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use crate::poseidon_transcript::PoseidonTranscript;
use crate::transcript::Transcript;
use ark_ec::scalar_mul::variable_base::VariableBaseMSM;
use ark_ec::CurveGroup;
use ark_ec::{pairing::Pairing, AffineRepr};
use ark_ff::{Field, PrimeField};
use ark_poly::DenseMultilinearExtension;
use ark_poly_commit::multilinear_pc::data_structures::{
CommitmentG2, CommitterKey, ProofG1, VerifierKey,
use ark_poly_commit::multilinear_pc::MultilinearPC;
use ark_serialize::{CanonicalDeserialize, CanonicalSerialize, SerializationError};
use ark_std::One;
use ark_std::Zero;
use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator;
use rayon::prelude::IntoParallelIterator;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use std::ops::{AddAssign, Mul, MulAssign};
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, CanonicalDeserialize, CanonicalSerialize)]
pub struct MippProof<E: Pairing> {
pub comms_t: Vec<(<E as Pairing>::TargetField, <E as Pairing>::TargetField)>,
pub comms_u: Vec<(E::G1Affine, E::G1Affine)>,
pub final_a: E::G1Affine,
pub final_h: E::G2Affine,
pub pst_proof_h: ProofG1<E>,
impl<E: Pairing> MippProof<E> {
pub fn prove(
transcript: &mut PoseidonTranscript<E::ScalarField>,
ck: &CommitterKey<E>,
a: Vec<E::G1Affine>,
y: Vec<E::ScalarField>,
h: Vec<E::G2Affine>,
U: &E::G1Affine,
_T: &<E as Pairing>::TargetField,
) -> Result<MippProof<E>, Error> {
// the values of vectors A and y rescaled at each step of the loop
let (mut m_a, mut m_y) = (a.clone(), y.clone());
// the values of the commitment keys h for the vector A rescaled at
// each step of the loop
let mut m_h = h.clone();
// storing the cross commitments for including in the proofs
let mut comms_t = Vec::new();
let mut comms_u = Vec::new();
// the transcript challenges
let mut xs: Vec<E::ScalarField> = Vec::new();
let mut xs_inv: Vec<E::ScalarField> = Vec::new();
// we append only the MIPP because the aggregated commitment T has been
// appended already
transcript.append(b"U", U);
while m_a.len() > 1 {
// recursive step
// Recurse with problem of half size
let split = m_a.len() / 2;
// MIPP where n' = split///
// a[:n'] a[n':]
let (a_l, a_r) = m_a.split_at_mut(split);
// y[:n'] y[n':]
let (y_l, y_r) = m_y.split_at_mut(split);
// h[:n'] y[n':]
let (h_l, h_r) = m_h.split_at_mut(split);
// since we do this in parallel we take reference first so it can be
// moved within the macro's rayon scope.
let (_rh_l, _rh_r) = (&h_l, &h_r);
let (ra_l, ra_r) = (&a_l, &a_r);
let (ry_l, ry_r) = (&y_l, &y_r);
try_par! {
// MIPP part
// Compute cross commitments
// u_l = a[n':] ^ y[:n']
// TODO to replace by bitsf_multiexp
let comm_u_l = multiexponentiation(ra_l, &ry_r),
// u_r = a[:n'] ^ y[n':]
let comm_u_r = multiexponentiation(ra_r, &ry_l)
par! {
// Compute the cross pairing products over the distinct halfs of A
// t_l = a[n':] * h[:n']
let comm_t_l = pairings_product::<E>(&a_l, h_r),
// t_r = a[:n'] * h[n':]
let comm_t_r = pairings_product::<E>(&a_r, h_l)
// Fiat-Shamir challenge
transcript.append(b"comm_u_l", &comm_u_l);
transcript.append(b"comm_u_r", &comm_u_r);
transcript.append(b"comm_t_l", &comm_t_l);
transcript.append(b"comm_t_r", &comm_t_r);
let c_inv = transcript.challenge_scalar::<E::ScalarField>(b"challenge_i");
// Optimization for multiexponentiation to rescale G2 elements with
// 128-bit challenge Swap 'c' and 'c_inv' since we
