* Move r1cs and ccs to standalone folders
* Simplify type bounds of SparseMatrixVar
* Implement `EquivalenceGadget` trait for `FpVar` and `NonNativeUintVar`.
Together with the existing `MatrixGadget` and `VectorGadget`, we can now use the same logic for checking R1CS satisfiability of `R1CSVar` both natively and non-natively.
* Simplify trait bounds
* Implement `ArithGadget` for `R1CSMatricesVar` and `CCSMatricesVar`
* `PedersenGadget::commit` now takes slices as input
* Structs for proofs and auxiliary values in protogalaxy
* `u` in LCCCS should be `z[0]`
* `Inputize` trait
* Generic decider circuits
* Verifier should check the commitments in committed instances
* Update the comments according to the new docs
* Fix examples
* Add `DeciderEnabledNIFS::fold_group_elements_native` to wrap code for folding commitments
* Fix incorrect endian
* Format
* Get rid of `unwrap` when possible
This crate implements templating logic to output verifier contracts for sonobe-generated decider proofs.
This crate is accompanied with the cli crate, which allows to generate the Solidity contracts from the command line.