@ -1,25 +1,30 @@
/// contains [Nova](https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/370.pdf) related circuits
use ark_crypto_primitives ::sponge ::{
constraints ::{ AbsorbGadget , CryptographicSpongeVar } ,
poseidon ::{ constraints ::PoseidonSpongeVar , PoseidonConfig } ,
Absorb , CryptographicSponge ,
constraints ::CryptographicSpongeVar ,
poseidon ::{ constraints ::PoseidonSpongeVar , PoseidonConfig , PoseidonSponge } ,
Absorb ,
} ;
use ark_ec ::{ CurveGroup , Group } ;
use ark_ff ::PrimeField ;
use ark_r1cs_std ::{
alloc ::{ AllocVar , AllocationMode } ,
alloc ::AllocVar ,
boolean ::Boolean ,
eq ::EqGadget ,
fields ::{ fp ::FpVar , FieldVar } ,
prelude ::CurveVar ,
uint8 ::UInt8 ,
R1CSVar , ToConstraintFieldGadget ,
} ;
use ark_relations ::r1cs ::{ ConstraintSynthesizer , ConstraintSystemRef , Namespace , SynthesisError } ;
use ark_relations ::r1cs ::{ ConstraintSynthesizer , ConstraintSystemRef , SynthesisError } ;
use ark_std ::{ fmt ::Debug , One , Zero } ;
use core ::{ borrow ::Borrow , marker ::PhantomData } ;
use core ::marker ::PhantomData ;
use super ::{ CommittedInstance , NovaCycleFoldConfig } ;
use super ::{
nifs ::{
nova_circuits ::{ CommittedInstanceVar , NIFSGadget } ,
NIFSGadgetTrait ,
} ,
CommittedInstance , NovaCycleFoldConfig ,
} ;
use crate ::folding ::circuits ::{
cyclefold ::{
CycleFoldChallengeGadget , CycleFoldCommittedInstance , CycleFoldCommittedInstanceVar ,
@ -28,180 +33,9 @@ use crate::folding::circuits::{
nonnative ::{ affine ::NonNativeAffineVar , uint ::NonNativeUintVar } ,
CF1 , CF2 ,
} ;
use crate ::folding ::traits ::{ CommittedInstanceVarOps , Dummy } ;
use crate ::frontend ::FCircuit ;
use crate ::transcript ::{ AbsorbNonNativeGadget , Transcript , TranscriptVar } ;
use crate ::{
constants ::NOVA_N_BITS_RO ,
folding ::traits ::{ CommittedInstanceVarOps , Dummy } ,
} ;
/// CommittedInstanceVar contains the u, x, cmE and cmW values which are folded on the main Nova
/// constraints field (E1::Fr, where E1 is the main curve). The peculiarity is that cmE and cmW are
/// represented non-natively over the constraint field.
#[ derive(Debug, Clone) ]
pub struct CommittedInstanceVar < C : CurveGroup > {
pub u : FpVar < C ::ScalarField > ,
pub x : Vec < FpVar < C ::ScalarField > > ,
pub cmE : NonNativeAffineVar < C > ,
pub cmW : NonNativeAffineVar < C > ,
impl < C > AllocVar < CommittedInstance < C > , CF1 < C > > for CommittedInstanceVar < C >
C : CurveGroup ,
fn new_variable < T : Borrow < CommittedInstance < C > > > (
cs : impl Into < Namespace < CF1 < C > > > ,
f : impl FnOnce ( ) -> Result < T , SynthesisError > ,
mode : AllocationMode ,
) -> Result < Self , SynthesisError > {
f ( ) . and_then ( | val | {
let cs = cs . into ( ) ;
let u = FpVar ::< C ::ScalarField > ::new_variable ( cs . clone ( ) , | | Ok ( val . borrow ( ) . u ) , mode ) ? ;
let x : Vec < FpVar < C ::ScalarField > > =
Vec ::new_variable ( cs . clone ( ) , | | Ok ( val . borrow ( ) . x . clone ( ) ) , mode ) ? ;
let cmE =
NonNativeAffineVar ::< C > ::new_variable ( cs . clone ( ) , | | Ok ( val . borrow ( ) . cmE ) , mode ) ? ;
let cmW =
