select-value'); var isReadonly = angular.isDefined(attr.readonly); var disableAsterisk = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean(attr.mdNoAsterisk);
if (disableAsterisk) { element.addClass('md-no-asterisk'); }
if (containerCtrl) { var isErrorGetter = containerCtrl.isErrorGetter || function() { return ngModelCtrl.$invalid && (ngModelCtrl.$touched || (formCtrl && formCtrl.$submitted)); };
if (containerCtrl.input) { // We ignore inputs that are in the md-select-header (one
// case where this might be useful would be adding as searchbox)
if (element.find('md-select-header').find('input')[0] !== containerCtrl.input[0]) { throw new Error("<md-input-container> can only have *one* child <input>, <textarea> or <select> element!"); } }
containerCtrl.input = element; if (!containerCtrl.label) { $mdAria.expect(element, 'aria-label', element.attr('placeholder')); }
scope.$watch(isErrorGetter, containerCtrl.setInvalid); }
var selectContainer, selectScope, selectMenuCtrl;
findSelectContainer(); $mdTheming(element);
if (formCtrl && angular.isDefined(attr.multiple)) { $mdUtil.nextTick(function() { var hasModelValue = ngModelCtrl.$modelValue || ngModelCtrl.$viewValue; if (hasModelValue) { formCtrl.$setPristine(); } }); }
var originalRender = ngModelCtrl.$render; ngModelCtrl.$render = function() { originalRender(); syncLabelText(); syncAriaLabel(); inputCheckValue(); };
attr.$observe('placeholder', ngModelCtrl.$render);
if (containerCtrl && containerCtrl.label) { attr.$observe('required', function (value) { // Toggle the md-required class on the input containers label, because the input container is automatically
// applying the asterisk indicator on the label.
containerCtrl.label.toggleClass('md-required', value && !disableAsterisk); }); }
mdSelectCtrl.setLabelText = function(text) { mdSelectCtrl.setIsPlaceholder(!text);
// Whether the select label has been given via user content rather than the internal
// template of <md-option>
var isSelectLabelFromUser = false;
if (attr.mdSelectedText && attr.mdSelectedHtml) { throw Error('md-select cannot have both `md-selected-text` and `md-selected-html`'); }
if (attr.mdSelectedText || attr.mdSelectedHtml) { text = $parse(attr.mdSelectedText || attr.mdSelectedHtml)(scope); isSelectLabelFromUser = true; } else if (!text) { // Use placeholder attribute, otherwise fallback to the md-input-container label
var tmpPlaceholder = attr.placeholder || (containerCtrl && containerCtrl.label ? containerCtrl.label.text() : '');
text = tmpPlaceholder || ''; isSelectLabelFromUser = true; }
var target = valueEl.children().eq(0);
if (attr.mdSelectedHtml) { // Using getTrustedHtml will run the content through $sanitize if it is not already
// explicitly trusted. If the ngSanitize module is not loaded, this will
// *correctly* throw an sce error.
target.html($sce.getTrustedHtml(text)); } else if (isSelectLabelFromUser) { target.text(text); } else { // If we've reached this point, the text is not user-provided.
target.html(text); } };
mdSelectCtrl.setIsPlaceholder = function(isPlaceholder) { if (isPlaceholder) { valueEl.addClass('md-select-placeholder'); if (containerCtrl && containerCtrl.label) { containerCtrl.label.addClass('md-placeholder'); } } else { valueEl.removeClass('md-select-placeholder'); if (containerCtrl && containerCtrl.label) { containerCtrl.label.removeClass('md-placeholder'); } } };
if (!isReadonly) { element .on('focus', function(ev) { // Always focus the container (if we have one) so floating labels and other styles are
// applied properly
containerCtrl && containerCtrl.setFocused(true); });
// Attach before ngModel's blur listener to stop propagation of blur event
// to prevent from setting $touched.
