# twitterDM-to-matrix [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/arnaucode/twitterDM-to-matrix)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/arnaucode/twitterDM-to-matrix) bridge to send the received twitter Direct Messages (https://twitter.com) to a Matrix room (https://matrix.org), written in Go needs a twitterConfig.json file on the /build folder with the content: ``` { "consumer_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "consumer_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "access_token_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "access_token_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } ``` and a matrixConfig.json file on the /build folder with the content: ``` { "room_id": "xxxxx", "user": "xxxxx", "password": "xxxxx", "server": "https://xxxxx.xxxxx" } ``` to run it: - go to the /build folder - open terminal - execute the script with: ``` ./twitterDM-to-matrix ```