// import async to make control flow simplier var async = require('async'); // import the rest of the normal stuff var mongoose = require('../../lib'); require('./person.js')(); var Person = mongoose.model('Person'); // define some dummy data var data = [ { name: 'bill', age: 25, birthday: new Date().setFullYear((new Date().getFullYear() - 25)) }, { name: 'mary', age: 30, birthday: new Date().setFullYear((new Date().getFullYear() - 30)) }, { name: 'bob', age: 21, birthday: new Date().setFullYear((new Date().getFullYear() - 21)) }, { name: 'lilly', age: 26, birthday: new Date().setFullYear((new Date().getFullYear() - 26)) }, { name: 'alucard', age: 1000, birthday: new Date().setFullYear((new Date().getFullYear() - 1000)) } ]; mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/persons', function(err) { if (err) throw err; // create all of the dummy people async.each(data, function(item, cb) { Person.create(item, cb); }, function(err) { if (err) throw err; // when querying data, instead of providing a callback, you can instead // leave that off and get a query object returned var query = Person.find({age: {$lt: 1000}}); // this allows you to continue applying modifiers to it query.sort('birthday'); query.select('name'); // you can chain them together as well // a full list of methods can be found: // http://mongoosejs.com/docs/api.html#query-js query.where('age').gt(21); // finally, when ready to execute the query, call the exec() function query.exec(function(err, results) { if (err) throw err; console.log(results); cleanup(); }); }); }); function cleanup() { Person.remove(function() { mongoose.disconnect(); }); }