You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

17 lines
636 B

var Joi = require('../');
var schema = {
type: Joi.string().required(),
subtype: Joi.alternatives()
.when('type', {is: 'video', then: Joi.valid('mp4', 'wav')})
.when('type', {is: 'audio', then: Joi.valid('mp3')})
.when('type', {is: 'image', then: Joi.valid('jpg', 'png')})
.when('type', {is: 'pdf' , then: Joi.valid('document')})
Joi.assert({ type: 'video', subtype: 'mp4' }, schema); // Pass
Joi.assert({ type: 'video', subtype: 'wav' }, schema); // Pass
Joi.assert({ type: 'other', subtype: 'something' }, schema); // Fail
Joi.assert({ type: 'audio', subtype: 'mp4' }, schema); // Fail