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Testudo is a linear-time prover SNARK with a small and universal trusted setup. For a deep dive, please refer to [this](https://www.notion.so/pl-strflt/Testudo-Blog-Post-Final-a18db71f8e634ebbb9f68383f7904c51) blog post.
In the current stage, the repository contains:
- a modified version of [Spartan](https://github.com/microsoft/Spartan) using [arkworks](https://github.com/arkworks-rs) with the sumchecks verified using Groth16
- a fast version of the [PST](https://eprint.iacr.org/2011/587.pdf) commitment scheme with a square-root trusted setup
- support for an arkworks wrapper around the fast blst library with GPU integration [repo](https://github.com/nikkolasg/ark-blst)
## Building `testudo`
Testudo is available with stable Rust.
Run `cargo build` or `cargo test` to build, respectively test the repository.