// can't control bit size of c_inv
let c = c_inv.inverse().unwrap();
// Set up values for next step of recursion by compressing as follows
// a[n':] + a[:n']^x
compress(&mut m_a, split, &c);
// y[n':] + y[:n']^x_inv
compress_field(&mut m_y, split, &c_inv);
// h[n':] + h[:n']^x_inv
compress(&mut m_h, split, &c_inv);
comms_t.push((comm_t_l, comm_t_r));
comms_u.push((comm_u_l.into_affine(), comm_u_r.into_affine()));
assert!(m_a.len() == 1 && m_y.len() == 1 && m_h.len() == 1);
let final_a = m_a[0];
let final_h = m_h[0];
// get the structured polynomial p_h for which final_h = h^p_h(vec{t})
// is the PST commitment given generator h and toxic waste \vec{t}
let poly = DenseMultilinearExtension::<E::ScalarField>::from_evaluations_vec(
let c = MultilinearPC::<E>::commit_g2(ck, &poly);
debug_assert!(c.h_product == final_h);
// generate a proof of opening final_h at the random point rs
// from the transcript
let rs: Vec<E::ScalarField> = (0..poly.num_vars)
.map(|_| transcript.challenge_scalar::<E::ScalarField>(b"random_point"))
let pst_proof_h = MultilinearPC::<E>::open_g1(ck, &poly, &rs);
Ok(MippProof {
// builds the polynomial p_h in Lagrange basis which uses the
// inverses of transcript challenges this is the following
// structured polynomial $\prod_i(1 - z_i + cs_inv[m - i - 1] * z_i)$
// where m is the length of cs_inv and z_i is the unknown
fn polynomial_evaluations_from_transcript<F: Field>(cs_inv: &[F]) -> Vec<F> {
let m = cs_inv.len();
let pow_m = 2_usize.pow(m as u32);
// constructs the list of evaluations over the boolean hypercube \{0,1\}^m
let evals = (0..pow_m)
.map(|i| {
let mut res = F::one();
for j in 0..m {
// we iterate from lsb to msb and, in case the bit is 1,
// we multiply by the corresponding challenge i.e whose
// index corresponds to the bit's position
if (i >> j) & 1 == 1 {
res *= cs_inv[m - j - 1];
pub fn verify(
vk: &VerifierKey<E>,
transcript: &mut PoseidonTranscript<E::ScalarField>,
proof: &MippProof<E>,
point: Vec<E::ScalarField>,
U: &E::G1Affine,
T: &<E as Pairing>::TargetField,
) -> bool {
let comms_u = proof.comms_u.clone();
let comms_t = proof.comms_t.clone();
let mut xs = Vec::new();
let mut xs_inv = Vec::new();
let mut final_y = E::ScalarField::one();
let mut final_res = MippTU {
tc: T.clone(),
uc: U.into_group(),
transcript.append(b"U", U);
// Challenges need to be generated first in sequential order so the
// prover and the verifier have a consistent view of the transcript
for (i, (comm_u, comm_t)) in comms_u.iter().zip(comms_t.iter()).enumerate() {
let (comm_u_l, comm_u_r) = comm_u;
let (comm_t_l, comm_t_r) = comm_t;
// Fiat-Shamir challenge
transcript.append(b"comm_u_l", comm_u_l);
transcript.append(b"comm_u_r", comm_u_r);
transcript.append(b"comm_t_l", comm_t_l);
transcript.append(b"comm_t_r", comm_t_r);
let c_inv = transcript.challenge_scalar::<E::ScalarField>(b"challenge_i");
let c = c_inv.inverse().unwrap();
// the verifier computes the final_y by themselves because
// this is field operations so it's quite fast and parallelisation
// doesn't bring much improvement
final_y *= E::ScalarField::one() + c_inv.mul(point[i]) - point[i];
// First, each entry of T and U are multiplied independently by their
// respective challenges which is done in parralel and, at the end,
// the results are merged together for each vector following their
// corresponding merge operation.