NonNativeAffineVar ::< C > ::new_variable ( cs . clone ( ) , | | Ok ( val . borrow ( ) . cmW ) , mode ) ? ;
Ok ( Self { u , x , cmE , cmW } )
} )
impl < C : CurveGroup > AbsorbGadget < C ::ScalarField > for CommittedInstanceVar < C > {
fn to_sponge_bytes ( & self ) -> Result < Vec < UInt8 < C ::ScalarField > > , SynthesisError > {
FpVar ::batch_to_sponge_bytes ( & self . to_sponge_field_elements ( ) ? )
fn to_sponge_field_elements ( & self ) -> Result < Vec < FpVar < C ::ScalarField > > , SynthesisError > {
Ok ( [
vec ! [ self . u . clone ( ) ] ,
self . x . clone ( ) ,
self . cmE . to_constraint_field ( ) ? ,
self . cmW . to_constraint_field ( ) ? ,
. concat ( ) )
impl < C : CurveGroup > CommittedInstanceVarOps < C > for CommittedInstanceVar < C > {
type PointVar = NonNativeAffineVar < C > ;
fn get_commitments ( & self ) -> Vec < Self ::PointVar > {
vec ! [ self . cmW . clone ( ) , self . cmE . clone ( ) ]
fn get_public_inputs ( & self ) -> & [ FpVar < CF1 < C > > ] {
& self . x
fn enforce_incoming ( & self ) -> Result < ( ) , SynthesisError > {
let zero = NonNativeUintVar ::new_constant ( ConstraintSystemRef ::None , CF2 ::< C > ::zero ( ) ) ? ;
self . cmE . x . enforce_equal_unaligned ( & zero ) ? ;
self . cmE . y . enforce_equal_unaligned ( & zero ) ? ;
self . u . enforce_equal ( & FpVar ::one ( ) )
fn enforce_partial_equal ( & self , other : & Self ) -> Result < ( ) , SynthesisError > {
self . u . enforce_equal ( & other . u ) ? ;
self . x . enforce_equal ( & other . x )
/// Implements the circuit that does the checks of the Non-Interactive Folding Scheme Verifier
/// described in section 4 of [Nova](https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/370.pdf), where the cmE & cmW checks are
/// delegated to the NIFSCycleFoldGadget.
pub struct NIFSGadget < C : CurveGroup > {
_c : PhantomData < C > ,
impl < C : CurveGroup > NIFSGadget < C > {
pub fn fold_committed_instance (
r : FpVar < CF1 < C > > ,
ci1 : CommittedInstanceVar < C > , // U_i
ci2 : CommittedInstanceVar < C > , // u_i
) -> Result < CommittedInstanceVar < C > , SynthesisError > {
Ok ( CommittedInstanceVar {
cmE : NonNativeAffineVar ::new_constant ( ConstraintSystemRef ::None , C ::zero ( ) ) ? ,
cmW : NonNativeAffineVar ::new_constant ( ConstraintSystemRef ::None , C ::zero ( ) ) ? ,
// ci3.u = ci1.u + r * ci2.u
u : ci1 . u + & r * ci2 . u ,
// ci3.x = ci1.x + r * ci2.x
x : ci1
. x
. iter ( )
. zip ( ci2 . x )
. map ( | ( a , b ) | a + & r * & b )
. collect ::< Vec < FpVar < CF1 < C > > > > ( ) ,
} )
/// Implements the constraints for NIFS.V for u and x, since cm(E) and cm(W) are delegated to
/// the CycleFold circuit.
pub fn verify (
r : FpVar < CF1 < C > > ,
ci1 : CommittedInstanceVar < C > , // U_i
ci2 : CommittedInstanceVar < C > , // u_i
ci3 : CommittedInstanceVar < C > , // U_{i+1}
) -> Result < ( ) , SynthesisError > {
let ci = Self ::fold_committed_instance ( r , ci1 , ci2 ) ? ;
ci . u . enforce_equal ( & ci3 . u ) ? ;
ci . x . enforce_equal ( & ci3 . x ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
/// ChallengeGadget computes the RO challenge used for the Nova instances NIFS, it contains a
/// rust-native and a in-circuit compatible versions.
