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use super::commitments::{Commitments, MultiCommitGens};
use super::errors::ProofVerifyError;
use super::group::{CompressedGroup, GroupElement, VartimeMultiscalarMul};
use super::math::Math;
use super::nizk::{DotProductProofGens, DotProductProofLog};
use super::scalar::Scalar;
use super::transcript::{AppendToTranscript, ProofTranscript};
use core::ops::Index;
use merlin::Transcript;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[cfg(feature = "rayon_par")]
use rayon::prelude::*;
pub struct DensePolynomial {
num_vars: usize, //the number of variables in the multilinear polynomial
len: usize,
Z: Vec<Scalar>, // a vector that holds the evaluations of the polynomial in all the 2^num_vars Boolean inputs
pub struct PolyCommitmentGens {
pub gens: DotProductProofGens,
impl PolyCommitmentGens {
// the number of variables in the multilinear polynomial
pub fn new(num_vars: usize, label: &'static [u8]) -> PolyCommitmentGens {
let (_left, right) = EqPolynomial::compute_factored_lens(num_vars);
let gens = DotProductProofGens::new(right.pow2(), label);
PolyCommitmentGens { gens }
pub struct PolyCommitmentBlinds {
blinds: Vec<Scalar>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct PolyCommitment {
C: Vec<CompressedGroup>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ConstPolyCommitment {
C: CompressedGroup,
impl PolyCommitment {
pub fn combine(&self, comm: &PolyCommitment, s: &Scalar) -> PolyCommitment {
assert_eq!(comm.C.len(), self.C.len());
let C = (0..self.C.len())
.map(|i| (self.C[i].decompress().unwrap() + s * comm.C[i].decompress().unwrap()).compress())
PolyCommitment { C }
pub fn combine_const(&self, comm: &ConstPolyCommitment) -> PolyCommitment {
let C = (0..self.C.len())
.map(|i| (self.C[i].decompress().unwrap() + comm.C.decompress().unwrap()).compress())
PolyCommitment { C }
pub struct EqPolynomial {
r: Vec<Scalar>,
impl EqPolynomial {
pub fn new(r: Vec<Scalar>) -> Self {
EqPolynomial { r }
pub fn evaluate(&self, rx: &Vec<Scalar>) -> Scalar {
assert_eq!(self.r.len(), rx.len());
.map(|i| self.r[i] * rx[i] + (Scalar::one() - self.r[i]) * (Scalar::one() - rx[i]))
pub fn evals(&self) -> Vec<Scalar> {
let ell = self.r.len();
let mut evals: Vec<Scalar> = vec![Scalar::one(); ell.pow2()];
let mut size = 1;
for j in 0..ell {
// in each iteration, we double the size of chis
size = size * 2;
for i in (0..size).rev().step_by(2) {
// copy each element from the prior iteration twice
let scalar = evals[i / 2];
// evals[i - 1] = scalar * (Scalar::one() - tau[j]);
// evals[i] = scalar * tau[j];
evals[i] = scalar * self.r[j];
evals[i - 1] = scalar - evals[i];
pub fn compute_factored_lens(ell: usize) -> (usize, usize) {
(ell / 2, ell - ell / 2)
pub fn compute_factored_evals(&self) -> (Vec<Scalar>, Vec<Scalar>) {
let ell = self.r.len();
let (left_num_vars, _right_num_vars) = EqPolynomial::compute_factored_lens(ell);
let L = EqPolynomial::new(self.r[0..left_num_vars].to_vec()).evals();
let R = EqPolynomial::new(self.r[left_num_vars..ell].to_vec()).evals();
(L, R)
pub struct ConstPolynomial {
num_vars: usize,
c: Scalar,
impl ConstPolynomial {
pub fn new(num_vars: usize, c: Scalar) -> Self {
ConstPolynomial { num_vars, c }
pub fn evaluate(&self, rx: &Vec<Scalar>) -> Scalar {
assert_eq!(self.num_vars, rx.len());
pub fn get_num_vars(&self) -> usize {