element.on('blur', function(event) { if (untouched) { untouched = false; if (selectScope._mdSelectIsOpen) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } }
if (selectScope._mdSelectIsOpen) return; containerCtrl && containerCtrl.setFocused(false); inputCheckValue(); }); }
mdSelectCtrl.triggerClose = function() { $parse(attr.mdOnClose)(scope); };
scope.$$postDigest(function() { initAriaLabel(); syncLabelText(); syncAriaLabel(); });
function initAriaLabel() { var labelText = element.attr('aria-label') || element.attr('placeholder'); if (!labelText && containerCtrl && containerCtrl.label) { labelText = containerCtrl.label.text(); } ariaLabelBase = labelText; $mdAria.expect(element, 'aria-label', labelText); }
scope.$watch(function() { return selectMenuCtrl.selectedLabels(); }, syncLabelText);
function syncLabelText() { if (selectContainer) { selectMenuCtrl = selectMenuCtrl || selectContainer.find('md-select-menu').controller('mdSelectMenu'); mdSelectCtrl.setLabelText(selectMenuCtrl.selectedLabels()); } }
function syncAriaLabel() { if (!ariaLabelBase) return; var ariaLabels = selectMenuCtrl.selectedLabels({mode: 'aria'}); element.attr('aria-label', ariaLabels.length ? ariaLabelBase + ': ' + ariaLabels : ariaLabelBase); }
var deregisterWatcher; attr.$observe('ngMultiple', function(val) { if (deregisterWatcher) deregisterWatcher(); var parser = $parse(val); deregisterWatcher = scope.$watch(function() { return parser(scope); }, function(multiple, prevVal) { if (multiple === undefined && prevVal === undefined) return; // assume compiler did a good job
if (multiple) { element.attr('multiple', 'multiple'); } else { element.removeAttr('multiple'); } element.attr('aria-multiselectable', multiple ? 'true' : 'false'); if (selectContainer) { selectMenuCtrl.setMultiple(multiple); originalRender = ngModelCtrl.$render; ngModelCtrl.$render = function() { originalRender(); syncLabelText(); syncAriaLabel(); inputCheckValue(); }; ngModelCtrl.$render(); } }); });
attr.$observe('disabled', function(disabled) { if (angular.isString(disabled)) { disabled = true; } // Prevent click event being registered twice
if (isDisabled !== undefined && isDisabled === disabled) { return; } isDisabled = disabled; if (disabled) { element .attr({'aria-disabled': 'true'}) .removeAttr('tabindex') .off('click', openSelect) .off('keydown', handleKeypress); } else { element .attr({'tabindex': attr.tabindex, 'aria-disabled': 'false'}) .on('click', openSelect) .on('keydown', handleKeypress); } });
if (!attr.hasOwnProperty('disabled') && !attr.hasOwnProperty('ngDisabled')) { element.attr({'aria-disabled': 'false'}); element.on('click', openSelect); element.on('keydown', handleKeypress); }
var ariaAttrs = { role: 'listbox', 'aria-expanded': 'false', 'aria-multiselectable': isMultiple && !attr.ngMultiple ? 'true' : 'false' };
if (!element[0].hasAttribute('id')) { ariaAttrs.id = 'select_' + $mdUtil.nextUid(); }
var containerId = 'select_container_' + $mdUtil.nextUid(); selectContainer.attr('id', containerId); ariaAttrs['aria-owns'] = containerId; element.attr(ariaAttrs);
scope.$on('$destroy', function() { $mdSelect .destroy() .finally(function() { if (containerCtrl) { containerCtrl.setFocused(false); containerCtrl.setHasValue(false); containerCtrl.input = null; } ngModelCtrl.$setTouched(); }); });
function inputCheckValue() { // The select counts as having a value if one or more options are selected,
// or if the input's validity state says it has bad input (eg string in a number input)
containerCtrl && containerCtrl.setHasValue(selectMenuCtrl.selectedLabels().length > 0 || (element[0].validity || {}).badInput); }
function findSelectContainer() { selectContainer = angular.element( element[0].querySelector('.md-select-menu-container') ); selectScope = scope; if (attr.mdContainerClass) { var value = selectContainer[0].getAttribute('class') + ' ' + attr.mdContainerClass; selectContainer[0].setAttribute('class', value); } selectMenuCtrl = selectContainer.find('md-select-menu').controller('mdSelectMenu'); selectMenuCtrl.init(ngModelCtrl, attr.ngModel); element.on('$destroy', function() { selectContainer.remove(); }); }
function handleKeypress(e) { if ($mdConstant.isNavigationKey(e)) { // prevent page scrolling on interaction
e.preventDefault(); openSelect(e); } else { if ($mdConstant.isInputKey(e) || $mdConstant.isNumPadKey(e)) { e.preventDefault();
var node = selectMenuCtrl.optNodeForKeyboardSearch(e); if (!node || node.hasAttribute('disabled')) return; var optionCtrl = angular.element(node).controller('mdOption'); if (!selectMenuCtrl.isMultiple) { selectMenuCtrl.deselect(Object.keys(selectMenuCtrl.selected)[0]); } selectMenuCtrl.select(optionCtrl.hashKey, optionCtrl.value); selectMenuCtrl.refreshViewValue(); } } }
function openSelect() { selectScope._mdSelectIsOpen = true; element.attr('aria-expanded', 'true');
$mdSelect.show({ scope: selectScope, preserveScope: true, skipCompile: true, element: selectContainer, target: element[0], selectCtrl: mdSelectCtrl, preserveElement: true, hasBackdrop: true, loadingAsync: attr.mdOnOpen ? scope.$eval(attr.mdOnOpen) || true : false }).finally(function() { selectScope._mdSelectIsOpen = false; element.focus(); element.attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); ngModelCtrl.$setTouched(); }); }
}; } }
function SelectMenuDirective($parse, $mdUtil, $mdConstant, $mdTheming) { // We want the scope to be set to 'false' so an isolated scope is not created
// which would interfere with the md-select-header's access to the
// parent scope.