pub struct ChallengeGadget < C : CurveGroup , CI : Absorb > {
_c : PhantomData < C > ,
_ci : PhantomData < CI > ,
impl < C : CurveGroup , CI : Absorb > ChallengeGadget < C , CI >
< C as Group > ::ScalarField : Absorb ,
pub fn get_challenge_native < T : Transcript < C ::ScalarField > > (
transcript : & mut T ,
pp_hash : C ::ScalarField , // public params hash
U_i : & CI ,
u_i : & CI ,
cmT : Option < & C > ,
) -> Vec < bool > {
transcript . absorb ( & pp_hash ) ;
transcript . absorb ( & U_i ) ;
transcript . absorb ( & u_i ) ;
// in the Nova case we absorb the cmT, in Ova case we don't since it is not used.
if let Some ( cmT_value ) = cmT {
transcript . absorb_nonnative ( cmT_value ) ;
transcript . squeeze_bits ( NOVA_N_BITS_RO )
// compatible with the native get_challenge_native
pub fn get_challenge_gadget < S : CryptographicSponge , T : TranscriptVar < CF1 < C > , S > > (
transcript : & mut T ,
pp_hash : FpVar < CF1 < C > > , // public params hash
U_i_vec : Vec < FpVar < CF1 < C > > > , // apready processed input, so we don't have to recompute these values
u_i : CommittedInstanceVar < C > ,
cmT : Option < NonNativeAffineVar < C > > ,
) -> Result < Vec < Boolean < C ::ScalarField > > , SynthesisError > {
transcript . absorb ( & pp_hash ) ? ;
transcript . absorb ( & U_i_vec ) ? ;
transcript . absorb ( & u_i ) ? ;
// in the Nova case we absorb the cmT, in Ova case we don't since it is not used.
if let Some ( cmT_value ) = cmT {
transcript . absorb_nonnative ( & cmT_value ) ? ;
transcript . squeeze_bits ( NOVA_N_BITS_RO )
use crate ::transcript ::AbsorbNonNativeGadget ;
/// `AugmentedFCircuit` enhances the original step function `F`, so that it can
/// be used in recursive arguments such as IVC.
@ -364,32 +198,33 @@ where
x : vec ! [ u_i_x , cf_u_i_x ] ,
} ;
// P.3. nifs.verify, obtains U_{i+1} by folding u_i & U_i .
// compute r = H(u_i, U_i, cmT)
let r_bits = ChallengeGadget ::< C1 , CommittedInstance < C1 > > ::get_challenge_gadget (
// P.3. nifs.verify, obtains U_{i+1} by folding u_i & U_i.
// Notice that NIFSGadget::verify does not fold cmE & cmW.
// We set `U_i1.cmE` and `U_i1.cmW` to unconstrained witnesses `U_i1_cmE` and `U_i1_cmW`
// respectively.
// The correctness of them will be checked on the other curve.
let ( mut U_i1 , r_bits ) = NIFSGadget ::<
C1 ,
PoseidonSponge < C1 ::ScalarField > ,
PoseidonSpongeVar < C1 ::ScalarField > ,
> ::verify (
& mut transcript ,
pp_hash . clone ( ) ,
U_i . clone ( ) ,
U_i_vec ,
u_i . clone ( ) ,
Some ( cmT . clone ( ) ) ,
) ? ;
let r = Boolean ::le_bits_to_fp_var ( & r_bits ) ? ;
// Also convert r_bits to a `NonNativeFieldVar`
U_i1 . cmE = U_i1_cmE ;
U_i1 . cmW = U_i1_cmW ;
// convert r_bits to a `NonNativeFieldVar`
let r_nonnat = {
let mut bits = r_bits ;
bits . resize ( C1 ::BaseField ::MODULUS_BIT_SIZE as usize , Boolean ::FALSE ) ;
NonNativeUintVar ::from ( & bits )
} ;
// Notice that NIFSGadget::fold_committed_instance does not fold cmE & cmW.
// We set `U_i1.cmE` and `U_i1.cmW` to unconstrained witnesses `U_i1_cmE` and `U_i1_cmW`
// respectively.
