# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import tweepy import os import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET consumer_key = 'XXXXXXX' consumer_secret = 'XXXXXXX' access_token = 'XXXXXXX' access_secret = 'XXXXXXX' auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) #gets the last twits que veuria l'usuari al home ##display homepage tweets of authenticated user for i in range(0, 5): print(" ") print("...........---------/////////TL\\\\\\\\-------............") print(" ") root = ET.Element("root") llistatuits = ET.SubElement(root, "llistatuits") public_tweets = api.home_timeline(count=90) for tweet in reversed(public_tweets): print("::::::::::::::::") hora= tweet.created_at.strftime('%H') #horari d'estiu hora= int(hora) + 2 emisor= tweet.user.name + " - @" + tweet.user.screen_name print(emisor + " -" + str(hora) + ":" + tweet.created_at.strftime('%M:%S')) #continguttuit=tweet.text.encode('latin-1', 'ignore').decode('utf-8', 'ignore') continguttuit=tweet.text.encode('latin-1', 'ignore').decode('utf-8', 'ignore') print (continguttuit) nretuits=str(tweet.retweet_count) print (nretuits) horatuit= str(hora) + ":" + tweet.created_at.strftime('%M:%S') if 'media' in tweet.entities: for image in tweet.entities['media']: imatgetuit= image['media_url'] ET.SubElement(llistatuits, "tuit", de=emisor, retuits=nretuits, hora=horatuit, imatge=imatgetuit).text = str(continguttuit) else: ET.SubElement(llistatuits, "tuit", de=emisor, retuits=nretuits, hora=horatuit).text = str(continguttuit) tree = ET.ElementTree(root) tree.write("dadestw.xml") print(" ") #OPCIÓ QUE OBRE AUTOMÀTICAMENT UNA FINESTRA DEL NAVEGADOR PER VISUALITZAR ELS TWEETS #import webbrowser #webbrowser.open_new('index.html')