SelectMenuController['$inject'] = ["$scope", "$attrs", "$element"]; return { restrict: 'E', require: ['mdSelectMenu'], scope: false, controller: SelectMenuController, link: {pre: preLink} };
// We use preLink instead of postLink to ensure that the select is initialized before
// its child options run postLink.
function preLink(scope, element, attr, ctrls) { var selectCtrl = ctrls[0];
element.addClass('_md'); // private md component indicator for styling
$mdTheming(element); element.on('click', clickListener); element.on('keypress', keyListener);
function keyListener(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) { clickListener(e); } }
function clickListener(ev) { var option = $mdUtil.getClosest(ev.target, 'md-option'); var optionCtrl = option && angular.element(option).data('$mdOptionController'); if (!option || !optionCtrl) return; if (option.hasAttribute('disabled')) { ev.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; }
var optionHashKey = selectCtrl.hashGetter(optionCtrl.value); var isSelected = angular.isDefined(selectCtrl.selected[optionHashKey]);
scope.$apply(function() { if (selectCtrl.isMultiple) { if (isSelected) { selectCtrl.deselect(optionHashKey); } else { selectCtrl.select(optionHashKey, optionCtrl.value); } } else { if (!isSelected) { selectCtrl.deselect(Object.keys(selectCtrl.selected)[0]); selectCtrl.select(optionHashKey, optionCtrl.value); } } selectCtrl.refreshViewValue(); }); } }
function SelectMenuController($scope, $attrs, $element) { var self = this; self.isMultiple = angular.isDefined($attrs.multiple); // selected is an object with keys matching all of the selected options' hashed values
self.selected = {}; // options is an object with keys matching every option's hash value,
// and values matching every option's controller.
self.options = {};
$scope.$watchCollection(function() { return self.options; }, function() { self.ngModel.$render(); });
var deregisterCollectionWatch; var defaultIsEmpty; self.setMultiple = function(isMultiple) { var ngModel = self.ngModel; defaultIsEmpty = defaultIsEmpty || ngModel.$isEmpty;
self.isMultiple = isMultiple; if (deregisterCollectionWatch) deregisterCollectionWatch();
if (self.isMultiple) { ngModel.$validators['md-multiple'] = validateArray; ngModel.$render = renderMultiple;
// watchCollection on the model because by default ngModel only watches the model's
// reference. This allowed the developer to also push and pop from their array.
$scope.$watchCollection(self.modelBinding, function(value) { if (validateArray(value)) renderMultiple(value); self.ngModel.$setPristine(); });
ngModel.$isEmpty = function(value) { return !value || value.length === 0; }; } else { delete ngModel.$validators['md-multiple']; ngModel.$render = renderSingular; }
function validateArray(modelValue, viewValue) { // If a value is truthy but not an array, reject it.
// If value is undefined/falsy, accept that it's an empty array.
return angular.isArray(modelValue || viewValue || []); } };
var searchStr = ''; var clearSearchTimeout, optNodes, optText; var CLEAR_SEARCH_AFTER = 300;
self.optNodeForKeyboardSearch = function(e) { clearSearchTimeout && clearTimeout(clearSearchTimeout); clearSearchTimeout = setTimeout(function() { clearSearchTimeout = undefined; searchStr = ''; optText = undefined; optNodes = undefined; }, CLEAR_SEARCH_AFTER);
// Support 1-9 on numpad
var keyCode = e.keyCode - ($mdConstant.isNumPadKey(e) ? 48 : 0);
searchStr += String.fromCharCode(keyCode); var search = new RegExp('^' + searchStr, 'i'); if (!optNodes) { optNodes = $element.find('md-option'); optText = new Array(optNodes.length); angular.forEach(optNodes, function(el, i) { optText[i] = el.textContent.trim(); }); } for (var i = 0; i < optText.length; ++i) { if (search.test(optText[i])) { return optNodes[i]; } } };
self.init = function(ngModel, binding) { self.ngModel = ngModel; self.modelBinding = binding;
// Setup a more robust version of isEmpty to ensure value is a valid option
self.ngModel.$isEmpty = function($viewValue) { // We have to transform the viewValue into the hashKey, because otherwise the
// OptionCtrl may not exist. Developers may have specified a trackBy function.
return !self.options[self.hashGetter($viewValue)]; };
// Allow users to provide `ng-model="foo" ng-model-options="{trackBy: 'foo.id'}"` so
// that we can properly compare objects set on the model to the available options
var trackByOption = $mdUtil.getModelOption(ngModel, 'trackBy');
if (trackByOption) { var trackByLocals = {}; var trackByParsed = $parse(trackByOption); self.hashGetter = function(value, valueScope) { trackByLocals.$value = value; return trackByParsed(valueScope || $scope, trackByLocals); }; // If the user doesn't provide a trackBy, we automatically generate an id for every
// value passed in
} else { self.hashGetter = function getHashValue(value) { if (angular.isObject(value)) { return 'object_' + (value.$$mdSelectId || (value.$$mdSelectId = ++selectNextId)); } return value; }; } self.setMultiple(self.isMultiple); };
self.selectedLabels = function(opts) { opts = opts || {}; var mode = opts.mode || 'html'; var selectedOptionEls = $mdUtil.nodesToArray($element[0].querySelectorAll('md-option[selected]')); if (selectedOptionEls.length) { var mapFn;
if (mode == 'html') { // Map the given element to its innerHTML string. If the element has a child ripple
// container remove it from the HTML string, before returning the string.
