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// This is an example of a survey to obtain the reputation of Parisians
// It contains examples of how to conditionally require keys based on values of other keys
var Joi = require('../');
// This is a valid value for integer rating 1 - 5
var intRating = Joi.number().integer().min(1).max(5);
var schema = Joi.object().keys({
// Do you know any French people? yes or no (required)
q1: Joi.boolean().required(),
// Do you know any Parisians? yes or no (required if answered yes in q1)
q2: Joi.boolean()
.when('q1', { is: true, then: Joi.required() }),
// How many french in paris do you know? 1-6, 6-10, 11-50 or 50+ (required if answered yes in q2)
q3: Joi.string()
.when('q2', { is: true, then: Joi.valid('1-5', '6-10', '11-50', '50+').required() }),
// Rate 20% of most friendly Parisians, from how many people you know answered in q3, individually on 1-5 rating
q4: Joi.array()
.when('q3', {is: '1-5', then: Joi.array().min(0).max(1).items(intRating).required() })
.when('q3', {is: '6-10', then: Joi.array().min(1).max(2).items(intRating).required() })
.when('q3', {is: '11-50', then: Joi.array().min(2).max(10).items(intRating).required() })
.when('q3', {is: '50+', then: Joi.array().min(10).items(intRating).required() }),
// Rate remaining 80% of Parisians, from how many people you know answered in q3, individually on 1-5 rating
q5: Joi.array()
.when('q3', {is: '1-5', then: Joi.array().min(1).max(4).items(intRating).required() })
.when('q3', {is: '6-10', then: Joi.array().min(4).max(8).items(intRating).required() })
.when('q3', {is: '11-50', then: Joi.array().min(8).max(40).items(intRating).required() })
.when('q3', {is: '50+', then: Joi.array().min(40).items(intRating).required().required() }),
// Rate the reputation of Parisians in general, 1-5 rating
q6: intRating.required()
var response = {
q1: true,
q2: true,
q3: '1-5',
q4: [5],
q5: [1],
q6: 2
Joi.assert(response, schema);