/*! * Angular Material Design * https://github.com/angular/material * @license MIT * v1.1.3 */ goog.provide('ngmaterial.components.chips'); goog.require('ngmaterial.components.autocomplete'); goog.require('ngmaterial.core'); /** * @ngdoc module * @name material.components.chips */ /* * @see js folder for chips implementation */ angular.module('material.components.chips', [ 'material.core', 'material.components.autocomplete' ]); MdChipCtrl['$inject'] = ["$scope", "$element", "$mdConstant", "$timeout", "$mdUtil"];angular .module('material.components.chips') .controller('MdChipCtrl', MdChipCtrl); /** * Controller for the MdChip component. Responsible for handling keyboard * events and editting the chip if needed. * * @param $scope * @param $element * @param $mdConstant * @param $timeout * @param $mdUtil * @constructor */ function MdChipCtrl ($scope, $element, $mdConstant, $timeout, $mdUtil) { /** * @type {$scope} */ this.$scope = $scope; /** * @type {$element} */ this.$element = $element; /** * @type {$mdConstant} */ this.$mdConstant = $mdConstant; /** * @type {$timeout} */ this.$timeout = $timeout; /** * @type {$mdUtil} */ this.$mdUtil = $mdUtil; /** * @type {boolean} */ this.isEditting = false; /** * @type {MdChipsCtrl} */ this.parentController = undefined; /** * @type {boolean} */ this.enableChipEdit = false; } /** * @param {MdChipsCtrl} controller */ MdChipCtrl.prototype.init = function(controller) { this.parentController = controller; this.enableChipEdit = this.parentController.enableChipEdit; if (this.enableChipEdit) { this.$element.on('keydown', this.chipKeyDown.bind(this)); this.$element.on('mousedown', this.chipMouseDown.bind(this)); this.getChipContent().addClass('_md-chip-content-edit-is-enabled'); } }; /** * @return {Object} */ MdChipCtrl.prototype.getChipContent = function() { var chipContents = this.$element[0].getElementsByClassName('md-chip-content'); return angular.element(chipContents[0]); }; /** * @return {Object} */ MdChipCtrl.prototype.getContentElement = function() { return angular.element(this.getChipContent().children()[0]); }; /** * @return {number} */ MdChipCtrl.prototype.getChipIndex = function() { return parseInt(this.$element.attr('index')); }; /** * Presents an input element to edit the contents of the chip. */ MdChipCtrl.prototype.goOutOfEditMode = function() { if (!this.isEditting) return; this.isEditting = false; this.$element.removeClass('_md-chip-editing'); this.getChipContent()[0].contentEditable = 'false'; var chipIndex = this.getChipIndex(); var content = this.getContentElement().text(); if (content) { this.parentController.updateChipContents( chipIndex, this.getContentElement().text() ); this.$mdUtil.nextTick(function() { if (this.parentController.selectedChip === chipIndex) { this.parentController.focusChip(chipIndex); } }.bind(this)); } else { this.parentController.removeChipAndFocusInput(chipIndex); } }; /** * Given an HTML element. Selects contents of it. * @param node */ MdChipCtrl.prototype.selectNodeContents = function(node) { var range, selection; if (document.body.createTextRange) { range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(node); range.select(); } else if (window.getSelection) { selection = window.getSelection(); range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(node); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } }; /** * Presents an input element to edit the contents of the chip. */ MdChipCtrl.prototype.goInEditMode = function() { this.isEditting = true; this.$element.addClass('_md-chip-editing'); this.getChipContent()[0].contentEditable = 'true'; this.getChipContent().on('blur', function() { this.goOutOfEditMode(); }.bind(this)); this.selectNodeContents(this.getChipContent()[0]); }; /** * Handles the keydown event on the chip element. If enable-chip-edit attribute is * set to true, space or enter keys can trigger going into edit mode. Enter can also * trigger submitting if the chip is already being edited. * @param event */ MdChipCtrl.prototype.chipKeyDown = function(event) { if (!this.isEditting && (event.keyCode === this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER || event.keyCode === this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.SPACE)) { event.preventDefault(); this.goInEditMode(); } else if (this.isEditting && event.keyCode === this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER) { event.preventDefault(); this.goOutOfEditMode(); } }; /** * Handles the double click event */ MdChipCtrl.prototype.chipMouseDown = function() { if(this.getChipIndex() == this.parentController.selectedChip && this.enableChipEdit && !this.isEditting) { this.goInEditMode(); } }; MdChip['$inject'] = ["$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$compile", "$timeout"];angular .module('material.components.chips') .directive('mdChip', MdChip); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name mdChip * @module material.components.chips * * @description * `` is a component used within `` and is responsible for rendering individual * chips. * * * @usage * * {{$chip}} * * */ // This hint text is hidden within a chip but used by screen readers to // inform the user how they can interact with a chip. var DELETE_HINT_TEMPLATE = '\ \ {{$mdChipsCtrl.deleteHint}}\ '; /** * MDChip Directive Definition * * @param $mdTheming * @param $mdUtil * ngInject */ function MdChip($mdTheming, $mdUtil, $compile, $timeout) { var deleteHintTemplate = $mdUtil.processTemplate(DELETE_HINT_TEMPLATE); return { restrict: 'E', require: ['^?mdChips', 'mdChip'], link: postLink, controller: 'MdChipCtrl' }; function postLink(scope, element, attr, ctrls) { var chipsController = ctrls.shift(); var chipController = ctrls.shift(); var chipContentElement = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.md-chip-content')); $mdTheming(element); if (chipsController) { chipController.init(chipsController); // Append our delete hint to the div.md-chip-content (which does not exist at compile time) chipContentElement.append($compile(deleteHintTemplate)(scope)); // When a chip is blurred, make sure to unset (or reset) the selected chip so that tabbing // through elements works properly chipContentElement.on('blur', function() { chipsController.resetSelectedChip(); chipsController.$scope.$applyAsync(); }); } // Use $timeout to ensure we run AFTER the element has been added to the DOM so we can focus it. $timeout(function() { if (!chipsController) { return; } if (chipsController.shouldFocusLastChip) { chipsController.focusLastChipThenInput(); } }); } } MdChipRemove['$inject'] = ["$timeout"];angular .module('material.components.chips') .directive('mdChipRemove', MdChipRemove); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name mdChipRemove * @restrict A * @module material.components.chips * * @description * Designates an element to be used as the delete button for a chip.