mapFn = function(el) { // If we do not have a `value` or `ng-value`, assume it is an empty option which clears the select
if (el.hasAttribute('md-option-empty')) { return ''; }
var html = el.innerHTML;
// Remove the ripple container from the selected option, copying it would cause a CSP violation.
var rippleContainer = el.querySelector('.md-ripple-container'); if (rippleContainer) { html = html.replace(rippleContainer.outerHTML, ''); }
// Remove the checkbox container, because it will cause the label to wrap inside of the placeholder.
// It should be not displayed inside of the label element.
var checkboxContainer = el.querySelector('.md-container'); if (checkboxContainer) { html = html.replace(checkboxContainer.outerHTML, ''); }
return html; }; } else if (mode == 'aria') { mapFn = function(el) { return el.hasAttribute('aria-label') ? el.getAttribute('aria-label') : el.textContent; }; }
// Ensure there are no duplicates; see https://github.com/angular/material/issues/9442
return $mdUtil.uniq(selectedOptionEls.map(mapFn)).join(', '); } else { return ''; } };
self.select = function(hashKey, hashedValue) { var option = self.options[hashKey]; option && option.setSelected(true); self.selected[hashKey] = hashedValue; }; self.deselect = function(hashKey) { var option = self.options[hashKey]; option && option.setSelected(false); delete self.selected[hashKey]; };
self.addOption = function(hashKey, optionCtrl) { if (angular.isDefined(self.options[hashKey])) { throw new Error('Duplicate md-option values are not allowed in a select. ' + 'Duplicate value "' + optionCtrl.value + '" found.'); }
self.options[hashKey] = optionCtrl;
// If this option's value was already in our ngModel, go ahead and select it.
if (angular.isDefined(self.selected[hashKey])) { self.select(hashKey, optionCtrl.value);
// When the current $modelValue of the ngModel Controller is using the same hash as
// the current option, which will be added, then we can be sure, that the validation
// of the option has occurred before the option was added properly.
// This means, that we have to manually trigger a new validation of the current option.
if (angular.isDefined(self.ngModel.$modelValue) && self.hashGetter(self.ngModel.$modelValue) === hashKey) { self.ngModel.$validate(); }
self.refreshViewValue(); } }; self.removeOption = function(hashKey) { delete self.options[hashKey]; // Don't deselect an option when it's removed - the user's ngModel should be allowed
// to have values that do not match a currently available option.
self.refreshViewValue = function() { var values = []; var option; for (var hashKey in self.selected) { // If this hashKey has an associated option, push that option's value to the model.
if ((option = self.options[hashKey])) { values.push(option.value); } else { // Otherwise, the given hashKey has no associated option, and we got it
// from an ngModel value at an earlier time. Push the unhashed value of
// this hashKey to the model.
// This allows the developer to put a value in the model that doesn't yet have
// an associated option.
values.push(self.selected[hashKey]); } } var usingTrackBy = $mdUtil.getModelOption(self.ngModel, 'trackBy');
var newVal = self.isMultiple ? values : values[0]; var prevVal = self.ngModel.$modelValue;
if (usingTrackBy ? !angular.equals(prevVal, newVal) : (prevVal + '') !== newVal) { self.ngModel.$setViewValue(newVal); self.ngModel.$render(); } };
function renderMultiple() { var newSelectedValues = self.ngModel.$modelValue || self.ngModel.$viewValue || []; if (!angular.isArray(newSelectedValues)) return;
var oldSelected = Object.keys(self.selected);
var newSelectedHashes = newSelectedValues.map(self.hashGetter); var deselected = oldSelected.filter(function(hash) { return newSelectedHashes.indexOf(hash) === -1; });
deselected.forEach(self.deselect); newSelectedHashes.forEach(function(hashKey, i) { self.select(hashKey, newSelectedValues[i]); }); }
function renderSingular() { var value = self.ngModel.$viewValue || self.ngModel.$modelValue; Object.keys(self.selected).forEach(self.deselect); self.select(self.hashGetter(value), value); } }
function OptionDirective($mdButtonInkRipple, $mdUtil) {
OptionController['$inject'] = ["$element"]; return { restrict: 'E', require: ['mdOption', '^^mdSelectMenu'], controller: OptionController, compile: compile };