enum Op<'a, E: Pairing> {
TC(&'a E::TargetField, <E::ScalarField as PrimeField>::BigInt),
UC(&'a E::G1Affine, &'a E::ScalarField),
let res = comms_t
.flat_map(|((comm_t, comm_u), (c, c_inv))| {
let (comm_t_l, comm_t_r) = comm_t;
let (comm_u_l, comm_u_r) = comm_u;
// we multiple left side by x^-1 and right side by x
Op::TC::<E>(comm_t_l, c_inv.into_bigint()),
Op::TC(comm_t_r, c.into_bigint()),
Op::UC(comm_u_l, c_inv),
Op::UC(comm_u_r, c),
.fold(MippTU::<E>::default, |mut res, op: Op<E>| {
match op {
Op::TC(tx, c) => {
let tx: E::TargetField = tx.pow(c);;
Op::UC(zx, c) => {
let uxp: E::G1 = zx.mul(c);
.reduce(MippTU::default, |mut acc_res, res| {
// the initial values of T and U are also merged to get the final result
let ref_final_res = &mut final_res;
// get the point rs from the transcript, used by the prover to generate
// the PST proof
let mut rs: Vec<E::ScalarField> = Vec::new();
let m = xs_inv.len();
for _i in 0..m {
let r = transcript.challenge_scalar::<E::ScalarField>(b"random_point");
// Given p_h is structured as defined above, the verifier can compute
// p_h(rs) by themselves in O(m) time
let v = (0..m)
.map(|i| E::ScalarField::one() + rs[i].mul(xs_inv[m - i - 1]) - rs[i])
let comm_h = CommitmentG2 {
nv: m,
h_product: proof.final_h,
// final_h is the commitment of p_h so the verifier can perform
// a PST verification at the random point rs, given the pst proof
// received from the prover prover
let check_h = MultilinearPC::<E>::check_2(vk, &comm_h, &rs, v, &proof.pst_proof_h);
assert!(check_h == true);
let final_u = proof.final_a.mul(final_y);
let final_t: <E as Pairing>::TargetField = E::pairing(proof.final_a, proof.final_h).0;
let check_t = == final_t;
assert!(check_t == true);
let check_u = ref_final_res.uc == final_u;
assert!(check_u == true);
check_h & check_u
/// MippTU keeps track of the variables that have been sent by the prover and
/// must be multiplied together by the verifier.
struct MippTU<E: Pairing> {
pub tc: E::TargetField,
pub uc: E::G1,
impl<E> Default for MippTU<E>
E: Pairing,
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
tc: E::TargetField::one(),
uc: E::G1::zero(),
impl<E> MippTU<E>
E: Pairing,
fn merge(&mut self, other: &Self) {;
/// compress modifies the `vec` vector by setting the value at
/// index $i:0 -> split$ $vec[i] = vec[i] + vec[i+split]^scaler$.
/// The `vec` vector is half of its size after this call.
pub fn compress<C: AffineRepr>(vec: &mut Vec<C>, split: usize, scaler: &C::ScalarField) {
let (left, right) = vec.split_at_mut(split);
.for_each(|(a_l, a_r)| {
// TODO remove that with master version
let mut x = a_r.mul(scaler);
*a_l = x.into_affine();
let len = left.len();
vec.resize(len, C::zero());
// TODO make that generic with points as well
pub fn compress_field<F: PrimeField>(vec: &mut Vec<F>, split: usize, scaler: &F) {
let (left, right) = vec.split_at_mut(split);
assert!(left.len() == right.len());
.for_each(|(a_l, a_r)| {
// TODO remove copy
let len = left.len();
vec.resize(len, F::zero());
pub fn multiexponentiation<G: AffineRepr>(
left: &[G],
right: &[G::ScalarField],
) -> Result<G::Group, Error> {
if left.len() != right.len() {
return Err(Error::InvalidIPVectorLength);
Ok(<G::Group as VariableBaseMSM>::msm_unchecked(left, right))
pub fn pairings_product<E: Pairing>(gs: &[E::G1Affine], hs: &[E::G2Affine]) -> E::TargetField {
E::multi_pairing(gs, hs).0
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Serialization error: {0}")]
Serialization(#[from] SerializationError),
#[error("Vectors length do not match for inner product (IP)")]
// #[error("Commitment key length invalid")]
// InvalidKeyLength,
// #[error("Invalid pairing result")]
// InvalidPairing,
// #[error("Invalid SRS: {0}")]
// InvalidSRS(String),
// #[error("Invalid proof: {0}")]
// InvalidProof(String),
// #[error("Malformed Groth16 verifying key")]
// MalformedVerifyingKey,