* This element is passed as a child of the `md-chips` element. * * The designated button will be just appended to the chip and removes the given chip on click.
* By default the button is not being styled by the `md-chips` component. * * @usage * * * * * */ /** * MdChipRemove Directive Definition. * * @param $timeout * @returns {{restrict: string, require: string[], link: Function, scope: boolean}} * @constructor */ function MdChipRemove ($timeout) { return { restrict: 'A', require: '^mdChips', scope: false, link: postLink }; function postLink(scope, element, attr, ctrl) { element.on('click', function(event) { scope.$apply(function() { ctrl.removeChip(scope.$$replacedScope.$index); }); }); // Child elements aren't available until after a $timeout tick as they are hidden by an // `ng-if`. see http://goo.gl/zIWfuw $timeout(function() { element.attr({ tabindex: -1, 'aria-hidden': true }); element.find('button').attr('tabindex', '-1'); }); } } MdChipTransclude['$inject'] = ["$compile"];angular .module('material.components.chips') .directive('mdChipTransclude', MdChipTransclude); function MdChipTransclude ($compile) { return { restrict: 'EA', terminal: true, link: link, scope: false }; function link (scope, element, attr) { var ctrl = scope.$parent.$mdChipsCtrl, newScope = ctrl.parent.$new(false, ctrl.parent); newScope.$$replacedScope = scope; newScope.$chip = scope.$chip; newScope.$index = scope.$index; newScope.$mdChipsCtrl = ctrl; var newHtml = ctrl.$scope.$eval(attr.mdChipTransclude); element.html(newHtml); $compile(element.contents())(newScope); } } /** * The default chip append delay. * * @type {number} */ MdChipsCtrl['$inject'] = ["$scope", "$attrs", "$mdConstant", "$log", "$element", "$timeout", "$mdUtil"]; var DEFAULT_CHIP_APPEND_DELAY = 300; angular .module('material.components.chips') .controller('MdChipsCtrl', MdChipsCtrl); /** * Controller for the MdChips component. Responsible for adding to and * removing from the list of chips, marking chips as selected, and binding to * the models of various input components. * * @param $scope * @param $attrs * @param $mdConstant * @param $log * @param $element * @param $timeout * @param $mdUtil * @constructor */ function MdChipsCtrl ($scope, $attrs, $mdConstant, $log, $element, $timeout, $mdUtil) { /** @type {$timeout} **/ this.$timeout = $timeout; /** @type {Object} */ this.$mdConstant = $mdConstant; /** @type {angular.$scope} */ this.$scope = $scope; /** @type {angular.$scope} */ this.parent = $scope.$parent; /** @type {$mdUtil} */ this.$mdUtil = $mdUtil; /** @type {$log} */ this.$log = $log; /** @type {$element} */ this.$element = $element; /** @type {$attrs} */ this.$attrs = $attrs; /** @type {angular.NgModelController} */ this.ngModelCtrl = null; /** @type {angular.NgModelController} */ this.userInputNgModelCtrl = null; /** @type {MdAutocompleteCtrl} */ this.autocompleteCtrl = null; /** @type {Element} */ this.userInputElement = null; /** @type {Array.} */ this.items = []; /** @type {number} */ this.selectedChip = -1; /** @type {string} */ this.enableChipEdit = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean($attrs.mdEnableChipEdit); /** @type {string} */ this.addOnBlur = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean($attrs.mdAddOnBlur); /** * The text to be used as the aria-label for the input. * @type {string} */ this.inputAriaLabel = 'Chips input.'; /** * Hidden hint text to describe the chips container. Used to give context to screen readers when * the chips are readonly and the input cannot be selected. * * @type {string} */ this.containerHint = 'Chips container. Use arrow keys to select chips.'; /** * Hidden hint text for how to delete a chip. Used to give context to screen readers. * @type {string} */ this.deleteHint = 'Press delete to remove this chip.'; /** * Hidden label for the delete button. Used to give context to screen readers. * @type {string} */ this.deleteButtonLabel = 'Remove'; /** * Model used by the input element. * @type {string} */ this.chipBuffer = ''; /** * Whether to use the transformChip expression to transform the chip buffer * before appending it to the list. * @type {boolean} */ this.useTransformChip = false; /** * Whether to use the onAdd expression to notify of chip additions. * @type {boolean} */ this.useOnAdd = false; /** * Whether to use the onRemove expression to notify of chip removals. * @type {boolean} */ this.useOnRemove = false; /** * The ID of the chips wrapper which is used to build unique IDs for the chips and the aria-owns * attribute. * * Defaults to '_md-chips-wrapper-' plus a unique number. * * @type {string} */ this.wrapperId = ''; /** * Array of unique numbers which will be auto-generated any time the items change, and is used to * create unique IDs for the aria-owns attribute. * * @type {Array} */ this.contentIds = []; /** * The index of the chip that should have it's tabindex property set to 0 so it is selectable * via the keyboard. * * @type {int} */ this.ariaTabIndex = null; /** * After appending a chip, the chip will be focused for this number of milliseconds before the * input is refocused. * * **Note:** This is **required** for compatibility with certain screen readers in order for * them to properly allow keyboard access. * * @type {number} */ this.chipAppendDelay = DEFAULT_CHIP_APPEND_DELAY; this.init(); } /** * Initializes variables and sets up watchers */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.init = function() { var ctrl = this; // Set the wrapper ID ctrl.wrapperId = '_md-chips-wrapper-' + ctrl.$mdUtil.nextUid(); // Setup a watcher which manages the role and aria-owns attributes ctrl.$scope.$watchCollection('$mdChipsCtrl.items', function() { // Make sure our input and wrapper have the correct ARIA attributes ctrl.setupInputAria(); ctrl.setupWrapperAria(); }); ctrl.