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use crate::mipp::MippProof;
use ark_ec::{pairing::Pairing, scalar_mul::variable_base::VariableBaseMSM, CurveGroup};
use ark_ff::One;
use ark_poly_commit::multilinear_pc::{
data_structures::{Commitment, CommitterKey, Proof, VerifierKey},
use rayon::prelude::{IntoParallelIterator, IntoParallelRefIterator, ParallelIterator};
use crate::{
dense_mlpoly::DensePolynomial, math::Math, poseidon_transcript::PoseidonTranscript, timer::Timer,
pub struct Polynomial<E: Pairing> {
m: usize,
odd: usize,
polys: Vec<DensePolynomial<E::ScalarField>>,
q: Option<DensePolynomial<E::ScalarField>>,
chis_b: Option<Vec<E::ScalarField>>,
impl<E: Pairing> Polynomial<E> {
// Given the evaluations over the boolean hypercube of a polynomial p of size
// n compute the sqrt-sized polynomials p_i as
// p_i(X) = \sum_{j \in \{0,1\}^m} p(j, i) * chi_j(X)
// where p(X,Y) = \sum_{i \in \{0,\1}^m}
// (\sum_{j \in \{0, 1\}^{m}} p(j, i) * \chi_j(X)) * \chi_i(Y)
// and m is n/2.
// To handle the case in which n is odd, the number of variables in the
// sqrt-sized polynomials will be increased by a factor of 2 (i.e. 2^{m+1})
// while the number of polynomials remains the same (i.e. 2^m)
pub fn from_evaluations(Z: &[E::ScalarField]) -> Self {
let pl_timer = Timer::new("poly_list_build");
// check the evaluation list is a power of 2
debug_assert!(Z.len() & (Z.len() - 1) == 0);
let num_vars = Z.len().log_2();
let m_col = num_vars / 2;
let m_row = if num_vars % 2 == 0 {
num_vars / 2
} else {
num_vars / 2 + 1
let pow_m_col = 2_usize.pow(m_col as u32);
let pow_m_row = 2_usize.pow(m_row as u32);
let polys: Vec<DensePolynomial<E::ScalarField>> = (0..pow_m_col)
.map(|i| {
let z: Vec<E::ScalarField> = (0..pow_m_row)
// viewing the list of evaluation as a square matrix
// we select by row j and column i
// to handle the odd case, we add another row to the matrix i.e.
// we add an extra variable to the polynomials while keeping their
// number tje same
.map(|j| Z[(j << m_col) | i])
debug_assert!(polys.len() == pow_m_col);
debug_assert!(polys[0].len == pow_m_row);
Self {
m: m_col,
odd: if num_vars % 2 == 1 { 1 } else { 0 },
q: None,
chis_b: None,
// Given point = (\vec{a}, \vec{b}), compute the polynomial q as
// q(Y) =
// \sum_{j \in \{0,1\}^m}(\sum_{i \in \{0,1\}^m} p(j,i) * chi_i(b)) * chi_j(Y)
// and p(a,b) = q(a) where p is the initial polynomial
fn get_q(&mut self, point: &[E::ScalarField]) {
let q_timer = Timer::new("build_q");
debug_assert!(point.len() == 2 * self.m + self.odd);
let b = &point[self.m + self.odd..];
let pow_m = 2_usize.pow(self.m as u32);
let chis: Vec<E::ScalarField> = (0..pow_m)
.map(|i| Self::get_chi_i(b, i))
let z_q: Vec<E::ScalarField> = (0..(pow_m * 2_usize.pow(self.odd as u32)))
.map(|j| (0..pow_m).map(|i| self.polys[i].Z[j] * chis[i]).sum())
self.q = Some(DensePolynomial::new(z_q));
self.chis_b = Some(chis);
// Given point = (\vec{a}, \vec{b}) used to construct q
// compute q(a) = p(a,b).
pub fn eval(&mut self, point: &[E::ScalarField]) -> E::ScalarField {
let a = &point[0..point.len() / 2 + self.odd];
if self.q.is_none() {
let q = self.q.clone().unwrap();
.map(|j| q.Z[j] * Polynomial::<E>::get_chi_i(&a, j))
pub fn commit(&self, ck: &CommitterKey<E>) -> (Vec<Commitment<E>>, E::TargetField) {
let timer_commit = Timer::new("sqrt_commit");
let timer_list = Timer::new("comm_list");
// commit to each of the sqrt sized p_i
let comm_list: Vec<Commitment<E>> = self
.map(|p| MultilinearPC::<E>::commit(&ck, p))
let h_vec = ck.powers_of_h[self.odd].clone();
assert!(comm_list.len() == h_vec.len());
let ipp_timer = Timer::new("ipp");
let left_pairs: Vec<_> = comm_list
.map(|c| E::G1Prepared::from(c.g_product))
let right_pairs: Vec<_> = h_vec
.map(|h| E::G2Prepared::from(h))
// compute the IPP commitment
let t = E::multi_pairing(left_pairs, right_pairs).0;
(comm_list, t)
// computes \chi_i(\vec{b}) = \prod_{i_j = 0}(1 - b_j)\prod_{i_j = 1}(b_j)
pub fn get_chi_i(b: &[E::ScalarField], i: usize) -> E::ScalarField {
let m = b.len();
let mut prod = E::ScalarField::one();
for j in 0..m {
let b_j = b[j];
// iterate from first (msb) to last (lsb) bit of i
// to build chi_i using the formula above
if i >> (m - j - 1) & 1 == 1 {
prod = prod * b_j;
} else {
prod = prod * (E::ScalarField::one() - b_j)
pub fn open(
&mut self,
transcript: &mut PoseidonTranscript<E::ScalarField>,
comm_list: Vec<Commitment<E>>,
ck: &CommitterKey<E>,
point: &[E::ScalarField],
t: &E::TargetField,
) -> (Commitment<E>, Proof<E>, MippProof<E>) {
let a = &point[0..self.m + self.odd];
if self.q.is_none() {
let q = self.q.clone().unwrap();
let timer_open = Timer::new("sqrt_open");
// Compute the PST commitment to q obtained as the inner products of the
// commitments to the polynomials p_i and chi_i(\vec{b}) for i ranging over
// the boolean hypercube of size m.
