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  1. This directory contains runnable sample mongoose programs.
  2. To run:
  3. - first install [Node.js](
  4. - from the root of the project, execute `npm install -d`
  5. - in the example directory, run `npm install -d`
  6. - from the command line, execute: `node example.js`, replacing "example.js" with the name of a program.
  7. Goal is to show:
  8. - ~~global schemas~~
  9. - ~~GeoJSON schemas / use (with crs)~~
  10. - text search (once MongoDB removes the "Experimental/beta" label)
  11. - ~~lean queries~~
  12. - ~~statics~~
  13. - methods and statics on subdocs
  14. - custom types
  15. - ~~querybuilder~~
  16. - ~~promises~~
  17. - accessing driver collection, db
  18. - ~~connecting to replica sets~~
  19. - connecting to sharded clusters
  20. - enabling a fail fast mode
  21. - on the fly schemas
  22. - storing files
  23. - ~~map reduce~~
  24. - ~~aggregation~~
  25. - advanced hooks
  26. - using $elemMatch to return a subset of an array
  27. - query casting
  28. - upserts
  29. - pagination
  30. - express + mongoose session handling
  31. - ~~group by (use aggregation)~~
  32. - authentication
  33. - schema migration techniques
  34. - converting documents to plain objects (show transforms)
  35. - how to $unset