$attrs.$observe('mdChipAppendDelay', function(newValue) { ctrl.chipAppendDelay = parseInt(newValue) || DEFAULT_CHIP_APPEND_DELAY; }); }; /** * If we have an input, ensure it has the appropriate ARIA attributes. */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.setupInputAria = function() { var input = this.$element.find('input'); // If we have no input, just return if (!input) { return; } input.attr('role', 'textbox'); input.attr('aria-multiline', true); }; /** * Ensure our wrapper has the appropriate ARIA attributes. */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.setupWrapperAria = function() { var ctrl = this, wrapper = this.$element.find('md-chips-wrap'); if (this.items && this.items.length) { // Dynamically add the listbox role on every change because it must be removed when there are // no items. wrapper.attr('role', 'listbox'); // Generate some random (but unique) IDs for each chip this.contentIds = this.items.map(function() { return ctrl.wrapperId + '-chip-' + ctrl.$mdUtil.nextUid(); }); // Use the contentIDs above to generate the aria-owns attribute wrapper.attr('aria-owns', this.contentIds.join(' ')); } else { // If we have no items, then the role and aria-owns attributes MUST be removed wrapper.removeAttr('role'); wrapper.removeAttr('aria-owns'); } }; /** * Handles the keydown event on the input element: by default appends * the buffer to the chip list, while backspace removes the last chip in the * list if the current buffer is empty. * @param event */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.inputKeydown = function(event) { var chipBuffer = this.getChipBuffer(); // If we have an autocomplete, and it handled the event, we have nothing to do if (this.autocompleteCtrl && event.isDefaultPrevented && event.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } if (event.keyCode === this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.BACKSPACE) { // Only select and focus the previous chip, if the current caret position of the // input element is at the beginning. if (this.getCursorPosition(event.target) !== 0) { return; } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (this.items.length) { this.selectAndFocusChipSafe(this.items.length - 1); } return; } // By default appends the buffer to the chip list. if (!this.separatorKeys || this.separatorKeys.length < 1) { this.separatorKeys = [this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER]; } // Support additional separator key codes in an array of `md-separator-keys`. if (this.separatorKeys.indexOf(event.keyCode) !== -1) { if ((this.autocompleteCtrl && this.requireMatch) || !chipBuffer) return; event.preventDefault(); // Only append the chip and reset the chip buffer if the max chips limit isn't reached. if (this.hasMaxChipsReached()) return; this.appendChip(chipBuffer.trim()); this.resetChipBuffer(); return false; } }; /** * Returns the cursor position of the specified input element. * @param element HTMLInputElement * @returns {Number} Cursor Position of the input. */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.getCursorPosition = function(element) { /* * Figure out whether the current input for the chips buffer is valid for using * the selectionStart / end property to retrieve the cursor position. * Some browsers do not allow the use of those attributes, on different input types. */ try { if (element.selectionStart === element.selectionEnd) { return element.selectionStart; } } catch (e) { if (!element.value) { return 0; } } }; /** * Updates the content of the chip at given index * @param chipIndex * @param chipContents */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.updateChipContents = function(chipIndex, chipContents){ if(chipIndex >= 0 && chipIndex < this.items.length) { this.items[chipIndex] = chipContents; this.ngModelCtrl.$setDirty(); } }; /** * Returns true if a chip is currently being edited. False otherwise. * @return {boolean} */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.isEditingChip = function() { return !!this.$element[0].querySelector('._md-chip-editing'); }; MdChipsCtrl.prototype.isRemovable = function() { // Return false if we have static chips if (!this.ngModelCtrl) { return false; } return this.readonly ? this.removable : angular.isDefined(this.removable) ? this.removable : true; }; /** * Handles the keydown event on the chip elements: backspace removes the selected chip, arrow * keys switch which chips is active * @param event */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.chipKeydown = function (event) { if (this.getChipBuffer()) return; if (this.isEditingChip()) return; switch (event.keyCode) { case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.BACKSPACE: case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.DELETE: if (this.selectedChip < 0) return; event.preventDefault(); // Cancel the delete action only after the event cancel. Otherwise the page will go back. if (!this.isRemovable()) return; this.removeAndSelectAdjacentChip(this.selectedChip); break; case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.LEFT_ARROW: event.preventDefault(); // By default, allow selection of -1 which will focus the input; if we're readonly, don't go // below 0 if (this.selectedChip < 0 || (this.readonly && this.selectedChip == 0)) { this.selectedChip = this.items.length; } if (this.items.length) this.selectAndFocusChipSafe(this.selectedChip - 1); break; case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.RIGHT_ARROW: event.preventDefault(); this.selectAndFocusChipSafe(this.selectedChip + 1); break; case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE: case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.TAB: if (this.selectedChip < 0) return; event.preventDefault(); this.onFocus(); break; } }; /** * Get the input's placeholder - uses `placeholder` when list is empty and `secondary-placeholder` * when the list is non-empty. If `secondary-placeholder` is not provided, `placeholder` is used * always. */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.getPlaceholder = function() { // Allow `secondary-placeholder` to be blank. var useSecondary = (this.items && this.items.length && (this.secondaryPlaceholder == '' || this.secondaryPlaceholder)); return useSecondary ? this.secondaryPlaceholder : this.placeholder; }; /** * Removes chip at {@code index} and selects the adjacent chip. * @param index */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.removeAndSelectAdjacentChip = function(index) { var self = this; var selIndex = self.getAdjacentChipIndex(index); var wrap = this.