/// produces a binding commitment
pub fn commit(&self, gens: &PolyCommitmentGens) -> PolyCommitment {
let ell = self.get_num_vars();
let (left_num_vars, right_num_vars) = EqPolynomial::compute_factored_lens(ell);
let L_size = left_num_vars.pow2();
let R_size = right_num_vars.pow2();
assert_eq!(L_size * R_size, ell.pow2());
let vec = vec![self.c; R_size];
let c = vec.commit(&Scalar::zero(), &gens.gens.gens_n).compress();
PolyCommitment { C: vec![c; L_size] }
pub struct IdentityPolynomial {
size_point: usize,
impl IdentityPolynomial {
pub fn new(size_point: usize) -> Self {
IdentityPolynomial { size_point }
pub fn evaluate(&self, r: &Vec<Scalar>) -> Scalar {
let len = r.len();
assert_eq!(len, self.size_point);
.map(|i| Scalar::from((len - i - 1).pow2() as u64) * r[i])
impl DensePolynomial {
pub fn new(Z: Vec<Scalar>) -> Self {
let len = Z.len();
let num_vars = len.log2();
DensePolynomial { num_vars, Z, len }
pub fn get_num_vars(&self) -> usize {
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn clone(&self) -> DensePolynomial {
pub fn split(&self, idx: usize) -> (DensePolynomial, DensePolynomial) {
assert!(idx < self.len());
DensePolynomial::new(self.Z[idx..2 * idx].to_vec()),
#[cfg(feature = "rayon_par")]
fn commit_inner(&self, blinds: &Vec<Scalar>, gens: &MultiCommitGens) -> PolyCommitment {
let L_size = blinds.len();
let R_size = self.Z.len() / L_size;
assert_eq!(L_size * R_size, self.Z.len());
let C = (0..L_size)
.map(|&i| {
self.Z[R_size * i..R_size * (i + 1)]
.commit(&blinds[i], gens)
PolyCommitment { C }
#[cfg(not(feature = "rayon_par"))]
fn commit_inner(&self, blinds: &Vec<Scalar>, gens: &MultiCommitGens) -> PolyCommitment {
let L_size = blinds.len();
let R_size = self.Z.len() / L_size;
assert_eq!(L_size * R_size, self.Z.len());
let C = (0..L_size)
.map(|i| {
self.Z[R_size * i..R_size * (i + 1)]
.commit(&blinds[i], gens)
PolyCommitment { C }
pub fn commit(
hiding: bool,
gens: &PolyCommitmentGens,
random_tape: Option<&mut Transcript>,
) -> (PolyCommitment, PolyCommitmentBlinds) {
let n = self.Z.len();
let ell = self.get_num_vars();
assert_eq!(n, ell.pow2());
let (left_num_vars, right_num_vars) = EqPolynomial::compute_factored_lens(ell);
let L_size = left_num_vars.pow2();
let R_size = right_num_vars.pow2();
assert_eq!(L_size * R_size, n);
let blinds = match hiding {
true => PolyCommitmentBlinds {
blinds: random_tape
.challenge_vector(b"poly_blinds", L_size),
false => PolyCommitmentBlinds {
blinds: vec![Scalar::zero(); L_size],
(self.commit_inner(&blinds.blinds, &gens.gens.gens_n), blinds)
pub fn bound(&self, L: &Vec<Scalar>) -> Vec<Scalar> {
let (left_num_vars, right_num_vars) = EqPolynomial::compute_factored_lens(self.get_num_vars());
let L_size = left_num_vars.pow2();
let R_size = right_num_vars.pow2();
.map(|i| (0..L_size).map(|j| &L[j] * &self.Z[j * R_size + i]).sum())
pub fn bound_poly_var_top(&mut self, r: &Scalar) {
let n = self.len() / 2;
for i in 0..n {
self.Z[i] = &self.Z[i] + r * (&self.Z[i + n] - &self.Z[i]);
self.num_vars = self.num_vars - 1;
self.len = n;
pub fn bound_poly_var_bot(&mut self, r: &Scalar) {
let n = self.len() / 2;
for i in 0..n {
self.Z[i] = &self.Z[2 * i] + r * (&self.Z[2 * i + 1] - &self.Z[2 * i]);
self.num_vars = self.num_vars - 1;
self.len = n;
pub fn dotproduct(&self, other: &DensePolynomial) -> Scalar {
assert_eq!(self.len(), other.len());