// The correctness of them will be checked on the other curve.
let mut U_i1 = NIFSGadget ::< C1 > ::fold_committed_instance ( r , U_i . clone ( ) , u_i . clone ( ) ) ? ;
U_i1 . cmE = U_i1_cmE ;
U_i1 . cmW = U_i1_cmW ;
// P.4.a compute and check the first output of F'
// get z_{i+1} from the F circuit
@ -507,160 +342,14 @@ where
pub mod tests {
use super ::* ;
use ark_bn254 ::{ Fr , G1Projective as Projective } ;
use ark_crypto_primitives ::sponge ::poseidon ::PoseidonSponge ;
use ark_crypto_primitives ::sponge ::{ poseidon ::PoseidonSponge , CryptographicSponge } ;
use ark_ff ::BigInteger ;
use ark_relations ::r1cs ::ConstraintSystem ;
use ark_std ::UniformRand ;
use crate ::commitment ::pedersen ::Pedersen ;
use crate ::folding ::nova ::nifs ::{ nova ::NIFS , NIFSTrait } ;
use crate ::folding ::traits ::CommittedInstanceOps ;
use crate ::folding ::nova ::nifs ::nova ::ChallengeGadget ;
use crate ::transcript ::poseidon ::poseidon_canonical_config ;
#[ test ]
fn test_committed_instance_var ( ) {
let mut rng = ark_std ::test_rng ( ) ;
let ci = CommittedInstance ::< Projective > {
cmE : Projective ::rand ( & mut rng ) ,
u : Fr ::rand ( & mut rng ) ,
cmW : Projective ::rand ( & mut rng ) ,
x : vec ! [ Fr ::rand ( & mut rng ) ; 1 ] ,
} ;
let cs = ConstraintSystem ::< Fr > ::new_ref ( ) ;
let ciVar =
CommittedInstanceVar ::< Projective > ::new_witness ( cs . clone ( ) , | | Ok ( ci . clone ( ) ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq ! ( ciVar . u . value ( ) . unwrap ( ) , ci . u ) ;
assert_eq ! ( ciVar . x . value ( ) . unwrap ( ) , ci . x ) ;
// the values cmE and cmW are checked in the CycleFold's circuit
// CommittedInstanceInCycleFoldVar in
// cyclefold::tests::test_committed_instance_cyclefold_var
#[ test ]
fn test_nifs_gadget ( ) {
let mut rng = ark_std ::test_rng ( ) ;
// prepare the committed instances to test in-circuit
let ci : Vec < CommittedInstance < Projective > > = ( 0 . . 2 )
. into_iter ( )
. map ( | _ | CommittedInstance ::< Projective > {
cmE : Projective ::rand ( & mut rng ) ,
u : Fr ::rand ( & mut rng ) ,
cmW : Projective ::rand ( & mut rng ) ,
x : vec ! [ Fr ::rand ( & mut rng ) ; 1 ] ,
} )
. collect ( ) ;
let ( ci1 , ci2 ) = ( ci [ 0 ] . clone ( ) , ci [ 1 ] . clone ( ) ) ;
let pp_hash = Fr ::rand ( & mut rng ) ;
let cmT = Projective ::rand ( & mut rng ) ;
let poseidon_config = poseidon_canonical_config ::< Fr > ( ) ;
let mut transcript = PoseidonSponge ::< Fr > ::new ( & poseidon_config ) ;
let ( ci3 , r_bits ) = NIFS ::< Projective , Pedersen < Projective > , PoseidonSponge < Fr > > ::verify (
& mut transcript ,
pp_hash ,
& ci1 ,
& ci2 ,
& cmT ,
. unwrap ( ) ;
let r_Fr = Fr ::from_bigint ( BigInteger ::from_bits_le ( & r_bits ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let cs = ConstraintSystem ::< Fr > ::new_ref ( ) ;
let rVar = FpVar ::< Fr > ::new_witness ( cs . clone ( ) , | | Ok ( r_Fr ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let ci1Var =
CommittedInstanceVar ::< Projective > ::new_witness ( cs . clone ( ) , | | Ok ( ci1 . clone ( ) ) )
. unwrap ( ) ;
let ci2Var =
CommittedInstanceVar ::< Projective > ::new_witness ( cs . clone ( ) , | | Ok ( ci2 . clone ( ) ) )
. unwrap ( ) ;
let ci3Var =
CommittedInstanceVar ::< Projective > ::new_witness ( cs . clone ( ) , | | Ok ( ci3 . clone ( ) ) )
. unwrap ( ) ;
NIFSGadget ::< Projective > ::verify (
rVar . clone ( ) ,
ci1Var . clone ( ) ,
ci2Var . clone ( ) ,
