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Spartan: High-speed zkSNARKs without trusted setup


Spartan is a research project to design high-speed zero-knowledge proof systems, a cryptographic protocol that enables a prover to prove a mathematical statement (e.g., that a given program was executed correctly) without revealing anything besides the validity of the statement.

The current repository includes a library that implements a zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (zkSNARKs), a type of zero-knowledge proof system with short proofs and verification times. Unlike many other zkSNARKs, Spartan does not require a trusted setup and its security relies on the hardness of computing discrete logarithms (a well-studied assumption). The scheme is described in our paper.

Building libspartan

cargo build
# On a machine that supports avx2 or ifma instructions:
export RUSTFLAGS="-C target_cpu=native" 
cargo build --features "simd_backend" --release


cargo build
# On a machine that supports avx2 or ifma instructions:
export RUSTFLAGS="-C target_cpu=native" 
cargo build --features "simd_backend,profile" --release

cargo bench
# On a machine that supports avx2 or ifma instructions:
export RUSTFLAGS="-C target_cpu=native" 
cargo bench --features "simd_backend"