function compile(element, attr) { // Manual transclusion to avoid the extra inner <span> that ng-transclude generates
element.append(angular.element('<div class="md-text">').append(element.contents()));
element.attr('tabindex', attr.tabindex || '0');
if (!hasDefinedValue(attr)) { element.attr('md-option-empty', ''); }
return postLink; }
function hasDefinedValue(attr) { var value = attr.value; var ngValue = attr.ngValue;
return value || ngValue; }
function postLink(scope, element, attr, ctrls) { var optionCtrl = ctrls[0]; var selectCtrl = ctrls[1];
if (selectCtrl.isMultiple) { element.addClass('md-checkbox-enabled'); element.prepend(CHECKBOX_SELECTION_INDICATOR.clone()); }
if (angular.isDefined(attr.ngValue)) { scope.$watch(attr.ngValue, setOptionValue); } else if (angular.isDefined(attr.value)) { setOptionValue(attr.value); } else { scope.$watch(function() { return element.text().trim(); }, setOptionValue); }
attr.$observe('disabled', function(disabled) { if (disabled) { element.attr('tabindex', '-1'); } else { element.attr('tabindex', '0'); } });
scope.$$postDigest(function() { attr.$observe('selected', function(selected) { if (!angular.isDefined(selected)) return; if (typeof selected == 'string') selected = true; if (selected) { if (!selectCtrl.isMultiple) { selectCtrl.deselect(Object.keys(selectCtrl.selected)[0]); } selectCtrl.select(optionCtrl.hashKey, optionCtrl.value); } else { selectCtrl.deselect(optionCtrl.hashKey); } selectCtrl.refreshViewValue(); }); });
$mdButtonInkRipple.attach(scope, element); configureAria();
function setOptionValue(newValue, oldValue, prevAttempt) { if (!selectCtrl.hashGetter) { if (!prevAttempt) { scope.$$postDigest(function() { setOptionValue(newValue, oldValue, true); }); } return; } var oldHashKey = selectCtrl.hashGetter(oldValue, scope); var newHashKey = selectCtrl.hashGetter(newValue, scope);
optionCtrl.hashKey = newHashKey; optionCtrl.value = newValue;
selectCtrl.removeOption(oldHashKey, optionCtrl); selectCtrl.addOption(newHashKey, optionCtrl); }
scope.$on('$destroy', function() { selectCtrl.removeOption(optionCtrl.hashKey, optionCtrl); });
function configureAria() { var ariaAttrs = { 'role': 'option', 'aria-selected': 'false' };
if (!element[0].hasAttribute('id')) { ariaAttrs.id = 'select_option_' + $mdUtil.nextUid(); } element.attr(ariaAttrs); } }
function OptionController($element) { this.selected = false; this.setSelected = function(isSelected) { if (isSelected && !this.selected) { $element.attr({ 'selected': 'selected', 'aria-selected': 'true' }); } else if (!isSelected && this.selected) { $element.removeAttr('selected'); $element.attr('aria-selected', 'false'); } this.selected = isSelected; }; }
function OptgroupDirective() { return { restrict: 'E', compile: compile }; function compile(el, attrs) { // If we have a select header element, we don't want to add the normal label
// header.
if (!hasSelectHeader()) { setupLabelElement(); }
function hasSelectHeader() { return el.parent().find('md-select-header').length; }
function setupLabelElement() { var labelElement = el.find('label'); if (!labelElement.length) { labelElement = angular.element('<label>'); el.prepend(labelElement); } labelElement.addClass('md-container-ignore'); if (attrs.label) labelElement.text(attrs.label); } } }
function SelectHeaderDirective() { return { restrict: 'E', }; }
function SelectProvider($$interimElementProvider) { selectDefaultOptions['$inject'] = ["$mdSelect", "$mdConstant", "$mdUtil", "$window", "$q", "$$rAF", "$animateCss", "$animate", "$document"]; return $$interimElementProvider('$mdSelect') .setDefaults({ methods: ['target'], options: selectDefaultOptions });
/* ngInject */ function selectDefaultOptions($mdSelect, $mdConstant, $mdUtil, $window, $q, $$rAF, $animateCss, $animate, $document) { var ERROR_TARGET_EXPECTED = "$mdSelect.show() expected a target element in options.target but got '{0}'!"; var animator = $mdUtil.dom.animator; var keyCodes = $mdConstant.KEY_CODE;
return { parent: 'body', themable: true, onShow: onShow, onRemove: onRemove, hasBackdrop: true, disableParentScroll: true };
/** * Interim-element onRemove logic.... */ function onRemove(scope, element, opts) { opts = opts || { }; opts.cleanupInteraction(); opts.cleanupResizing(); opts.hideBackdrop();
// For navigation $destroy events, do a quick, non-animated removal,
// but for normal closes (from clicks, etc) animate the removal
