/*! * Module dependencies. */ var STATES = require('./connectionstate') /** * Abstract Collection constructor * * This is the base class that drivers inherit from and implement. * * @param {String} name name of the collection * @param {Connection} conn A MongooseConnection instance * @param {Object} opts optional collection options * @api public */ function Collection (name, conn, opts) { if (undefined === opts) opts = {}; if (undefined === opts.capped) opts.capped = {}; opts.bufferCommands = undefined === opts.bufferCommands ? true : opts.bufferCommands; if ('number' == typeof opts.capped) { opts.capped = { size: opts.capped }; } this.opts = opts; this.name = name; this.conn = conn; this.queue = []; this.buffer = this.opts.bufferCommands; if (STATES.connected == this.conn.readyState) { this.onOpen(); } }; /** * The collection name * * @api public * @property name */ Collection.prototype.name; /** * The Connection instance * * @api public * @property conn */ Collection.prototype.conn; /** * Called when the database connects * * @api private */ Collection.prototype.onOpen = function () { var self = this; this.buffer = false; self.doQueue(); }; /** * Called when the database disconnects * * @api private */ Collection.prototype.onClose = function () { if (this.opts.bufferCommands) { this.buffer = true; } }; /** * Queues a method for later execution when its * database connection opens. * * @param {String} name name of the method to queue * @param {Array} args arguments to pass to the method when executed * @api private */ Collection.prototype.addQueue = function (name, args) { this.queue.push([name, args]); return this; }; /** * Executes all queued methods and clears the queue. * * @api private */ Collection.prototype.doQueue = function () { for (var i = 0, l = this.queue.length; i < l; i++){ this[this.queue[i][0]].apply(this, this.queue[i][1]); } this.queue = []; return this; }; /** * Abstract method that drivers must implement. */ Collection.prototype.ensureIndex = function(){ throw new Error('Collection#ensureIndex unimplemented by driver'); }; /** * Abstract method that drivers must implement. */ Collection.prototype.findAndModify = function(){ throw new Error('Collection#findAndModify unimplemented by driver'); }; /** * Abstract method that drivers must implement. */ Collection.prototype.findOne = function(){ throw new Error('Collection#findOne unimplemented by driver'); }; /** * Abstract method that drivers must implement. */ Collection.prototype.find = function(){ throw new Error('Collection#find unimplemented by driver'); }; /** * Abstract method that drivers must implement. */ Collection.prototype.insert = function(){ throw new Error('Collection#insert unimplemented by driver'); }; /** * Abstract method that drivers must implement. */ Collection.prototype.save = function(){ throw new Error('Collection#save unimplemented by driver'); }; /** * Abstract method that drivers must implement. */ Collection.prototype.update = function(){ throw new Error('Collection#update unimplemented by driver'); }; /** * Abstract method that drivers must implement. */ Collection.prototype.getIndexes = function(){ throw new Error('Collection#getIndexes unimplemented by driver'); }; /** * Abstract method that drivers must implement. */ Collection.prototype.mapReduce = function(){ throw new Error('Collection#mapReduce unimplemented by driver'); }; /*! * Module exports. */ module.exports = Collection;