let mut res = Scalar::zero();
for i in 0..self.len() {
res = &res + &self.Z[i] * &other[i];
// returns Z(r) in O(n) time
pub fn evaluate(&self, r: &Vec<Scalar>) -> Scalar {
// r must have a value for each variable
assert_eq!(r.len(), self.get_num_vars());
let chis = EqPolynomial::new(r.to_vec()).evals();
assert_eq!(chis.len(), self.Z.len());
DotProductProofLog::compute_dotproduct(&self.Z, &chis)
fn vec(&self) -> &Vec<Scalar> {
pub fn extend(&mut self, other: &DensePolynomial) {
// TODO: allow extension even when some vars are bound
assert_eq!(self.Z.len(), self.len);
let other_vec = other.vec();
assert_eq!(other_vec.len(), self.len);
self.num_vars = self.num_vars + 1;
self.len = 2 * self.len;
assert_eq!(self.Z.len(), self.len);
pub fn merge<'a, I>(polys: I) -> DensePolynomial
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a DensePolynomial>,
//assert!(polys.len() > 0);
//let num_vars = polys[0].num_vars();
let mut Z: Vec<Scalar> = Vec::new();
for poly in polys.into_iter() {
//assert_eq!(poly.get_num_vars(), num_vars); // ensure each polynomial has the same number of variables
//assert_eq!(poly.len, poly.vec().len()); // ensure no variable is already bound
// pad the polynomial with zero polynomial at the end
Z.resize(Z.len().next_power_of_two(), Scalar::zero());
pub fn from_usize(Z: &Vec<usize>) -> Self {
.map(|i| Scalar::from(Z[i] as u64))
impl Index<usize> for DensePolynomial {
type Output = Scalar;
fn index(&self, _index: usize) -> &Scalar {
impl AppendToTranscript for PolyCommitment {
fn append_to_transcript(&self, label: &'static [u8], transcript: &mut Transcript) {
transcript.append_message(label, b"poly_commitment_begin");
for i in 0..self.C.len() {
transcript.append_point(b"poly_commitment_share", &self.C[i]);
transcript.append_message(label, b"poly_commitment_end");
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct PolyEvalProof {
proof: DotProductProofLog,
impl PolyEvalProof {
fn protocol_name() -> &'static [u8] {
b"polynomial evaluation proof"
pub fn prove(
poly: &DensePolynomial,
blinds_opt: Option<&PolyCommitmentBlinds>,
r: &Vec<Scalar>, // point at which the polynomial is evaluated
Zr: &Scalar, // evaluation of \widetilde{Z}(r)
blind_Zr_opt: Option<&Scalar>, // specifies a blind for Zr
gens: &PolyCommitmentGens,
transcript: &mut Transcript,
random_tape: &mut Transcript,
) -> (PolyEvalProof, CompressedGroup) {
// assert vectors are of the right size
assert_eq!(poly.get_num_vars(), r.len());
let (left_num_vars, right_num_vars) = EqPolynomial::compute_factored_lens(r.len());
let L_size = left_num_vars.pow2();
let R_size = right_num_vars.pow2();
let default_blinds = PolyCommitmentBlinds {
blinds: vec![Scalar::zero(); L_size],
let blinds = match blinds_opt {
Some(p) => p,
None => &default_blinds,
assert_eq!(blinds.blinds.len(), L_size);
let zero = Scalar::zero();
let blind_Zr = match blind_Zr_opt {
Some(p) => p,
None => &zero,
// compute the L and R vectors
let eq = EqPolynomial::new(r.to_vec());
let (L, R) = eq.compute_factored_evals();
assert_eq!(L.len(), L_size);
assert_eq!(R.len(), R_size);
// compute the vector underneath L*Z and the L*blinds
// compute vector-matrix product between L and Z viewed as a matrix
let LZ = poly.bound(&L);
let LZ_blind: Scalar = (0..L.len()).map(|i| blinds.blinds[i] * L[i]).sum();
// a dot product proof of size R_size