return (opts.$destroy === true) ? cleanElement() : animateRemoval().then( cleanElement );
/** * For normal closes (eg clicks), animate the removal. * For forced closes (like $destroy events from navigation), * skip the animations */ function animateRemoval() { return $animateCss(element, {addClass: 'md-leave'}).start(); }
/** * Restore the element to a closed state */ function cleanElement() {
element.removeClass('md-active'); element.attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); element[0].style.display = 'none';
if (!opts.$destroy && opts.restoreFocus) { opts.target.focus(); } }
/** * Interim-element onShow logic.... */ function onShow(scope, element, opts) {
watchAsyncLoad(); sanitizeAndConfigure(scope, opts);
opts.hideBackdrop = showBackdrop(scope, element, opts);
return showDropDown(scope, element, opts) .then(function(response) { element.attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); opts.alreadyOpen = true; opts.cleanupInteraction = activateInteraction(); opts.cleanupResizing = activateResizing();
return response; }, opts.hideBackdrop);
// ************************************
// Closure Functions
// ************************************
/** * Attach the select DOM element(s) and animate to the correct positions * and scalings... */ function showDropDown(scope, element, opts) { opts.parent.append(element);
return $q(function(resolve, reject) {
try {
$animateCss(element, {removeClass: 'md-leave', duration: 0}) .start() .then(positionAndFocusMenu) .then(resolve);
} catch (e) { reject(e); }
}); }
/** * Initialize container and dropDown menu positions/scale, then animate * to show... and autoFocus. */ function positionAndFocusMenu() { return $q(function(resolve) { if (opts.isRemoved) return $q.reject(false);
var info = calculateMenuPositions(scope, element, opts);
info.container.element.css(animator.toCss(info.container.styles)); info.dropDown.element.css(animator.toCss(info.dropDown.styles));
$$rAF(function() { element.addClass('md-active'); info.dropDown.element.css(animator.toCss({transform: ''}));
autoFocus(opts.focusedNode); resolve(); });
}); }
/** * Show modal backdrop element... */ function showBackdrop(scope, element, options) {
// If we are not within a dialog...
if (options.disableParentScroll && !$mdUtil.getClosest(options.target, 'MD-DIALOG')) { // !! DO this before creating the backdrop; since disableScrollAround()
// configures the scroll offset; which is used by mdBackDrop postLink()
options.restoreScroll = $mdUtil.disableScrollAround(options.element, options.parent); } else { options.disableParentScroll = false; }
if (options.hasBackdrop) { // Override duration to immediately show invisible backdrop
options.backdrop = $mdUtil.createBackdrop(scope, "md-select-backdrop md-click-catcher"); $animate.enter(options.backdrop, $document[0].body, null, {duration: 0}); }
/** * Hide modal backdrop element... */ return function hideBackdrop() { if (options.backdrop) options.backdrop.remove(); if (options.disableParentScroll) options.restoreScroll();
delete options.restoreScroll; }; }
/** * */ function autoFocus(focusedNode) { if (focusedNode && !focusedNode.hasAttribute('disabled')) { focusedNode.focus(); } }
/** * Check for valid opts and set some sane defaults */ function sanitizeAndConfigure(scope, options) { var selectEl = element.find('md-select-menu');
if (!options.target) { throw new Error($mdUtil.supplant(ERROR_TARGET_EXPECTED, [options.target])); }
angular.extend(options, { isRemoved: false, target: angular.element(options.target), //make sure it's not a naked dom node
parent: angular.element(options.parent), selectEl: selectEl, contentEl: element.find('md-content'), optionNodes: selectEl[0].getElementsByTagName('md-option') }); }
/** * Configure various resize listeners for screen changes */ function activateResizing() { var debouncedOnResize = (function(scope, target, options) {
return function() { if (options.isRemoved) return;
var updates = calculateMenuPositions(scope, target, options); var container = updates.container; var dropDown = updates.dropDown;
container.element.css(animator.toCss(container.styles)); dropDown.element.css(animator.toCss(dropDown.styles)); };
})(scope, element, opts);
var window = angular.element($window); window.on('resize', debouncedOnResize); window.on('orientationchange', debouncedOnResize);
// Publish deactivation closure...
