package p2p
import "fmt" import "net" import "time"
import "github.com/romana/rlog" import log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
import "github.com/deroproject/derosuite/globals"
// the connection starts with P2P handshake
// send the hand shake
func Send_Handshake(connection *Connection) {
// first request support flags
if connection.Exit { return }
// lets do handshake
var d Node_Data var c CORE_DATA var data_header Levin_Data_Header var levin_header Levin_Header
d.Network_UUID = globals.Config.Network_ID d.Peer_ID = (uint64)(time.Now().Unix()) c.Current_Height = chain.Get_Height() c.Cumulative_Difficulty = chain.Get_Difficulty() c.Top_Version = 6
// top block id from the genesis or other block
c.Top_ID = chain.Get_Top_ID()
ds, _ := d.Serialize() cs, _ := c.Serialize()
data_header.Data = ds data_header.Data = append(data_header.Data, cs...)
levin_data, _ := data_header.Serialize() levin_header.CB = uint64(len(levin_data))
levin_header.Command = P2P_COMMAND_HANDSHAKE levin_header.ReturnData = true levin_header.Flags = LEVIN_PACKET_REQUEST
header_bytes, _ := levin_header.Serialize()
connection.Conn.Write(header_bytes) connection.Conn.Write(levin_data)
connection.Unlock() }
// we must send a response
// our response is a boost compatible response which is parseable by old cryptonote daemons
func Handle_P2P_Handshake_Command(connection *Connection, i_command_header *Levin_Header, buf []byte) { connection.logger.Infof("Handshake request arrived, we must parse it")
// extract peers from our list, and insert them into the response
// max 250 peers can be send ( since we are aiming compatibility with old daemons)
var reply Node_Data_Response
//panic("Handle_P2P_Handshake needs to fixed and tested")
reply.NodeData.Network_UUID = globals.Config.Network_ID reply.NodeData.Peer_ID = (uint64)(OUR_PEER_ID) reply.NodeData.Local_time = uint64(time.Now().Unix())
reply.CoreData.Current_Height = chain.Get_Height() reply.CoreData.Cumulative_Difficulty = chain.Get_Difficulty() reply.CoreData.Top_Version = 6
// top block id from the genesis or other block
// this data is from the block chain
// this data must be the top block that we see till now
reply.CoreData.Top_ID = chain.Get_Top_ID()
for i := 0; i < 250; i++ { reply.PeerArray = append(reply.PeerArray, Peer_Info{IP: net.IPv4(byte(i), byte(i), byte(i), byte(i)), Port: 0, ID: 0, LastSeen: 0}) }
var o_command_header Levin_Header var o_data_header Levin_Data_Header
o_data_header.Data, _ = reply.Serialize() data, _ := o_data_header.Serialize()
// mark as containing 4 elements
data[9] = 0x10
o_command_header.CB = uint64(len(data))
o_command_header.Command = P2P_COMMAND_HANDSHAKE o_command_header.ReturnData = false o_command_header.ReturnCode = 1 // send as good response
o_command_header.Flags = LEVIN_PACKET_RESPONSE
o_command_header_bytes, _ := o_command_header.Serialize()
connection.Conn.Write(o_command_header_bytes) connection.Conn.Write(data)
rlog.Tracef(4, "Sending handshake response\n") Handle_P2P_Handshake_Command_Response(connection, i_command_header,buf) // parse incoming response
/* handles response of our p2p command, parses data etc*/
func Handle_P2P_Handshake_Command_Response(connection *Connection, i_command_header *Levin_Header, buf []byte) {
var reply Node_Data_Response
// deserialize data header
var i_data_header Levin_Data_Header // incoming data header
err := i_data_header.DeSerialize(buf)
if err != nil {
connection.logger.WithFields(log.Fields{ "ip": connection.Addr.IP, }).Debugf("Disconnecting client, handshake could not be deserialized")
return }
if reply.DeSerialize(i_data_header.Data) != nil {
logger.WithFields(log.Fields{ "ip": connection.Addr.IP, }).Debugf("Disconnecting client, handshake could not be deserialized")
return }
if reply.NodeData.Network_UUID != globals.Config.Network_ID {
logger.WithFields(log.Fields{ "ip": connection.Addr.IP, "id": reply.NodeData.Network_UUID, }).Debugf("Disconnecting client, Wrong network ID")
// we need to kick the peer if the height is something specific and peer id is less than ours
// TODO right we are not doing it
connection.Peer_ID = reply.NodeData.Peer_ID connection.Port = reply.NodeData.Local_Port connection.Last_Height = reply.CoreData.Current_Height connection.Top_Version = uint64(reply.CoreData.Top_Version) connection.Top_ID = reply.CoreData.Top_ID connection.Cumulative_Difficulty = reply.CoreData.Cumulative_Difficulty connection.State = ACTIVE
connection.logger.WithFields(log.Fields{ "PeerHeight": reply.CoreData.Current_Height, "Top Version": reply.CoreData.Top_Version, "Top_ID": fmt.Sprintf("%x", reply.CoreData.Top_ID), }).Debugf("Successful Handshake with Peer")
// lets check whether we need to resync with this peer
if chain.IsLagging(reply.CoreData.Cumulative_Difficulty, reply.CoreData.Current_Height, reply.CoreData.Top_ID) { logger.Debugf("We need to resync with the peer") // set mode to syncronising
Send_BC_Notify_Chain_Command(connection) }