let (proof, _C_LR, C_Zr_prime) = DotProductProofLog::prove(
(PolyEvalProof { proof }, C_Zr_prime)
pub fn verify(
gens: &PolyCommitmentGens,
transcript: &mut Transcript,
r: &Vec<Scalar>, // point at which the polynomial is evaluated
C_Zr: &CompressedGroup, // commitment to \widetilde{Z}(r)
comm: &PolyCommitment,
) -> Result<(), ProofVerifyError> {
// compute L and R
let eq = EqPolynomial::new(r.to_vec());
let (L, R) = eq.compute_factored_evals();
// compute a weighted sum of commitments and L
let C_decompressed = comm.C.iter().map(|pt| pt.decompress().unwrap());
let C_LZ = GroupElement::vartime_multiscalar_mul(&L, C_decompressed).compress();
.verify(R.len(), &gens.gens, transcript, &R, &C_LZ, C_Zr)
pub fn verify_batched(
gens: &PolyCommitmentGens,
transcript: &mut Transcript,
r: &Vec<Scalar>, // point at which the polynomial is evaluated
C_Zr: &CompressedGroup, // commitment to \widetilde{Z}(r)
comm: &[&PolyCommitment],
coeff: &[&Scalar],
) -> Result<(), ProofVerifyError> {
// compute L and R
let eq = EqPolynomial::new(r.to_vec());
let (L, R) = eq.compute_factored_evals();
// compute a weighted sum of commitments and L
let C_decompressed: Vec<Vec<GroupElement>> = (0..comm.len())
.map(|i| {
.map(|pt| pt.decompress().unwrap())
let C_LZ: Vec<GroupElement> = (0..comm.len())
.map(|i| GroupElement::vartime_multiscalar_mul(&L, &C_decompressed[i]))
let C_LZ_combined: GroupElement = (0..C_LZ.len()).map(|i| C_LZ[i] * coeff[i]).sum();
pub fn verify_plain(
gens: &PolyCommitmentGens,
transcript: &mut Transcript,
r: &Vec<Scalar>, // point at which the polynomial is evaluated
Zr: &Scalar, // evaluation \widetilde{Z}(r)
comm: &PolyCommitment,
) -> Result<(), ProofVerifyError> {
// compute a commitment to Zr with a blind of zero
let C_Zr = Zr.commit(&Scalar::zero(), &gens.gens.gens_1).compress();
self.verify(gens, transcript, r, &C_Zr, comm)
pub fn verify_plain_batched(
gens: &PolyCommitmentGens,
transcript: &mut Transcript,
r: &Vec<Scalar>, // point at which the polynomial is evaluated
Zr: &Scalar, // evaluation \widetilde{Z}(r)
comm: &[&PolyCommitment],
coeff: &[&Scalar],
) -> Result<(), ProofVerifyError> {
// compute a commitment to Zr with a blind of zero
let C_Zr = Zr.commit(&Scalar::zero(), &gens.gens.gens_1).compress();
assert_eq!(comm.len(), coeff.len());
self.verify_batched(gens, transcript, r, &C_Zr, comm, coeff)
mod tests {
use super::super::scalar::ScalarFromPrimitives;
use super::*;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
fn evaluate_with_LR(Z: &Vec<Scalar>, r: &Vec<Scalar>) -> Scalar {
let eq = EqPolynomial::new(r.to_vec());
let (L, R) = eq.compute_factored_evals();
let ell = r.len();
// ensure ell is even
assert!(ell % 2 == 0);
// compute n = 2^\ell
let n = ell.pow2();
// compute m = sqrt(n) = 2^{\ell/2}
let m = n.square_root();
// compute vector-matrix product between L and Z viewed as a matrix
let LZ = (0..m)
.map(|i| (0..m).map(|j| L[j] * Z[j * m + i]).sum())
// compute dot product between LZ and R
DotProductProofLog::compute_dotproduct(&LZ, &R)
fn check_polynomial_evaluation() {
let mut Z: Vec<Scalar> = Vec::new(); // Z = [1, 2, 1, 4]
Z.push((2 as usize).to_scalar());
Z.push((1 as usize).to_scalar());
Z.push((4 as usize).to_scalar());
// r = [4,3]
let mut r: Vec<Scalar> = Vec::new();
r.push((4 as usize).to_scalar());
r.push((3 as usize).to_scalar());
let eval_with_LR = evaluate_with_LR(&Z, &r);
