You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Module dependencies
var MPromise = require('mpromise');
* Promise constructor.
* Promises are returned from executed queries. Example:
* var query = Candy.find({ bar: true });
* var promise = query.exec();
* @param {Function} fn a function which will be called when the promise is resolved that accepts `fn(err, ...){}` as signature
* @inherits mpromise
* @inherits NodeJS EventEmitter
* @event `err`: Emits when the promise is rejected
* @event `complete`: Emits when the promise is fulfilled
* @api public
function Promise (fn) {, fn);
* Inherit from mpromise
Promise.prototype = Object.create(MPromise.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: Promise
, enumerable: false
, writable: true
, configurable: true
* Override event names for backward compatibility.
Promise.SUCCESS = 'complete';
Promise.FAILURE = 'err';
* Adds `listener` to the `event`.
* If `event` is either the success or failure event and the event has already been emitted, the`listener` is called immediately and passed the results of the original emitted event.
* @see mpromise#on
* @method on
* @memberOf Promise
* @param {String} event
* @param {Function} listener
* @return {Promise} this
* @api public
* Rejects this promise with `reason`.
* If the promise has already been fulfilled or rejected, not action is taken.
* @see mpromise#reject
* @method reject
* @memberOf Promise
* @param {Object|String|Error} reason
* @return {Promise} this
* @api public
* Rejects this promise with `err`.
* If the promise has already been fulfilled or rejected, not action is taken.
* Differs from [#reject](#promise_Promise-reject) by first casting `err` to an `Error` if it is not `instanceof Error`.
* @api public
* @param {Error|String} err
* @return {Promise} this
Promise.prototype.error = function (err) {
if (!(err instanceof Error)) err = new Error(err);
return this.reject(err);
* Resolves this promise to a rejected state if `err` is passed or a fulfilled state if no `err` is passed.
* If the promise has already been fulfilled or rejected, not action is taken.
* `err` will be cast to an Error if not already instanceof Error.
* _NOTE: overrides [mpromise#resolve]( to provide error casting._
* @param {Error} [err] error or null
* @param {Object} [val] value to fulfill the promise with
* @api public
Promise.prototype.resolve = function (err, val) {
if (err) return this.error(err);
return this.fulfill(val);
* Adds a single function as a listener to both err and complete.
* It will be executed with traditional node.js argument position when the promise is resolved.
* promise.addBack(function (err, args...) {
* if (err) return handleError(err);
* console.log('success');
* })
* Alias of [mpromise#onResolve](
* @method addBack
* @param {Function} listener
* @return {Promise} this
Promise.prototype.addBack = Promise.prototype.onResolve;
* Fulfills this promise with passed arguments.
* Alias of [mpromise#fulfill](
* @method complete
* @param {any} args
* @api public
Promise.prototype.complete = MPromise.prototype.fulfill;
* Adds a listener to the `complete` (success) event.
* Alias of [mpromise#onFulfill](
* @method addCallback
* @param {Function} listener
* @return {Promise} this
* @api public
Promise.prototype.addCallback = Promise.prototype.onFulfill;
* Adds a listener to the `err` (rejected) event.
* Alias of [mpromise#onReject](
* @method addErrback
* @param {Function} listener
* @return {Promise} this
* @api public
Promise.prototype.addErrback = Promise.prototype.onReject;
* Creates a new promise and returns it. If `onFulfill` or `onReject` are passed, they are added as SUCCESS/ERROR callbacks to this promise after the nextTick.
* Conforms to [promises/A+]( specification.
* ####Example:
* var promise = Meetups.find({ tags: 'javascript' }).select('_id').exec();
* promise.then(function (meetups) {
* var ids = (m) {
* return m._id;
* });
* return People.find({ meetups: { $in: ids }).exec();
* }).then(function (people) {
* if (people.length < 10000) {
* throw new Error('Too few people!!!');
* } else {
* throw new Error('Still need more people!!!');
* }
* }).then(null, function (err) {
* assert.ok(err instanceof Error);
* });
* @see promises-A+
* @see mpromise#then
* @method then
* @memberOf Promise
* @param {Function} onFulFill
* @param {Function} onReject
* @return {Promise} newPromise
* Signifies that this promise was the last in a chain of `then()s`: if a handler passed to the call to `then` which produced this promise throws, the exception will go uncaught.
* ####Example:
* var p = new Promise;
* p.then(function(){ throw new Error('shucks') });
* setTimeout(function () {
* p.fulfill();
* // error was caught and swallowed by the promise returned from
* // p.then(). we either have to always register handlers on
* // the returned promises or we can do the following...
* }, 10);
* // this time we use .end() which prevents catching thrown errors
* var p = new Promise;
* var p2 = p.then(function(){ throw new Error('shucks') }).end(); // <--
* setTimeout(function () {
* p.fulfill(); // throws "shucks"
* }, 10);
* @api public
* @see mpromise#end
* @method end
* @memberOf Promise
* expose
module.exports = Promise;