/* * http-stream.js: Idomatic buffered stream which pipes additional HTTP information. * * (C) 2011, Charlie Robbins & the Contributors * MIT LICENSE * */
var url = require('url'), util = require('util'), qs = require('qs'), BufferedStream = require('./buffered-stream');
var HttpStream = module.exports = function (options) { options = options || {}; BufferedStream.call(this, options.limit);
if (options.buffer === false) { this.buffer = false; }
this.on('pipe', this.pipeState); };
util.inherits(HttpStream, BufferedStream);
// ### function pipeState (source)
// #### @source {ServerRequest|HttpStream} Source stream piping to this instance
// Pipes additional HTTP metadata from the `source` HTTP stream (either concrete or
// abstract) to this instance. e.g. url, headers, query, etc.
// Remark: Is there anything else we wish to pipe?
HttpStream.prototype.pipeState = function (source) { this.headers = source.headers; this.trailers = source.trailers; this.method = source.method;
if (source.url) { this.url = this.originalUrl = source.url; }
if (source.query) { this.query = source.query; } else if (source.url) { this.query = ~source.url.indexOf('?') ? qs.parse(url.parse(source.url).query) : {}; } };