# Path-to-RegExp
Turn an Express-style path string such as `/user/:name` into a regular expression.
## Usage
```javascript var pathToRegexp = require('path-to-regexp'); ``` ### pathToRegexp(path, keys, options)
- **path** A string in the express format, an array of such strings, or a regular expression - **keys** An array to be populated with the keys present in the url. Once the function completes, this will be an array of strings. - **options** - **options.sensitive** Defaults to false, set this to true to make routes case sensitive - **options.strict** Defaults to false, set this to true to make the trailing slash matter. - **options.end** Defaults to true, set this to false to only match the prefix of the URL.
```javascript var keys = []; var exp = pathToRegexp('/foo/:bar', keys); //keys = ['bar'] //exp = /^\/foo\/(?:([^\/]+?))\/?$/i ```
## Live Demo
You can see a live demo of this library in use at [express-route-tester](http://forbeslindesay.github.com/express-route-tester/).
## License