let poly = DensePolynomial::new(Z);
let eval = poly.evaluate(&r);
assert_eq!(eval, (28 as usize).to_scalar());
assert_eq!(eval_with_LR, eval);
pub fn compute_factored_chis_at_r(r: &Vec<Scalar>) -> (Vec<Scalar>, Vec<Scalar>) {
let mut L: Vec<Scalar> = Vec::new();
let mut R: Vec<Scalar> = Vec::new();
let ell = r.len();
assert!(ell % 2 == 0); // ensure ell is even
let n = ell.pow2();
let m = n.square_root();
// compute row vector L
for i in 0..m {
let mut chi_i = Scalar::one();
for j in 0..ell / 2 {
let bit_j = ((m * i) & (1 << (r.len() - j - 1))) > 0;
if bit_j {
chi_i *= r[j];
} else {
chi_i *= Scalar::one() - r[j];
// compute column vector R
for i in 0..m {
let mut chi_i = Scalar::one();
for j in ell / 2..ell {
let bit_j = (i & (1 << (r.len() - j - 1))) > 0;
if bit_j {
chi_i *= r[j];
} else {
chi_i *= Scalar::one() - r[j];
(L, R)
pub fn compute_chis_at_r(r: &Vec<Scalar>) -> Vec<Scalar> {
let ell = r.len();
let n = ell.pow2();
let mut chis: Vec<Scalar> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..n {
let mut chi_i = Scalar::one();
for j in 0..r.len() {
let bit_j = (i & (1 << (r.len() - j - 1))) > 0;
if bit_j {
chi_i *= r[j];
} else {
chi_i *= Scalar::one() - r[j];
pub fn compute_outerproduct(L: Vec<Scalar>, R: Vec<Scalar>) -> Vec<Scalar> {
assert_eq!(L.len(), R.len());
let mut O: Vec<Scalar> = Vec::new();
let m = L.len();
for i in 0..m {
for j in 0..m {
O.push(L[i] * R[j]);
fn check_memoized_chis() {
let mut csprng: OsRng = OsRng;
let s = 10;
let mut r: Vec<Scalar> = Vec::new();
for _i in 0..s {
r.push(Scalar::random(&mut csprng));
let chis = tests::compute_chis_at_r(&r);
let chis_m = EqPolynomial::new(r).evals();
assert_eq!(chis, chis_m);
fn check_factored_chis() {
let mut csprng: OsRng = OsRng;
let s = 10;
let mut r: Vec<Scalar> = Vec::new();
for _i in 0..s {
r.push(Scalar::random(&mut csprng));
let chis = EqPolynomial::new(r.clone()).evals();
let (L, R) = EqPolynomial::new(r).compute_factored_evals();
let O = compute_outerproduct(L, R);
assert_eq!(chis, O);
fn check_memoized_factored_chis() {
let mut csprng: OsRng = OsRng;
let s = 10;
let mut r: Vec<Scalar> = Vec::new();
for _i in 0..s {
r.push(Scalar::random(&mut csprng));
let (L, R) = tests::compute_factored_chis_at_r(&r);
let eq = EqPolynomial::new(r);
let (L2, R2) = eq.compute_factored_evals();
assert_eq!(L, L2);
assert_eq!(R, R2);
fn check_polynomial_commit() {
let mut Z: Vec<Scalar> = Vec::new(); // Z = [1, 2, 1, 4]
Z.push((1 as usize).to_scalar());
Z.push((2 as usize).to_scalar());
Z.push((1 as usize).to_scalar());
Z.push((4 as usize).to_scalar());
let poly = DensePolynomial::new(Z);
// r = [4,3]
let mut r: Vec<Scalar> = Vec::new();
r.push((4 as usize).to_scalar());
r.push((3 as usize).to_scalar());
let eval = poly.evaluate(&r);
assert_eq!(eval, (28 as usize).to_scalar());
let gens = PolyCommitmentGens::new(poly.get_num_vars(), b"test-two");
let (poly_commitment, blinds) = poly.commit(false, &gens, None);
let mut random_tape = {
let mut csprng: OsRng = OsRng;
let mut tape = Transcript::new(b"proof");
tape.append_scalar(b"init_randomness", &Scalar::random(&mut csprng));
let mut prover_transcript = Transcript::new(b"example");
let (proof, C_Zr) = PolyEvalProof::prove(
&mut prover_transcript,
&mut random_tape,
let mut verifier_transcript = Transcript::new(b"example");
.verify(&gens, &mut verifier_transcript, &r, &C_Zr, &poly_commitment)