var assert = require('assert'), path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'), vows = require('vows'), request = require('request'), httpServer = require('../lib/http-server'); var root = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'root'); vows.describe('http-server').addBatch({ 'When http-server is listening on 8080': { topic: function () { var server = httpServer.createServer({ root: root, robots: true, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true' } }); server.listen(8080); this.callback(null, server); }, 'it should serve files from root directory': { topic: function () { request('', this.callback); }, 'status code should be 200': function (res) { assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); }, 'and file content': { topic: function (res, body) { var self = this; fs.readFile(path.join(root, 'file'), 'utf8', function (err, data) { self.callback(err, data, body); }); }, 'should match content of served file': function (err, file, body) { assert.equal(body.trim(), file.trim()); } } }, 'when requesting non-existent file': { topic: function () { request('', this.callback); }, 'status code should be 404': function (res) { assert.equal(res.statusCode, 404); } }, 'when requesting /': { topic: function () { request('', this.callback); }, 'should respond with index': function (err, res, body) { assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); assert.include(body, '/file'); assert.include(body, '/canYouSeeMe'); } }, 'when robots options is activated': { topic: function () { request('', this.callback); }, 'should respond with status code 200 to /robots.txt': function (res) { assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); } }, 'and options include custom set http-headers': { topic: function () { request('', this.callback); }, 'should respond with headers set in options': function (err, res) { assert.equal(res.headers['access-control-allow-origin'], '*'); assert.equal(res.headers['access-control-allow-credentials'], 'true'); } }, 'When http-server is proxying from 8081 to 8080': { topic: function () { var proxyServer = httpServer.createServer({ proxy: '', root: path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures') }); proxyServer.listen(8081); this.callback(null, proxyServer); }, 'it should serve files from the proxy server root directory': { topic: function () { request('', this.callback); }, 'status code should be the enpoint code 200': function (res) { assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); }, 'and file content': { topic: function (res, body) { var self = this; fs.readFile(path.join(root, 'file'), 'utf8', function (err, data) { self.callback(err, data, body); }); }, 'should match content of the served file': function (err, file, body) { assert.equal(body.trim(), file.trim()); } } }, 'it should fallback to the proxied server': { topic: function () { request('', this.callback); }, 'status code should be the enpoint code 200': function (res) { assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); }, 'and file content': { topic: function (res, body) { var self = this; fs.readFile(path.join(root, 'file'), 'utf8', function (err, data) { self.callback(err, data, body); }); }, 'should match content of the proxied served file': function (err, file, body) { assert.equal(body.trim(), file.trim()); } } } } }, 'When cors is enabled': { topic: function () { var server = httpServer.createServer({ root: root, cors: true, corsHeaders: 'X-Test' }); server.listen(8082); this.callback(null, server); }, 'and given OPTIONS request': { topic: function () { request({ method: 'OPTIONS', uri: '', headers: { 'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET', Origin: '', 'Access-Control-Request-Headers': 'Foobar' } }, this.callback); }, 'status code should be 204': function (err, res) { assert.equal(res.statusCode, 204); }, 'response Access-Control-Allow-Headers should contain X-Test': function (err, res) { assert.ok(res.headers['access-control-allow-headers'].split(/\s*,\s*/g).indexOf('X-Test') >= 0, 204); } } } }).export(module);