const assert = require("assert"); const bigInt = require("big-integer");
const buildF1 = require("../index.js").buildF1;
describe("Basic tests for Zq", () => { it("It should do a basic addition", async () => { const f1 = await buildF1(101);
const pA = f1.allocInt(3); const pB = f1.allocInt(4); const pC = f1.allocInt(); f1.f1_add(pA, pB, pC);
const c = f1.getInt(pC); assert.equal(c, 7); }); it("Should add with 2 chunks", async () => { const f1 = await buildF1(bigInt("100000000000000000001", 16));
const pA = f1.allocInt(bigInt("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 16)); const pB = f1.allocInt(1); const pC = f1.allocInt();
f1.f1_add(pA, pB, pC); const c = f1.getInt(pC);
assert(c.equals(bigInt("10000000000000000", 16))); }); it("Should add with 2 chunks overflow", async () => { const q = bigInt("10000000000000001", 16); const f1 = await buildF1(q);
const pA = f1.allocInt(bigInt("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 16).mod(q)); const pB = f1.allocInt(1); const pC = f1.allocInt();
f1.f1_add(pA, pB, pC); const c = f1.getInt(pC);
assert(c.equals(1)); }); it("Should add with double overflow", async () => { const q = bigInt(1).shiftLeft(255).add(1); const a = bigInt(1).shiftLeft(256).minus(1).mod(q); const f1 = await buildF1(q);
const pA = f1.allocInt(a); const pC = f1.allocInt();
f1.f1_add(pA, pA, pC);
const c = f1.getInt(pC); assert(c.equals(a.add(a).mod(q))); }); it("It should do a basic substraction", async () => { const f1 = await buildF1(101);
const pA = f1.allocInt(5); const pB = f1.allocInt(3); const pC = f1.allocInt();
f1.f1_sub(pA, pB, pC); const c = f1.getInt(pC);
assert.equal(c, 2); }); it("It should do a basic substraction with negative result", async () => { const f1 = await buildF1(101);
const pA = f1.allocInt(3); const pB = f1.allocInt(5); const pC = f1.allocInt();
f1.f1_sub(pA, pB, pC); const c = f1.getInt(pC);
assert.equal(c.mod(101), 99); }); it("Should substract with 2 chunks overflow", async () => { const q = bigInt("10000000000000001", 16); const a = bigInt("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 16).mod(q); const f1 = await buildF1(q);
const pA = f1.allocInt(1); const pB = f1.allocInt(a); const pC = f1.allocInt();
f1.f1_sub(pA, pB, pC); const c = f1.getInt(pC);
let d = bigInt.one.minus(a).mod(q); if (d.isNegative()) d = d.add(q);
assert(c.equals(d)); }); it("It should Substract a big number", async () => { const q = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"); const f1 = await buildF1(q);
const a = bigInt("10000242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"); const b = bigInt("10000242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808234523");
const pA = f1.allocInt(a); const pB = f1.allocInt(b); const pC = f1.allocInt();
f1.f1_sub(pA, pB, pC); const c = f1.getInt(pC);
let cc = a.minus(b).mod(q); if (cc.isNegative()) cc = cc.add(q); assert(cc.equals(c.mod(q)));
const pAA = f1.allocInt(b); const pBB = f1.allocInt(a); const pCC = f1.allocInt();
f1.f1_sub(pAA, pBB, pCC); const d = f1.getInt(pCC);
let dd = b.minus(a).mod(q); if (dd.isNegative()) dd = dd.add(q); assert(dd.equals(d.mod(q))); });
it("It should do a basic multiplication", async () => { const f1 = await buildF1(101);
const pA = f1.allocInt(3); const pB = f1.allocInt(4); const pC = f1.allocInt2();
f1.int_mul(pA, pB, pC); const c = f1.getInt2(pC);
assert.equal(c, 12); });
it("It should do a basic division", async () => { const f1 = await buildF1(101);
const pA = f1.allocInt(12); const pB = f1.allocInt(6); const pC = f1.allocInt(); f1.int_div(pA, pB, pC);
const c = f1.getInt(pC); assert.equal(c, 2); }); it("It should do a more complex division", async () => { const q = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"); const f1 = await buildF1(q);
const pA = f1.allocInt(bigInt("FFFF00000000", 16)); const pB = f1.allocInt(bigInt("100000000", 16)); const pC = f1.allocInt(); f1.int_div(pA, pB, pC);