$element[0].querySelector('md-chips-wrap'); var chip = this.$element[0].querySelector('md-chip[index="' + index + '"]'); self.removeChip(index); // The dobule-timeout is currently necessary to ensure that the DOM has finalized and the select() // will find the proper chip since the selection is index-based. // // TODO: Investigate calling from within chip $scope.$on('$destroy') to reduce/remove timeouts self.$timeout(function() { self.$timeout(function() { self.selectAndFocusChipSafe(selIndex); }); }); }; /** * Sets the selected chip index to -1. */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.resetSelectedChip = function() { this.selectedChip = -1; this.ariaTabIndex = null; }; /** * Gets the index of an adjacent chip to select after deletion. Adjacency is * determined as the next chip in the list, unless the target chip is the * last in the list, then it is the chip immediately preceding the target. If * there is only one item in the list, -1 is returned (select none). * The number returned is the index to select AFTER the target has been * removed. * If the current chip is not selected, then -1 is returned to select none. */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.getAdjacentChipIndex = function(index) { var len = this.items.length - 1; return (len == 0) ? -1 : (index == len) ? index -1 : index; }; /** * Append the contents of the buffer to the chip list. This method will first * call out to the md-transform-chip method, if provided. * * @param newChip */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.appendChip = function(newChip) { this.shouldFocusLastChip = true; if (this.useTransformChip && this.transformChip) { var transformedChip = this.transformChip({'$chip': newChip}); // Check to make sure the chip is defined before assigning it, otherwise, we'll just assume // they want the string version. if (angular.isDefined(transformedChip)) { newChip = transformedChip; } } // If items contains an identical object to newChip, do not append if (angular.isObject(newChip)){ var identical = this.items.some(function(item){ return angular.equals(newChip, item); }); if (identical) return; } // Check for a null (but not undefined), or existing chip and cancel appending if (newChip == null || this.items.indexOf(newChip) + 1) return; // Append the new chip onto our list var length = this.items.push(newChip); var index = length - 1; // Update model validation this.ngModelCtrl.$setDirty(); this.validateModel(); // If they provide the md-on-add attribute, notify them of the chip addition if (this.useOnAdd && this.onAdd) { this.onAdd({ '$chip': newChip, '$index': index }); } }; /** * Sets whether to use the md-transform-chip expression. This expression is * bound to scope and controller in {@code MdChipsDirective} as * {@code transformChip}. Due to the nature of directive scope bindings, the * controller cannot know on its own/from the scope whether an expression was * actually provided. */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.useTransformChipExpression = function() { this.useTransformChip = true; }; /** * Sets whether to use the md-on-add expression. This expression is * bound to scope and controller in {@code MdChipsDirective} as * {@code onAdd}. Due to the nature of directive scope bindings, the * controller cannot know on its own/from the scope whether an expression was * actually provided. */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.useOnAddExpression = function() { this.useOnAdd = true; }; /** * Sets whether to use the md-on-remove expression. This expression is * bound to scope and controller in {@code MdChipsDirective} as * {@code onRemove}. Due to the nature of directive scope bindings, the * controller cannot know on its own/from the scope whether an expression was * actually provided. */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.useOnRemoveExpression = function() { this.useOnRemove = true; }; /* * Sets whether to use the md-on-select expression. This expression is * bound to scope and controller in {@code MdChipsDirective} as * {@code onSelect}. Due to the nature of directive scope bindings, the * controller cannot know on its own/from the scope whether an expression was * actually provided. */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.useOnSelectExpression = function() { this.useOnSelect = true; }; /** * Gets the input buffer. The input buffer can be the model bound to the * default input item {@code this.chipBuffer}, the {@code selectedItem} * model of an {@code md-autocomplete}, or, through some magic, the model * bound to any inpput or text area element found within a * {@code md-input-container} element. * @return {string} */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.getChipBuffer = function() { var chipBuffer = !this.userInputElement ? this.chipBuffer : this.userInputNgModelCtrl ? this.userInputNgModelCtrl.