return function deactivateResizing() {
// Disable resizing handlers
window.off('resize', debouncedOnResize); window.off('orientationchange', debouncedOnResize); }; }
/** * If asynchronously loading, watch and update internal * '$$loadingAsyncDone' flag */ function watchAsyncLoad() { if (opts.loadingAsync && !opts.isRemoved) { scope.$$loadingAsyncDone = false;
$q.when(opts.loadingAsync) .then(function() { scope.$$loadingAsyncDone = true; delete opts.loadingAsync; }).then(function() { $$rAF(positionAndFocusMenu); }); } }
/** * */ function activateInteraction() { if (opts.isRemoved) return;
var dropDown = opts.selectEl; var selectCtrl = dropDown.controller('mdSelectMenu') || {};
// Close on backdrop click
opts.backdrop && opts.backdrop.on('click', onBackdropClick);
// Escape to close
// Cycling of options, and closing on enter
dropDown.on('keydown', onMenuKeyDown); dropDown.on('click', checkCloseMenu);
return function cleanupInteraction() { opts.backdrop && opts.backdrop.off('click', onBackdropClick); dropDown.off('keydown', onMenuKeyDown); dropDown.off('click', checkCloseMenu);
element.removeClass('md-clickable'); opts.isRemoved = true; };
// ************************************
// Closure Functions
// ************************************
function onBackdropClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); opts.restoreFocus = false; $mdUtil.nextTick($mdSelect.hide, true); }
function onMenuKeyDown(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation();
switch (ev.keyCode) { case keyCodes.UP_ARROW: return focusPrevOption(); case keyCodes.DOWN_ARROW: return focusNextOption(); case keyCodes.SPACE: case keyCodes.ENTER: var option = $mdUtil.getClosest(ev.target, 'md-option'); if (option) { dropDown.triggerHandler({ type: 'click', target: option }); ev.preventDefault(); } checkCloseMenu(ev); break; case keyCodes.TAB: case keyCodes.ESCAPE: ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); opts.restoreFocus = true; $mdUtil.nextTick($mdSelect.hide, true); break; default: if ($mdConstant.isInputKey(ev) || $mdConstant.isNumPadKey(ev)) { var optNode = dropDown.controller('mdSelectMenu').optNodeForKeyboardSearch(ev); opts.focusedNode = optNode || opts.focusedNode; optNode && optNode.focus(); } } }
function focusOption(direction) { var optionsArray = $mdUtil.nodesToArray(opts.optionNodes); var index = optionsArray.indexOf(opts.focusedNode);
var newOption;
do { if (index === -1) { // We lost the previously focused element, reset to first option
index = 0; } else if (direction === 'next' && index < optionsArray.length - 1) { index++; } else if (direction === 'prev' && index > 0) { index--; } newOption = optionsArray[index]; if (newOption.hasAttribute('disabled')) newOption = undefined; } while (!newOption && index < optionsArray.length - 1 && index > 0);
newOption && newOption.focus(); opts.focusedNode = newOption; }
function focusNextOption() { focusOption('next'); }
function focusPrevOption() { focusOption('prev'); }
function checkCloseMenu(ev) { if (ev && ( ev.type == 'click') && (ev.currentTarget != dropDown[0])) return; if ( mouseOnScrollbar() ) return;
var option = $mdUtil.getClosest(ev.target, 'md-option'); if (option && option.hasAttribute && !option.hasAttribute('disabled')) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); if (!selectCtrl.isMultiple) { opts.restoreFocus = true;
$mdUtil.nextTick(function () { $mdSelect.hide(selectCtrl.ngModel.$viewValue); }, true); } } /** * check if the mouseup event was on a scrollbar */ function mouseOnScrollbar() { var clickOnScrollbar = false; if (ev && (ev.currentTarget.children.length > 0)) { var child = ev.currentTarget.children[0]; var hasScrollbar = child.scrollHeight > child.clientHeight; if (hasScrollbar && child.children.length > 0) { var relPosX = ev.pageX - ev.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect().left; if (relPosX > child.querySelector('md-option').offsetWidth) clickOnScrollbar = true; } } return clickOnScrollbar; } } }
/** * To notify listeners that the Select menu has closed, * trigger the [optional] user-defined expression */ function announceClosed(opts) { var mdSelect = opts.selectCtrl; if (mdSelect) { var menuController = opts.selectEl.controller('mdSelectMenu'); mdSelect.setLabelText(menuController ? menuController.selectedLabels() : ''); mdSelect.triggerClose(); } }
/** * Calculate the */ function calculateMenuPositions(scope, element, opts) { var containerNode = element[0], targetNode = opts.target[0].children[0], // target the label
parentNode = $document[0].body, selectNode = opts.selectEl[0], contentNode = opts.contentEl[0], parentRect = parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(), targetRect = targetNode.getBoundingClientRect(), shouldOpenAroundTarget = false, bounds = { left: parentRect.left + SELECT_EDGE_MARGIN, top: SELECT_EDGE_MARGIN, bottom: parentRect.height - SELECT_EDGE_MARGIN, right: parentRect.width - SELECT_EDGE_MARGIN - ($mdUtil.floatingScrollbars() ? 16 : 0) }, spaceAvailable = { top: targetRect.top - bounds.top, left: targetRect.left - bounds.left, right: bounds.right - (targetRect.left + targetRect.width), bottom: bounds.bottom - (targetRect.top + targetRect.height) }, maxWidth = parentRect.width - SELECT_EDGE_MARGIN * 2, selectedNode = selectNode.querySelector('md-option[selected]'), optionNodes = selectNode.getElementsByTagName('md-option'), optgroupNodes = selectNode.getElementsByTagName('md-optgroup'), isScrollable = calculateScrollable(element, contentNode), centeredNode;