ci3Var . clone ( ) ,
. unwrap ( ) ;
assert ! ( cs . is_satisfied ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
/// test that checks the native CommittedInstance.to_sponge_{bytes,field_elements}
/// vs the R1CS constraints version
#[ test ]
pub fn test_committed_instance_to_sponge_preimage ( ) {
let mut rng = ark_std ::test_rng ( ) ;
let ci = CommittedInstance ::< Projective > {
cmE : Projective ::rand ( & mut rng ) ,
u : Fr ::rand ( & mut rng ) ,
cmW : Projective ::rand ( & mut rng ) ,
x : vec ! [ Fr ::rand ( & mut rng ) ; 1 ] ,
} ;
let bytes = ci . to_sponge_bytes_as_vec ( ) ;
let field_elements = ci . to_sponge_field_elements_as_vec ( ) ;
let cs = ConstraintSystem ::< Fr > ::new_ref ( ) ;
let ciVar =
CommittedInstanceVar ::< Projective > ::new_witness ( cs . clone ( ) , | | Ok ( ci . clone ( ) ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let bytes_var = ciVar . to_sponge_bytes ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let field_elements_var = ciVar . to_sponge_field_elements ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert ! ( cs . is_satisfied ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
// check that the natively computed and in-circuit computed hashes match
assert_eq ! ( bytes_var . value ( ) . unwrap ( ) , bytes ) ;
assert_eq ! ( field_elements_var . value ( ) . unwrap ( ) , field_elements ) ;
#[ test ]
fn test_committed_instance_hash ( ) {
let mut rng = ark_std ::test_rng ( ) ;
let poseidon_config = poseidon_canonical_config ::< Fr > ( ) ;
let sponge = PoseidonSponge ::< Fr > ::new ( & poseidon_config ) ;
let pp_hash = Fr ::from ( 42 u32 ) ; // only for test
let i = Fr ::from ( 3_ u32 ) ;
let z_0 = vec ! [ Fr ::from ( 3_ u32 ) ] ;
let z_i = vec ! [ Fr ::from ( 3_ u32 ) ] ;
let ci = CommittedInstance ::< Projective > {
cmE : Projective ::rand ( & mut rng ) ,
u : Fr ::rand ( & mut rng ) ,
cmW : Projective ::rand ( & mut rng ) ,
x : vec ! [ Fr ::rand ( & mut rng ) ; 1 ] ,
} ;
// compute the CommittedInstance hash natively
let h = ci . hash ( & sponge , pp_hash , i , & z_0 , & z_i ) ;
let cs = ConstraintSystem ::< Fr > ::new_ref ( ) ;
let pp_hashVar = FpVar ::< Fr > ::new_witness ( cs . clone ( ) , | | Ok ( pp_hash ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let iVar = FpVar ::< Fr > ::new_witness ( cs . clone ( ) , | | Ok ( i ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let z_0Var = Vec ::< FpVar < Fr > > ::new_witness ( cs . clone ( ) , | | Ok ( z_0 . clone ( ) ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let z_iVar = Vec ::< FpVar < Fr > > ::new_witness ( cs . clone ( ) , | | Ok ( z_i . clone ( ) ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let ciVar =
CommittedInstanceVar ::< Projective > ::new_witness ( cs . clone ( ) , | | Ok ( ci . clone ( ) ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let sponge = PoseidonSpongeVar ::< Fr > ::new ( cs . clone ( ) , & poseidon_config ) ;
// compute the CommittedInstance hash in-circuit
let ( hVar , _ ) = ciVar
. hash ( & sponge , & pp_hashVar , & iVar , & z_0Var , & z_iVar )
. unwrap ( ) ;
assert ! ( cs . is_satisfied ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
// check that the natively computed and in-circuit computed hashes match
assert_eq ! ( hVar . value ( ) . unwrap ( ) , h ) ;
// checks that the gadget and native implementations of the challenge computation match
#[ test ]
fn test_challenge_gadget ( ) {