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Arbitrary number of variables and contraints (#34)

* This commit makes adding an arbitrary number of variables and inputs possible and removes the
  implementation leaking to the interface for

  num_inps + 1 <= num_vars, num_vars: a power of 2, num_cons: a power of 2, but not 1.

  1. When creating a new R1CS Instance throught the public interface,
     it is required # constraints and # of vars be a power of 2. I remove
     that requirement by padding with dummy constraints and vars until the nearest
     power of 2.
  2. The sumcheck protocol in src/ does not work for 1 constraint, even
     though 1 is a power of 2. I have to pad to a minimum of two constraints.
  3. Added a test in src/ called test_padded_constraints.

* Move test to src/

* Remove padding metadata

* remove unused use

* Simplify padding to power of 2

* run cargo fmt

* Fix indexing bug

* Rayon is optional, depending on 'multicore' feature

* Update rust toolchain

* cargo fmt

* cleaner to track num_vars_padded and num_cons_padded

* cleanup

* further cleanup

* Cleanup & comments

* small fixes

* adjust code for padding constraints

* fix a bug with pad call

* add comment about num_nz_entries

* extend padding to NIZK methods

extend padding to NIZK methods

Co-authored-by: Lef Ioannidis <>
Co-authored-by: Srinath Setty <>
Lef Ioannidis 3 years ago
committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
7 changed files with 235 additions and 42 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +2
  3. +4
  4. +2
  5. +1
  6. +1
  7. +224

+ 1
- 1

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install
run: rustup default nightly-2021-01-03
run: rustup default nightly-2021-01-31
- name: Build
run: cargo build --verbose
- name: Run tests

+ 2
- 2

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ rand = "0.7.3"
digest = "0.8.1"
sha3 = "0.8.2"
byteorder = "1.3.4"
rayon = "1.3.0"
rayon = { version = "1.3.0", optional = true }
serde = { version = "1.0.106", features = ["derive"] }
bincode = "1.2.1"
subtle = { version = "^2.2.3", default-features = false }
@ -52,5 +52,5 @@ name = "nizk"
harness = false
multicore = []
multicore = ["rayon"]
profile = []

+ 4
- 3

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Here is another example to use the NIZK variant of the Spartan proof system:
let num_inputs = 10;
// produce public parameters
let gens = NIZKGens::new(num_cons, num_vars);
let gens = NIZKGens::new(num_cons, num_vars, num_inputs);
// ask the library to produce a synthentic R1CS instance
let (inst, vars, inputs) = Instance::produce_synthetic_r1cs(num_cons, num_vars, num_inputs);
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ Here is another example to use the NIZK variant of the Spartan proof system:
Finally, we provide an example that specifies a custom R1CS instance instead of using a synthetic instance
# extern crate curve25519_dalek;
# extern crate libspartan;
# extern crate merlin;
@ -163,9 +164,9 @@ Finally, we provide an example that specifies a custom R1CS instance instead of
// parameters of the R1CS instance rounded to the nearest power of two
let num_cons = 4;
let num_vars = 8;
let num_vars = 5;
let num_inputs = 2;
let num_non_zero_entries = 8;
let num_non_zero_entries = 5;
// We will encode the above constraints into three matrices, where
// the coefficients in the matrix are in the little-endian byte order

+ 2
- 2

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ fn nizk_prove_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
let (inst, vars, inputs) = Instance::produce_synthetic_r1cs(num_cons, num_vars, num_inputs);
let gens = NIZKGens::new(num_cons, num_vars);
let gens = NIZKGens::new(num_cons, num_vars, num_inputs);
let name = format!("NIZK_prove_{}", num_vars);
group.bench_function(&name, move |b| {
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ fn nizk_verify_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
let num_inputs = 10;
let (inst, vars, inputs) = Instance::produce_synthetic_r1cs(num_cons, num_vars, num_inputs);
let gens = NIZKGens::new(num_cons, num_vars);
let gens = NIZKGens::new(num_cons, num_vars, num_inputs);
// produce a proof of satisfiability
let mut prover_transcript = Transcript::new(b"example");

+ 1
- 1

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ pub fn main() {
let (inst, vars, inputs) = Instance::produce_synthetic_r1cs(num_cons, num_vars, num_inputs);
// produce public generators
let gens = NIZKGens::new(num_cons, num_vars);
let gens = NIZKGens::new(num_cons, num_vars, num_inputs);
// produce a proof of satisfiability
let mut prover_transcript = Transcript::new(b"nizk_example");

+ 1
- 1

@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ impl DensePolynomial {
assert_eq!(L_size * R_size, self.Z.len());
let C = (0..L_size)
.map(|&i| {
.map(|i| {
self.Z[R_size * i..R_size * (i + 1)]
.commit(&blinds[i], gens)