var loading = isPromiseLike(opts.loadingAsync); if (!loading) { // If a selected node, center around that
if (selectedNode) { centeredNode = selectedNode; // If there are option groups, center around the first option group
} else if (optgroupNodes.length) { centeredNode = optgroupNodes[0]; // Otherwise - if we are not loading async - center around the first optionNode
} else if (optionNodes.length) { centeredNode = optionNodes[0]; // In case there are no options, center on whatever's in there... (eg progress indicator)
} else { centeredNode = contentNode.firstElementChild || contentNode; } } else { // If loading, center on progress indicator
centeredNode = contentNode.firstElementChild || contentNode; }
if (contentNode.offsetWidth > maxWidth) { contentNode.style['max-width'] = maxWidth + 'px'; } else { contentNode.style.maxWidth = null; } if (shouldOpenAroundTarget) { contentNode.style['min-width'] = targetRect.width + 'px'; }
// Remove padding before we compute the position of the menu
if (isScrollable) { selectNode.classList.add('md-overflow'); }
var focusedNode = centeredNode; if ((focusedNode.tagName || '').toUpperCase() === 'MD-OPTGROUP') { focusedNode = optionNodes[0] || contentNode.firstElementChild || contentNode; centeredNode = focusedNode; } // Cache for autoFocus()
opts.focusedNode = focusedNode;
// Get the selectMenuRect *after* max-width is possibly set above
containerNode.style.display = 'block'; var selectMenuRect = selectNode.getBoundingClientRect(); var centeredRect = getOffsetRect(centeredNode);
if (centeredNode) { var centeredStyle = $window.getComputedStyle(centeredNode); centeredRect.paddingLeft = parseInt(centeredStyle.paddingLeft, 10) || 0; centeredRect.paddingRight = parseInt(centeredStyle.paddingRight, 10) || 0; }
if (isScrollable) { var scrollBuffer = contentNode.offsetHeight / 2; contentNode.scrollTop = centeredRect.top + centeredRect.height / 2 - scrollBuffer;
if (spaceAvailable.top < scrollBuffer) { contentNode.scrollTop = Math.min( centeredRect.top, contentNode.scrollTop + scrollBuffer - spaceAvailable.top ); } else if (spaceAvailable.bottom < scrollBuffer) { contentNode.scrollTop = Math.max( centeredRect.top + centeredRect.height - selectMenuRect.height, contentNode.scrollTop - scrollBuffer + spaceAvailable.bottom ); } }
var left, top, transformOrigin, minWidth, fontSize; if (shouldOpenAroundTarget) { left = targetRect.left; top = targetRect.top + targetRect.height; transformOrigin = '50% 0'; if (top + selectMenuRect.height > bounds.bottom) { top = targetRect.top - selectMenuRect.height; transformOrigin = '50% 100%'; } } else { left = (targetRect.left + centeredRect.left - centeredRect.paddingLeft) + 2; top = Math.floor(targetRect.top + targetRect.height / 2 - centeredRect.height / 2 - centeredRect.top + contentNode.scrollTop) + 2;
transformOrigin = (centeredRect.left + targetRect.width / 2) + 'px ' + (centeredRect.top + centeredRect.height / 2 - contentNode.scrollTop) + 'px 0px';
minWidth = Math.min(targetRect.width + centeredRect.paddingLeft + centeredRect.paddingRight, maxWidth);
fontSize = window.getComputedStyle(targetNode)['font-size']; }
// Keep left and top within the window
var containerRect = containerNode.getBoundingClientRect(); var scaleX = Math.round(100 * Math.min(targetRect.width / selectMenuRect.width, 1.0)) / 100; var scaleY = Math.round(100 * Math.min(targetRect.height / selectMenuRect.height, 1.0)) / 100;
return { container: { element: angular.element(containerNode), styles: { left: Math.floor(clamp(bounds.left, left, bounds.right - containerRect.width)), top: Math.floor(clamp(bounds.top, top, bounds.bottom - containerRect.height)), 'min-width': minWidth, 'font-size': fontSize } }, dropDown: { element: angular.element(selectNode), styles: { transformOrigin: transformOrigin, transform: !opts.alreadyOpen ? $mdUtil.supplant('scale({0},{1})', [scaleX, scaleY]) : "" } } };
function isPromiseLike(obj) { return obj && angular.isFunction(obj.then); }
function clamp(min, n, max) { return Math.max(min, Math.min(n, max)); }
function getOffsetRect(node) { return node ? { left: node.offsetLeft, top: node.offsetTop, width: node.offsetWidth, height: node.offsetHeight } : {left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0}; }
function calculateScrollable(element, contentNode) { var isScrollable = false;
try { var oldDisplay = element[0].style.display;
// Set the element's display to block so that this calculation is correct
element[0].style.display = 'block';
isScrollable = contentNode.scrollHeight > contentNode.offsetHeight;
// Reset it back afterwards
element[0].style.display = oldDisplay; } finally { // Nothing to do
} return isScrollable; } }
})(window, window.angular);