/*! * Module dependencies. */ var SchemaType = require('../schematype') , CastError = SchemaType.CastError , MongooseBuffer = require('../types').Buffer , Binary = MongooseBuffer.Binary , Query = require('../query') , utils = require('../utils') , Document /** * Buffer SchemaType constructor * * @param {String} key * @param {SchemaType} cast * @inherits SchemaType * @api private */ function SchemaBuffer (key, options) { SchemaType.call(this, key, options, 'Buffer'); }; /*! * Inherits from SchemaType. */ SchemaBuffer.prototype.__proto__ = SchemaType.prototype; /** * Check required * * @api private */ SchemaBuffer.prototype.checkRequired = function (value, doc) { if (SchemaType._isRef(this, value, doc, true)) { return null != value; } else { return !!(value && value.length); } }; /** * Casts contents * * @param {Object} value * @param {Document} doc document that triggers the casting * @param {Boolean} init * @api private */ SchemaBuffer.prototype.cast = function (value, doc, init) { if (SchemaType._isRef(this, value, doc, init)) { // wait! we may need to cast this to a document if (null == value) { return value; } // lazy load Document || (Document = require('./../document')); if (value instanceof Document) { value.$__.wasPopulated = true; return value; } // setting a populated path if (Buffer.isBuffer(value)) { return value; } else if (!utils.isObject(value)) { throw new CastError('buffer', value, this.path); } // Handle the case where user directly sets a populated // path to a plain object; cast to the Model used in // the population query. var path = doc.$__fullPath(this.path); var owner = doc.ownerDocument ? doc.ownerDocument() : doc; var pop = owner.populated(path, true); var ret = new pop.options.model(value); ret.$__.wasPopulated = true; return ret; } // documents if (value && value._id) { value = value._id; } if (Buffer.isBuffer(value)) { if (!(value instanceof MongooseBuffer)) { value = new MongooseBuffer(value, [this.path, doc]); } return value; } else if (value instanceof Binary) { var ret = new MongooseBuffer(value.value(true), [this.path, doc]); ret._subtype = value.sub_type; // do not override Binary subtypes. users set this // to whatever they want. return ret; } if (null === value) return value; var type = typeof value; if ('string' == type || 'number' == type || Array.isArray(value)) { var ret = new MongooseBuffer(value, [this.path, doc]); return ret; } throw new CastError('buffer', value, this.path); }; /*! * ignore */ function handleSingle (val) { return this.castForQuery(val); } function handleArray (val) { var self = this; return val.map( function (m) { return self.castForQuery(m); }); } SchemaBuffer.prototype.$conditionalHandlers = { '$ne' : handleSingle , '$in' : handleArray , '$nin': handleArray , '$gt' : handleSingle , '$lt' : handleSingle , '$gte': handleSingle , '$lte': handleSingle }; /** * Casts contents for queries. * * @param {String} $conditional * @param {any} [value] * @api private */ SchemaBuffer.prototype.castForQuery = function ($conditional, val) { var handler; if (arguments.length === 2) { handler = this.$conditionalHandlers[$conditional]; if (!handler) throw new Error("Can't use " + $conditional + " with Buffer."); return handler.call(this, val); } else { val = $conditional; return this.cast(val).toObject(); } }; /*! * Module exports. */ module.exports = SchemaBuffer;