+ 224
- 32

@ -10,10 +10,12 @@ extern crate curve25519_dalek;
extern crate digest;
extern crate merlin;
extern crate rand;
extern crate rayon;
extern crate sha3;
extern crate test;
#[cfg(feature = "multicore")]
extern crate rayon;
mod commitments;
mod dense_mlpoly;
mod errors;
@ -31,6 +33,7 @@ mod timer;
mod transcript;
mod unipoly;
use core::cmp::max;
use errors::{ProofVerifyError, R1CSError};
use merlin::Transcript;
use r1csinstance::{
@ -86,6 +89,22 @@ impl Assignment {
assignment: assignment_scalar.unwrap(),
/// pads Assignment to the specified length
fn pad(&self, len: usize) -> VarsAssignment {
// check that the new length is higher than current length
assert!(len > self.assignment.len());
let padded_assignment = {
let mut padded_assignment = self.assignment.clone();
padded_assignment.extend(vec![Scalar::zero(); len - self.assignment.len()]);
VarsAssignment {
assignment: padded_assignment,
/// `VarsAssignment` holds an assignment of values to variables in an `Instance`
@ -109,20 +128,37 @@ impl Instance {
B: &Vec<(usize, usize, [u8; 32])>,
C: &Vec<(usize, usize, [u8; 32])>,
) -> Result<Instance, R1CSError> {
// check that num_cons is power of 2
if num_cons.next_power_of_two() != num_cons {
return Err(R1CSError::NonPowerOfTwoCons);
let (num_vars_padded, num_cons_padded) = {
let num_vars_padded = {
let mut num_vars_padded = num_vars;
// check that the number of variables is a power of 2
if num_vars.next_power_of_two() != num_vars {
return Err(R1CSError::NonPowerOfTwoVars);
// ensure that num_inputs + 1 <= num_vars
num_vars_padded = max(num_vars_padded, num_inputs + 1);
// check that num_inputs + 1 <= num_vars
if num_inputs >= num_vars {
return Err(R1CSError::InvalidNumberOfInputs);
// ensure that num_vars_padded a power of two
if num_vars_padded.next_power_of_two() != num_vars_padded {
num_vars_padded = num_vars_padded.next_power_of_two();
let num_cons_padded = {
let mut num_cons_padded = num_cons;
// ensure that num_cons_padded is at least 2
if num_cons_padded == 0 || num_cons_padded == 1 {
num_cons_padded = 2;
// ensure that num_cons_padded is power of 2
if num_cons.next_power_of_two() != num_cons {
num_cons_padded = num_cons.next_power_of_two();
(num_vars_padded, num_cons_padded)
let bytes_to_scalar =
|tups: &Vec<(usize, usize, [u8; 32])>| -> Result<Vec<(usize, usize, Scalar)>, R1CSError> {
@ -142,11 +178,26 @@ impl Instance {
let val = Scalar::from_bytes(&val_bytes);
if val.is_some().unwrap_u8() == 1 {
mat.push((row, col, val.unwrap()));
// if col >= num_vars, it means that it is referencing a 1 or input in the satisfying
// assignment
if col >= num_vars {
mat.push((row, col + num_vars_padded - num_vars, val.unwrap()));
} else {
mat.push((row, col, val.unwrap()));
} else {
return Err(R1CSError::InvalidScalar);
// pad with additional constraints up until num_cons_padded if the original constraints were 0 or 1
// we do not need to pad otherwise because the dummy constraints are implicit in the sum-check protocol
if num_cons == 0 || num_cons == 1 {
for i in tups.len()..num_cons_padded {
mat.push((i, num_vars, Scalar::zero()));
@ -166,8 +217,8 @@ impl Instance {
let inst = R1CSInstance::new(
@ -183,15 +234,31 @@ impl Instance {
vars: &VarsAssignment,
inputs: &InputsAssignment,
) -> Result<bool, R1CSError> {
if vars.assignment.len() != self.inst.get_num_vars() {
return Err(R1CSError::InvalidNumberOfVars);
if vars.assignment.len() > self.inst.get_num_vars() {
return Err(R1CSError::InvalidNumberOfInputs);
if inputs.assignment.len() != self.inst.get_num_inputs() {
return Err(R1CSError::InvalidNumberOfInputs);
Ok(self.inst.is_sat(&vars.assignment, &inputs.assignment))
// we might need to pad variables
let padded_vars = {
let num_padded_vars = self.inst.get_num_vars();
let num_vars = vars.assignment.len();
let padded_vars = if num_padded_vars > num_vars {
} else {
.is_sat(&padded_vars.assignment, &inputs.assignment),
/// Constructs a new synthetic R1CS `Instance` and an associated satisfying assignment
@ -217,12 +284,21 @@ pub struct SNARKGens {
impl SNARKGens {
/// Constructs a new `SNARKGens` given the size of the R1CS statement
/// `num_nz_entries` specifies the maximum number of non-zero entries in any of the three R1CS matrices
pub fn new(num_cons: usize, num_vars: usize, num_inputs: usize, num_nz_entries: usize) -> Self {
let gens_r1cs_sat = R1CSGens::new(b"gens_r1cs_sat", num_cons, num_vars);