const c = f1.getInt(pC); assert(c.equals(bigInt("FFFF", 16))); }); it("It should do a division by zero", async () => { const q = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"); const f1 = await buildF1(q);
const pA = f1.allocInt(bigInt("FFFF00000000", 16)); const pB = f1.allocInt(0); const pC = f1.allocInt(); try { f1.int_div(pA, pB, pC); assert(false, "Didn't throw..."); } catch (err) { assert.equal(err.toString(), "RuntimeError: divide by zero"); } });
it("It should do a various division", async () => { const q = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"); const f1 = await buildF1(q);
const v= [ bigInt.zero, q.minus(1), q.minus(2), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).add(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).add(2), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).minus(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).minus(2), bigInt(bigInt("F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0", 16)), bigInt(bigInt("10101010101010101010101010101010", 16)), bigInt(bigInt("FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00", 16)), bigInt(bigInt("11001100110011001100110011001100", 16)), bigInt(bigInt("F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0", 16)), bigInt(bigInt("1010101010101010", 16)), bigInt(bigInt("FF00FF00FF00FF00", 16)), bigInt(bigInt("1100110011001100", 16)), bigInt(2), bigInt.one, ];
const pA = f1.allocInt(); const pB = f1.allocInt(); const pC = f1.allocInt(); const pR = f1.allocInt(); for (let i=0; i<v.length; i++) { for (let j=1; j<v.length; j++) { const expected_c = v[i].divide(v[j]); const expected_r = v[i].mod(v[j]);
f1.putInt(pA, v[i]); f1.putInt(pB, v[j]);
f1.int_div(pA, pB, pC, pR);
const c = f1.getInt(pC); const r = f1.getInt(pR);
assert(expected_r.equals(r)); assert(expected_c.equals(c)); } }
it("It should do a basic reduction 1", async () => { const f1 = await buildF1(bigInt("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",16));
const pA = f1.allocInt2(bigInt(0x10000000000000000)); const pC = f1.allocInt();
f1.f1m_mReduct(pA, pC);
const c = f1.getInt(pC);
assert.equal(c, 1); }); it("It should do a basic reduction 2", async () => { const q = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"); const f1 = await buildF1(q);
const a = bigInt("10000242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"); const b = bigInt("10000242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808234523");
const pA = f1.allocInt(a); const pB = f1.allocInt(b); const pC = f1.allocInt2(); const pD = f1.allocInt();
f1.int_mul(pA, pB, pC); const c = f1.getInt2(pC);
f1.f1m_mReduct(pC, pD); const d = f1.getInt(pD);
const r = bigInt.one.shiftLeft(256).mod(q); const r2 = r.times(r).mod(q);
const pR2 = f1.allocInt(r2);
const pE = f1.allocInt2(); f1.int_mul(pD, pR2, pE);
const pF = f1.allocInt(); f1.f1m_mReduct(pE, pF);
const f = f1.getInt2(pF);
assert(a.times(b).mod(q).equals(f.mod(q))); }); it("It should do a basic reduction 3", async () => { const q = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"); const f1 = await buildF1(q);
const a = bigInt("10000242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"); const b = bigInt("10000242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808234523");
const pA = f1.allocInt(a); const pB = f1.allocInt(b); const pC = f1.allocInt();
f1.f1_mul(pA, pB, pC);
const c = f1.getInt2(pC); assert(a.times(b).mod(q).equals(c.mod(q))); }); it("It should do various test in zq Snarks modules", async () => { const q = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088696311157297823662689037894645226208583"); const f1 = await buildF1(q); const v= [ q.minus(1), q.minus(2), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).add(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).add(2), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).minus(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).minus(2), bigInt(2), bigInt.one, bigInt.zero ];