$viewValue : this.userInputElement[0].value; // Ensure that the chip buffer is always a string. For example, the input element buffer might be falsy. return angular.isString(chipBuffer) ? chipBuffer : ''; }; /** * Resets the input buffer for either the internal input or user provided input element. */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.resetChipBuffer = function() { if (this.userInputElement) { if (this.userInputNgModelCtrl) { this.userInputNgModelCtrl.$setViewValue(''); this.userInputNgModelCtrl.$render(); } else { this.userInputElement[0].value = ''; } } else { this.chipBuffer = ''; } }; MdChipsCtrl.prototype.hasMaxChipsReached = function() { if (angular.isString(this.maxChips)) this.maxChips = parseInt(this.maxChips, 10) || 0; return this.maxChips > 0 && this.items.length >= this.maxChips; }; /** * Updates the validity properties for the ngModel. */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.validateModel = function() { this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('md-max-chips', !this.hasMaxChipsReached()); }; /** * Removes the chip at the given index. * @param index */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.removeChip = function(index) { var removed = this.items.splice(index, 1); // Update model validation this.ngModelCtrl.$setDirty(); this.validateModel(); if (removed && removed.length && this.useOnRemove && this.onRemove) { this.onRemove({ '$chip': removed[0], '$index': index }); } }; MdChipsCtrl.prototype.removeChipAndFocusInput = function (index) { this.removeChip(index); if (this.autocompleteCtrl) { // Always hide the autocomplete dropdown before focusing the autocomplete input. // Wait for the input to move horizontally, because the chip was removed. // This can lead to an incorrect dropdown position. this.autocompleteCtrl.hidden = true; this.$mdUtil.nextTick(this.onFocus.bind(this)); } else { this.onFocus(); } }; /** * Selects the chip at `index`, * @param index */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.selectAndFocusChipSafe = function(index) { // If we have no chips, or are asked to select a chip before the first, just focus the input if (!this.items.length || index === -1) { return this.focusInput(); } // If we are asked to select a chip greater than the number of chips... if (index >= this.items.length) { if (this.readonly) { // If we are readonly, jump back to the start (because we have no input) index = 0; } else { // If we are not readonly, we should attempt to focus the input return this.onFocus(); } } index = Math.max(index, 0); index = Math.min(index, this.items.length - 1); this.selectChip(index); this.focusChip(index); }; MdChipsCtrl.prototype.focusLastChipThenInput = function() { var ctrl = this; ctrl.shouldFocusLastChip = false; ctrl.focusChip(this.items.length - 1); ctrl.$timeout(function() { ctrl.focusInput(); }, ctrl.chipAppendDelay); }; MdChipsCtrl.prototype.focusInput = function() { this.selectChip(-1); this.onFocus(); }; /** * Marks the chip at the given index as selected. * @param index */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.selectChip = function(index) { if (index >= -1 && index <= this.items.length) { this.selectedChip = index; // Fire the onSelect if provided if (this.useOnSelect && this.onSelect) { this.onSelect({'$chip': this.items[index] }); } } else { this.$log.warn('Selected Chip index out of bounds; ignoring.'); } }; /** * Selects the chip at `index` and gives it focus. * @param index */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.selectAndFocusChip = function(index) { this.selectChip(index); if (index != -1) { this.focusChip(index); } }; /** * Call `focus()` on the chip at `index` */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.focusChip = function(index) { var chipContent = this.$element[0].querySelector('md-chip[index="' + index + '"] .md-chip-content'); this.ariaTabIndex = index; chipContent.focus(); }; /** * Configures the required interactions with the ngModel Controller. * Specifically, set {@code this.items} to the {@code NgModelCtrl#$viewVale}. * @param ngModelCtrl */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.configureNgModel = function(ngModelCtrl) { this.ngModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl; var self = this; ngModelCtrl.$render = function() { // model is updated. do something. self.items = self.ngModelCtrl.$viewValue; }; }; MdChipsCtrl.prototype.onFocus = function () { var input = this.$element[0].querySelector('input'); input && input.focus(); this.resetSelectedChip(); }; MdChipsCtrl.prototype.onInputFocus = function () { this.inputHasFocus = true; // Make sure we have the appropriate ARIA attributes this.setupInputAria(); // Make sure we don't have any chips selected this.resetSelectedChip(); }; MdChipsCtrl.prototype.onInputBlur = function () { this.inputHasFocus = false; if (this.shouldAddOnBlur()) { this.appendChip(this.getChipBuffer().trim()); this.resetChipBuffer(); } }; /** * Configure event bindings on a user-provided input element. * @param inputElement */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.configureUserInput = function(inputElement) { this.userInputElement = inputElement; // Find the NgModelCtrl for the input element var ngModelCtrl = inputElement.controller('ngModel'); // `.controller` will look in the parent as well. if (ngModelCtrl != this.ngModelCtrl) { this.userInputNgModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl; } var scope = this.$scope; var ctrl = this; // Run all of the events using evalAsync because a focus may fire a blur in the same digest loop var scopeApplyFn = function(event, fn) { scope.$evalAsync(angular.bind(ctrl, fn, event)); }; // Bind to keydown and focus events of input inputElement .attr({ tabindex: 0 }) .on('keydown', function(event) { scopeApplyFn(event, ctrl.inputKeydown) }) .on('focus', function(event) { scopeApplyFn(event, ctrl.onInputFocus) }) .on('blur', function(event) { scopeApplyFn(event, ctrl.onInputBlur) }) }; MdChipsCtrl.prototype.configureAutocomplete = function(ctrl) { if (ctrl) { this.autocompleteCtrl = ctrl; ctrl.registerSelectedItemWatcher(angular.bind(this, function (item) { if (item) { // Only append the chip and reset the chip buffer if the max chips limit isn't reached. if (this.hasMaxChipsReached()) return; this.appendChip(item); this.resetChipBuffer(); } })); this.