let num_vars_padded = {
let mut num_vars_padded = max(num_vars, num_inputs + 1);
if num_vars_padded != num_vars_padded.next_power_of_two() {
num_vars_padded = num_vars_padded.next_power_of_two();
let gens_r1cs_sat = R1CSGens::new(b"gens_r1cs_sat", num_cons, num_vars_padded);
let gens_r1cs_eval = R1CSCommitmentGens::new(
@ -276,14 +352,29 @@ impl SNARK {
let mut random_tape = RandomTape::new(b"proof");
let (r1cs_sat_proof, rx, ry) = {
let (proof, rx, ry) = R1CSProof::prove(
&mut random_tape,
let (proof, rx, ry) = {
// we might need to pad variables
let padded_vars = {
let num_padded_vars = inst.inst.get_num_vars();
let num_vars = vars.assignment.len();
let padded_vars = if num_padded_vars > num_vars {
} else {
&mut random_tape,
let proof_encoded: Vec<u8> = bincode::serialize(&proof).unwrap();
Timer::print(&format!("len_r1cs_sat_proof {:?}", proof_encoded.len()));
@ -378,8 +469,16 @@ pub struct NIZKGens {
impl NIZKGens {
/// Constructs a new `NIZKGens` given the size of the R1CS statement
pub fn new(num_cons: usize, num_vars: usize) -> Self {
let gens_r1cs_sat = R1CSGens::new(b"gens_r1cs_sat", num_cons, num_vars);
pub fn new(num_cons: usize, num_vars: usize, num_inputs: usize) -> Self {
let num_vars_padded = {
let mut num_vars_padded = max(num_vars, num_inputs + 1);
if num_vars_padded != num_vars_padded.next_power_of_two() {
num_vars_padded = num_vars_padded.next_power_of_two();
let gens_r1cs_sat = R1CSGens::new(b"gens_r1cs_sat", num_cons, num_vars_padded);
NIZKGens { gens_r1cs_sat }
@ -410,9 +509,21 @@ impl NIZK {
let mut random_tape = RandomTape::new(b"proof");
let (r1cs_sat_proof, rx, ry) = {
// we might need to pad variables
let padded_vars = {
let num_padded_vars = inst.inst.get_num_vars();
let num_vars = vars.assignment.len();
let padded_vars = if num_padded_vars > num_vars {
} else {
let (proof, rx, ry) = R1CSProof::prove(
@ -544,4 +655,85 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(inst.is_err(), true);
assert_eq!(inst.err(), Some(R1CSError::InvalidScalar));
fn test_padded_constraints() {
// parameters of the R1CS instance
let num_cons = 1;
let num_vars = 0;
let num_inputs = 3;
let num_non_zero_entries = 3;
// We will encode the above constraints into three matrices, where
// the coefficients in the matrix are in the little-endian byte order
let mut A: Vec<(usize, usize, [u8; 32])> = Vec::new();
let mut B: Vec<(usize, usize, [u8; 32])> = Vec::new();
let mut C: Vec<(usize, usize, [u8; 32])> = Vec::new();
// Create a^2 + b + 13
A.push((0, num_vars + 2, Scalar::one().to_bytes())); // 1*a
B.push((0, num_vars + 2, Scalar::one().to_bytes())); // 1*a
C.push((0, num_vars + 1, Scalar::one().to_bytes())); // 1*z
C.push((0, num_vars, (-Scalar::from(13u64)).to_bytes())); // -13*1
C.push((0, num_vars + 3, (-Scalar::one()).to_bytes())); // -1*b
// Var Assignments (Z_0 = 16 is the only output)
let vars = vec![Scalar::zero().to_bytes(); num_vars];
// create an InputsAssignment (a = 1, b = 2)
let mut inputs = vec![Scalar::zero().to_bytes(); num_inputs];
inputs[0] = Scalar::from(16u64).to_bytes();
inputs[1] = Scalar::from(1u64).to_bytes();
inputs[2] = Scalar::from(2u64).to_bytes();
let assignment_inputs = InputsAssignment::new(&inputs).unwrap();
let assignment_vars = VarsAssignment::new(&vars).unwrap();
// Check if instance is satisfiable
let inst = Instance::new(num_cons, num_vars, num_inputs, &A, &B, &C).unwrap();
let res = inst.is_sat(&assignment_vars, &assignment_inputs);
assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), true, "should be satisfied");
// SNARK public params
let gens = SNARKGens::new(num_cons, num_vars, num_inputs, num_non_zero_entries);
// create a commitment to the R1CS instance
let (comm, decomm) = SNARK::encode(&inst, &gens);
// produce a SNARK
let mut prover_transcript = Transcript::new(b"snark_example");
let proof = SNARK::prove(
&mut prover_transcript,
// verify the SNARK
let mut verifier_transcript = Transcript::new(b"snark_example");
.verify(&comm, &assignment_inputs, &mut verifier_transcript, &gens)
// NIZK public params
let gens = NIZKGens::new(num_cons, num_vars, num_inputs);
// produce a NIZK
let mut prover_transcript = Transcript::new(b"nizk_example");
let proof = NIZK::prove(
&mut prover_transcript,
// verify the NIZK
let mut verifier_transcript = Transcript::new(b"nizk_example");
.verify(&inst, &assignment_inputs, &mut verifier_transcript, &gens)