const pA = f1.allocInt(); const pB = f1.allocInt(); const pC = f1.allocInt(); let c;
for (let i=0; i<v.length; i++) { for (let j=0; j<5; j++) {
f1.putInt(pA, v[i]); f1.putInt(pB, v[j]);
// eq
assert.equal( f1.int_eq(pA,pB), (i==j));
// add
f1.f1_add(pA, pB, pC); c = f1.getInt2(pC); assert(c.equals(v[i].add(v[j]).mod(q)));
// sub
f1.f1_sub(pA, pB, pC); c = f1.getInt2(pC);
let s = v[i].minus(v[j]).mod(q); if (s.isNegative()) s=s.add(q); assert(c.equals(s));
// mul
f1.f1_mul(pA, pB, pC); c = f1.getInt2(pC); assert(c.equals(v[i].times(v[j]).mod(q))); } } }); it("It should do a test", async () => { const q = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"); const f1 = await buildF1(q);
const t = f1.test_F1(1000000);
}).timeout(10000000); it("Should test to montgomery", async () => { const q = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"); const f1 = await buildF1(q);
const r = bigInt(11);
const pR = f1.allocInt(r); const pRes = f1.allocInt(); const pRes2 = f1.allocInt();
f1.f1m_toMontgomery(pR, pRes); const res = f1.getInt(pRes);
f1.f1m_fromMontgomery(pRes, pRes2); const res2 = f1.getInt(pRes2);
assert(res.equals(r.times( bigInt.one.shiftLeft(256)).mod(q))); assert(res2.equals(r)); }); it("Should convert back and forth montgomery", async () => { const q = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"); const v= [ q.minus(1), q.minus(2), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).add(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).add(2), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).minus(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).minus(2), bigInt(2), bigInt.one, bigInt.zero ]; const f1 = await buildF1(q);
const pA = f1.allocInt();
for (let i=0; i<v.length; i++) { f1.putInt(pA, v[i]);
f1.f1m_toMontgomery(pA, pA); f1.f1m_fromMontgomery(pA, pA);
const a = f1.getInt(pA); assert(v[i].equals(a)); } }); it("Should do inverse", async () => { const q = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"); const v= [ bigInt.one, q.minus(1), q.minus(2), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).add(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).add(2), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).minus(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).minus(2), bigInt(2), ]; const f1 = await buildF1(q);
const pA = f1.allocInt(); const pB = f1.allocInt(); const pQ = f1.allocInt();
f1.putInt(pQ, q);
for (let i=0; i<v.length; i++) { f1.putInt(pA, v[i]);
f1.int_inverseMod(pA, pQ, pB);
const b = f1.getInt(pB); assert(b.equals(v[i].modInv(q))); } }); it("Should do inverse in montgomery", async () => { const q = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"); const v= [ bigInt.one, q.minus(1), q.minus(2), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).add(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).add(2), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).minus(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).minus(2), bigInt(2), ]; const f1 = await buildF1(q);
const pA = f1.allocInt(); const pB = f1.allocInt(); const pC = f1.allocInt();
for (let i=0; i<v.length; i++) { f1.putInt(pA, v[i]);
f1.f1m_toMontgomery(pA, pA); f1.f1m_inverse(pA, pB); f1.f1m_mul(pA, pB, pC); f1.f1m_fromMontgomery(pC, pC);
const c = f1.getInt(pC); assert(c.equals(1)); } }); it("Test Neg", async () => { const q = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"); const v= [ bigInt.one, q.minus(1), q.minus(2), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).add(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).add(2), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).minus(1), q.minus(1).shiftRight(1).minus(2), bigInt(2), ]; const f1 = await buildF1(q);
const pA = f1.allocInt();
for (let i=0; i<v.length; i++) { f1.putInt(pA, v[i]);
f1.f1m_neg(pA); f1.f1m_neg(pA);
const a = f1.getInt(pA); assert(a.equals(v[i])); } }); });