$element.find('input') .on('focus',angular.bind(this, this.onInputFocus) ) .on('blur', angular.bind(this, this.onInputBlur) ); } }; /** * Whether the current chip buffer should be added on input blur or not. * @returns {boolean} */ MdChipsCtrl.prototype.shouldAddOnBlur = function() { // Update the custom ngModel validators from the chips component. this.validateModel(); var chipBuffer = this.getChipBuffer().trim(); var isModelValid = this.ngModelCtrl.$valid; var isAutocompleteShowing = this.autocompleteCtrl && !this.autocompleteCtrl.hidden; if (this.userInputNgModelCtrl) { isModelValid = isModelValid && this.userInputNgModelCtrl.$valid; } return this.addOnBlur && !this.requireMatch && chipBuffer && isModelValid && !isAutocompleteShowing; }; MdChipsCtrl.prototype.hasFocus = function () { return this.inputHasFocus || this.selectedChip >= 0; }; MdChipsCtrl.prototype.contentIdFor = function(index) { return this.contentIds[index]; }; MdChips['$inject'] = ["$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$compile", "$log", "$timeout", "$$mdSvgRegistry"];angular .module('material.components.chips') .directive('mdChips', MdChips); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name mdChips * @module material.components.chips * * @description * `` is an input component for building lists of strings or objects. The list items are * displayed as 'chips'. This component can make use of an `` element or an * `` element. * * ### Custom templates * A custom template may be provided to render the content of each chip. This is achieved by * specifying an `` element containing the custom content as a child of * ``. * * Note: Any attributes on * `` will be dropped as only the innerHTML is used for the chip template. The * variables `$chip` and `$index` are available in the scope of ``, representing * the chip object and its index in the list of chips, respectively. * To override the chip delete control, include an element (ideally a button) with the attribute * `md-chip-remove`. A click listener to remove the chip will be added automatically. The element * is also placed as a sibling to the chip content (on which there are also click listeners) to * avoid a nested ng-click situation. * * * * Sometimes developers want to limit the amount of possible chips.
* You can specify the maximum amount of chips by using the following markup. * * * * * * * In some cases, you have an autocomplete inside of the `md-chips`.
* When the maximum amount of chips has been reached, you can also disable the autocomplete selection.
* Here is an example markup. * * * * * * * * ### Accessibility * * The `md-chips` component supports keyboard and screen reader users since Version 1.1.2. In * order to achieve this, we modified the chips behavior to select newly appended chips for * `300ms` before re-focusing the input and allowing the user to type. * * For most users, this delay is small enough that it will not be noticeable but allows certain * screen readers to function properly (JAWS and NVDA in particular). * * We introduced a new `md-chip-append-delay` option to allow developers to better control this * behavior. * * Please refer to the documentation of this option (below) for more information. * * @param {string=|object=} ng-model A model to which the list of items will be bound. * @param {string=} placeholder Placeholder text that will be forwarded to the input. * @param {string=} secondary-placeholder Placeholder text that will be forwarded to the input, * displayed when there is at least one item in the list * @param {boolean=} md-removable Enables or disables the deletion of chips through the * removal icon or the Delete/Backspace key. Defaults to true. * @param {boolean=} readonly Disables list manipulation (deleting or adding list items), hiding * the input and delete buttons. If no `ng-model` is provided, the chips will automatically be * marked as readonly.

* When `md-removable` is not defined, the `md-remove` behavior will be overwritten and disabled. * @param {string=} md-enable-chip-edit Set this to "true" to enable editing of chip contents. The user can * go into edit mode with pressing "space", "enter", or double clicking on the chip. Chip edit is only * supported for chips with basic template. * @param {number=} md-max-chips The maximum number of chips allowed to add through user input. *

The validation property `md-max-chips` can be used when the max chips * amount is reached. * @param {boolean=} md-add-on-blur When set to true, remaining text inside of the input will * be converted into a new chip on blur. * @param {expression} md-transform-chip An expression of form `myFunction($chip)` that when called * expects one of the following return values: * - an object representing the `$chip` input string * - `undefined` to simply add the `$chip` input string, or * - `null` to prevent the chip from being appended * @param {expression=} md-on-add An expression which will be called when a chip has been * added. * @param {expression=} md-on-remove An expression which will be called when a chip has been * removed. * @param {expression=} md-on-select An expression which will be called when a chip is selected. * @param {boolean} md-require-match If true, and the chips template contains an autocomplete, * only allow selection of pre-defined chips (i.e. you cannot add new ones). * @param {string=} input-aria-label A string read by screen readers to identify the input. * @param {string=} container-hint A string read by screen readers informing users of how to * navigate the chips. Used in readonly mode. * @param {string=} delete-hint A string read by screen readers instructing users that pressing * the delete key will remove the chip. * @param {string=} delete-button-label A label for the delete button. Also hidden and read by * screen readers. * @param {expression=} md-separator-keys An array of key codes used to separate chips. * @param {string=} md-chip-append-delay The number of milliseconds that the component will select * a newly appended chip before allowing a user to type into the input. This is **necessary** * for keyboard accessibility for screen readers. It defaults to 300ms and any number less than * 300 can cause issues with screen readers (particularly JAWS and sometimes NVDA). * * _Available since Version 1.1.2._ * * **Note:** You can safely set this to `0` in one of the following two instances: * * 1. You are targeting an iOS or Safari-only application (where users would use VoiceOver) or * only ChromeVox users. * * 2. If you have utilized the `md-separator-keys` to disable the `enter` keystroke in * favor of another one (such as `,` or `;`). * * @usage * * * * * *


* When using [ngMessages](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMessages), you can show errors based * on our custom validators. * *
* * *
You reached the maximum amount of chips
* */ var MD_CHIPS_TEMPLATE = '\ \ \ {{$mdChipsCtrl.containerHint}}\ \ \
\ '; var CHIP_INPUT_TEMPLATE = '\ '; var CHIP_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = '\ {{$chip}}'; var CHIP_REMOVE_TEMPLATE = '\ \ \ \ {{$mdChipsCtrl.deleteButtonLabel}}\ \ '; /** * MDChips Directive Definition */ function MdChips ($mdTheming, $mdUtil, $compile, $log, $timeout, $$mdSvgRegistry) { // Run our templates through $mdUtil.processTemplate() to allow custom start/end symbols var templates = getTemplates(); return { template: function(element, attrs) { // Clone the element into an attribute. By prepending the attribute // name with '$', Angular won't write it into the DOM. The cloned // element propagates to the link function via the attrs argument, // where various contained-elements can be consumed. attrs['$mdUserTemplate'] = element.clone(); return templates.chips; }, require: ['mdChips'], restrict: 'E', controller: 'MdChipsCtrl', controllerAs: '$mdChipsCtrl', bindToController: true, compile: compile, scope: { readonly: '=readonly', removable: '=mdRemovable', placeholder: '@', secondaryPlaceholder: '@', maxChips: '@mdMaxChips', transformChip: '&mdTransformChip', onAppend: '&mdOnAppend', onAdd: '&mdOnAdd', onRemove: '&mdOnRemove', onSelect: '&mdOnSelect', inputAriaLabel: '@', containerHint: '@', deleteHint: '@', deleteButtonLabel: '@', separatorKeys: '=?mdSeparatorKeys', requireMatch: '=?mdRequireMatch', chipAppendDelayString: '@?mdChipAppendDelay' } }; /** * Builds the final template for `md-chips` and returns the postLink function. * * Building the template involves 3 key components: * static chips * chip template * input control * * If no `ng-model` is provided, only the static chip work needs to be done. * * If no user-passed `md-chip-template` exists, the default template is used. This resulting * template is appended to the chip content element. * * The remove button may be overridden by passing an element with an md-chip-remove attribute. * * If an `input` or `md-autocomplete` element is provided by the caller, it is set aside for * transclusion later. The transclusion happens in `postLink` as the parent scope is required. * If no user input is provided, a default one is appended to the input container node in the * template. * * Static Chips (i.e. `md-chip` elements passed from the caller) are gathered and set aside for * transclusion in the `postLink` function. * * * @param element * @param attr * @returns {Function} */ function compile(element, attr) { // Grab the user template from attr and reset the attribute to null. var userTemplate = attr['$mdUserTemplate']; attr['$mdUserTemplate'] = null; var chipTemplate = getTemplateByQuery('md-chips>md-chip-template'); var chipRemoveSelector = $mdUtil .prefixer() .buildList('md-chip-remove') .map(function(attr) { return 'md-chips>*[' + attr + ']'; }) .join(','); // Set the chip remove, chip contents and chip input templates. The link function will put // them on the scope for transclusion later. var chipRemoveTemplate = getTemplateByQuery(chipRemoveSelector) || templates.remove, chipContentsTemplate = chipTemplate || templates.default, chipInputTemplate = getTemplateByQuery('md-chips>md-autocomplete') || getTemplateByQuery('md-chips>input') || templates.input, staticChips = userTemplate.find('md-chip'); // Warn of malformed template. See #2545 if (userTemplate[0].querySelector('md-chip-template>*[md-chip-remove]')) { $log.warn('invalid placement of md-chip-remove within md-chip-template.'); } function getTemplateByQuery (query) { if (!attr.ngModel) return; var element = userTemplate[0].querySelector(query); return element && element.outerHTML; } /** * Configures controller and transcludes. */ return function postLink(scope, element, attrs, controllers) { $mdUtil.initOptionalProperties(scope, attr); $mdTheming(element); var mdChipsCtrl = controllers[0]; if(chipTemplate) { // Chip editing functionality assumes we are using the default chip template. mdChipsCtrl.enableChipEdit = false; } mdChipsCtrl.chipContentsTemplate = chipContentsTemplate; mdChipsCtrl.chipRemoveTemplate = chipRemoveTemplate; mdChipsCtrl.chipInputTemplate = chipInputTemplate; mdChipsCtrl.mdCloseIcon = $$mdSvgRegistry.mdClose; element .attr({ tabindex: -1 }) .on('focus', function () { mdChipsCtrl.onFocus(); }); if (attr.ngModel) { mdChipsCtrl.configureNgModel(element.controller('ngModel')); // If an `md-transform-chip` attribute was set, tell the controller to use the expression // before appending chips. if (attrs.mdTransformChip) mdChipsCtrl.useTransformChipExpression(); // If an `md-on-append` attribute was set, tell the controller to use the expression // when appending chips. // // DEPRECATED: Will remove in official 1.0 release if (attrs.mdOnAppend) mdChipsCtrl.useOnAppendExpression(); // If an `md-on-add` attribute was set, tell the controller to use the expression // when adding chips. if (attrs.mdOnAdd) mdChipsCtrl.useOnAddExpression(); // If an `md-on-remove` attribute was set, tell the controller to use the expression // when removing chips. if (attrs.mdOnRemove) mdChipsCtrl.useOnRemoveExpression(); // If an `md-on-select` attribute was set, tell the controller to use the expression // when selecting chips. if (attrs.mdOnSelect) mdChipsCtrl.useOnSelectExpression(); // The md-autocomplete and input elements won't be compiled until after this directive // is complete (due to their nested nature). Wait a tick before looking for them to // configure the controller. if (chipInputTemplate != templates.input) { // The autocomplete will not appear until the readonly attribute is not true (i.e. // false or undefined), so we have to watch the readonly and then on the next tick // after the chip transclusion has run, we can configure the autocomplete and user // input. scope.$watch('$mdChipsCtrl.readonly', function(readonly) { if (!readonly) { $mdUtil.nextTick(function(){ if (chipInputTemplate.indexOf(' 0) { var compiledStaticChips = $compile(staticChips.clone())(scope.$parent); $timeout(function() { element.find('md-chips-wrap').prepend(compiledStaticChips); }); } }; } function getTemplates() { return { chips: $mdUtil.processTemplate(MD_CHIPS_TEMPLATE), input: $mdUtil.processTemplate(CHIP_INPUT_TEMPLATE), default: $mdUtil.processTemplate(CHIP_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE), remove: $mdUtil.processTemplate(CHIP_REMOVE_TEMPLATE) }; } } angular .module('material.components.chips') .controller('MdContactChipsCtrl', MdContactChipsCtrl); /** * Controller for the MdContactChips component * @constructor */ function MdContactChipsCtrl () { /** @type {Object} */ this.selectedItem = null; /** @type {string} */ this.searchText = ''; } MdContactChipsCtrl.prototype.queryContact = function(searchText) { return this.contactQuery({'$query': searchText}); }; MdContactChipsCtrl.prototype.itemName = function(item) { return item[this.contactName]; }; MdContactChips['$inject'] = ["$mdTheming", "$mdUtil"];angular .module('material.components.chips') .directive('mdContactChips', MdContactChips); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name mdContactChips * @module material.components.chips * * @description * `` is an input component based on `md-chips` and makes use of an * `md-autocomplete` element. The component allows the caller to supply a query expression which * returns a list of possible contacts. The user can select one of these and add it to the list of * chips. * * You may also use the `md-highlight-text` directive along with its parameters to control the * appearance of the matched text inside of the contacts' autocomplete popup. * * @param {string=|object=} ng-model A model to bind the list of items to * @param {string=} placeholder Placeholder text that will be forwarded to the input. * @param {string=} secondary-placeholder Placeholder text that will be forwarded to the input, * displayed when there is at least on item in the list * @param {expression} md-contacts An expression expected to return contacts matching the search * test, `$query`. If this expression involves a promise, a loading bar is displayed while * waiting for it to resolve. * @param {string} md-contact-name The field name of the contact object representing the * contact's name. * @param {string} md-contact-email The field name of the contact object representing the * contact's email address. * @param {string} md-contact-image The field name of the contact object representing the * contact's image. * @param {number=} md-min-length Specifies the minimum length of text before autocomplete will * make suggestions * * @param {expression=} filter-selected Whether to filter selected contacts from the list of * suggestions shown in the autocomplete. * * ***Note:** This attribute has been removed but may come back.* * * * * @usage * * * * * */ var MD_CONTACT_CHIPS_TEMPLATE = '\ \ \
\ {{item[$mdContactChipsCtrl.contactName]}}\ \ {{item[$mdContactChipsCtrl.contactName]}}\ \ {{item[$mdContactChipsCtrl.contactEmail]}}\
\ \
\ {{$chip[$mdContactChipsCtrl.contactName]}}\
\ {{$chip[$mdContactChipsCtrl.contactName]}}\
'; /** * MDContactChips Directive Definition * * @param $mdTheming * @returns {*} * ngInject */ function MdContactChips($mdTheming, $mdUtil) { return { template: function(element, attrs) { return MD_CONTACT_CHIPS_TEMPLATE; }, restrict: 'E', controller: 'MdContactChipsCtrl', controllerAs: '$mdContactChipsCtrl', bindToController: true, compile: compile, scope: { contactQuery: '&mdContacts', placeholder: '@', secondaryPlaceholder: '@', contactName: '@mdContactName', contactImage: '@mdContactImage', contactEmail: '@mdContactEmail', contacts: '=ngModel', requireMatch: '=?mdRequireMatch', minLength: '=?mdMinLength', highlightFlags: '@?mdHighlightFlags', chipAppendDelay: '@?mdChipAppendDelay' } }; function compile(element, attr) { return function postLink(scope, element, attrs, controllers) { var contactChipsController = controllers; $mdUtil.initOptionalProperties(scope, attr); $mdTheming(element); element.attr('tabindex', '-1'); attrs.$observe('mdChipAppendDelay', function(newValue) { contactChipsController.chipAppendDelay = newValue; }); }; } } ngmaterial.components.chips = angular.module("material.components.chips");