let timer_msm = Timer::new("msm");
if self.chis_b.is_none() {
panic!("chis(b) should have been computed for q");
// TODO remove that cloning - the whole option thing
let chis = self.chis_b.clone().unwrap();
assert!(chis.len() == comm_list.len());
let comms: Vec<_> = comm_list.par_iter().map(|c| c.g_product).collect();
let c_u = <E::G1 as VariableBaseMSM>::msm_unchecked(&comms, &chis).into_affine();
let U: Commitment<E> = Commitment {
nv: q.num_vars,
g_product: c_u,
let comm = MultilinearPC::<E>::commit(ck, &q);
debug_assert!(c_u == comm.g_product);
let h_vec = ck.powers_of_h[self.odd].clone();
// construct MIPP proof that U is the inner product of the vector A
// and the vector y, where A is the opening vector to T
let timer_mipp_proof = Timer::new("mipp_prove");
let mipp_proof =
MippProof::<E>::prove(transcript, ck, comms, chis.to_vec(), h_vec, &c_u, t).unwrap();
let timer_proof = Timer::new("pst_open");
// reversing a is necessary because the sumcheck code in spartan generates
// the point in reverse order compared to how the polynomial commitment
// expects it
let mut a_rev = a.to_vec().clone();
// construct PST proof for opening q at a
let pst_proof = MultilinearPC::<E>::open(ck, &q, &a_rev);
(U, pst_proof, mipp_proof)
pub fn verify(
transcript: &mut PoseidonTranscript<E::ScalarField>,
vk: &VerifierKey<E>,
U: &Commitment<E>,
point: &[E::ScalarField],
v: E::ScalarField,
pst_proof: &Proof<E>,
mipp_proof: &MippProof<E>,
T: &E::TargetField,
) -> bool {
let len = point.len();
let odd = if len % 2 == 1 { 1 } else { 0 };
let a = &point[0..len / 2 + odd];
let b = &point[len / 2 + odd..len];
let timer_mipp_verify = Timer::new("mipp_verify");
// verify that U = A^y where A is the opening vector of T
let res_mipp = MippProof::<E>::verify(vk, transcript, mipp_proof, b.to_vec(), &U.g_product, T);
assert!(res_mipp == true);
// reversing a is necessary because the sumcheck code in spartan generates
// the point in reverse order compared to how the polynomial commitment
// expects
let mut a_rev = a.to_vec().clone();
let timer_pst_verify = Timer::new("pst_verify");
// PST proof that q(a) is indeed equal to value claimed by the prover
let res = MultilinearPC::<E>::check(vk, U, &a_rev, v, pst_proof);
mod tests {
use crate::parameters::poseidon_params;
use super::*;
type F = ark_bls12_377::Fr;
type E = ark_bls12_377::Bls12_377;
use ark_std::UniformRand;
fn check_sqrt_poly_eval() {
let mut rng = ark_std::test_rng();
let num_vars = 6;
let len = 2_usize.pow(num_vars);
let Z: Vec<F> = (0..len).into_iter().map(|_| F::rand(&mut rng)).collect();
let r: Vec<F> = (0..num_vars)
.map(|_| F::rand(&mut rng))
let p = DensePolynomial::new(Z.clone());
let res1 = p.evaluate(&r);
let mut pl = Polynomial::<E>::from_evaluations(&Z.clone());
let res2 = pl.eval(&r);
assert!(res1 == res2);
fn check_commit() {
// check odd case
// check even case
fn check_sqrt_poly_commit(num_vars: u32) {
let mut rng = ark_std::test_rng();
let len = 2_usize.pow(num_vars);
let Z: Vec<F> = (0..len).into_iter().map(|_| F::rand(&mut rng)).collect();
let r: Vec<F> = (0..num_vars)
.map(|_| F::rand(&mut rng))
let gens = MultilinearPC::<E>::setup(3, &mut rng);
let (ck, vk) = MultilinearPC::<E>::trim(&gens, 3);
let mut pl = Polynomial::from_evaluations(&Z.clone());
let v = pl.eval(&r);
let (comm_list, t) = pl.commit(&ck);
let params = poseidon_params();
let mut prover_transcript = PoseidonTranscript::new(&params);
let (u, pst_proof, mipp_proof) = prover_transcript, comm_list, &ck, &r, &t);
let mut verifier_transcript = PoseidonTranscript::new(&params);
let res = Polynomial::verify(
&mut verifier_transcript,
assert!(res == true);