// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package pointer
import ( "fmt" "go/token" "go/types" "strings"
"golang.org/x/tools/go/ssa" )
// A Label is an entity that may be pointed to by a pointer, map,
// channel, 'func', slice or interface.
// Labels include:
// - functions
// - globals
// - tagged objects, representing interfaces and reflect.Values
// - arrays created by conversions (e.g. []byte("foo"), []byte(s))
// - stack- and heap-allocated variables (including composite literals)
// - channels, maps and arrays created by make()
// - intrinsic or reflective operations that allocate (e.g. append, reflect.New)
// - intrinsic objects, e.g. the initial array behind os.Args.
// - and their subelements, e.g. "alloc.y[*].z"
// Labels are so varied that they defy good generalizations;
// some have no value, no callgraph node, or no position.
// Many objects have types that are inexpressible in Go:
// maps, channels, functions, tagged objects.
// At most one of Value() or ReflectType() may return non-nil.
type Label struct { obj *object // the addressable memory location containing this label
subelement *fieldInfo // subelement path within obj, e.g. ".a.b[*].c"
// Value returns the ssa.Value that allocated this label's object, if any.
func (l Label) Value() ssa.Value { val, _ := l.obj.data.(ssa.Value) return val }
// ReflectType returns the type represented by this label if it is an
// reflect.rtype instance object or *reflect.rtype-tagged object.
func (l Label) ReflectType() types.Type { rtype, _ := l.obj.data.(types.Type) return rtype }
// Path returns the path to the subelement of the object containing
// this label. For example, ".x[*].y".
func (l Label) Path() string { return l.subelement.path() }
// Pos returns the position of this label, if known, zero otherwise.
func (l Label) Pos() token.Pos { switch data := l.obj.data.(type) { case ssa.Value: return data.Pos() case types.Type: if nt, ok := deref(data).(*types.Named); ok { return nt.Obj().Pos() } } if cgn := l.obj.cgn; cgn != nil { return cgn.fn.Pos() } return token.NoPos }
// String returns the printed form of this label.
// Examples: Object type:
// x (a variable)
// (sync.Mutex).Lock (a function)
// convert (array created by conversion)
// makemap (map allocated via make)
// makechan (channel allocated via make)
// makeinterface (tagged object allocated by makeinterface)
// <alloc in reflect.Zero> (allocation in instrinsic)
// sync.Mutex (a reflect.rtype instance)
// <command-line arguments> (an intrinsic object)
// Labels within compound objects have subelement paths:
// x.y[*].z (a struct variable, x)
// append.y[*].z (array allocated by append)
// makeslice.y[*].z (array allocated via make)
// TODO(adonovan): expose func LabelString(*types.Package, Label).
func (l Label) String() string { var s string switch v := l.obj.data.(type) { case types.Type: return v.String()
case string: s = v // an intrinsic object (e.g. os.Args[*])
case nil: if l.obj.cgn != nil { // allocation by intrinsic or reflective operation
s = fmt.Sprintf("<alloc in %s>", l.obj.cgn.fn) } else { s = "<unknown>" // should be unreachable
case *ssa.Function: s = v.String()
case *ssa.Global: s = v.String()
case *ssa.Const: s = v.Name()
case *ssa.Alloc: s = v.Comment if s == "" { s = "alloc" }
case *ssa.Call: // Currently only calls to append can allocate objects.
if v.Call.Value.(*ssa.Builtin).Object().Name() != "append" { panic("unhandled *ssa.Call label: " + v.Name()) } s = "append"
case *ssa.MakeMap, *ssa.MakeChan, *ssa.MakeSlice, *ssa.Convert: s = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("%T", v), "*ssa."))
case *ssa.MakeInterface: // MakeInterface is usually implicit in Go source (so
// Pos()==0), and tagged objects may be allocated
// synthetically (so no *MakeInterface data).
s = "makeinterface:" + v.X.Type().String()
default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled object data type: %T", v)) }
return s + l.subelement.path() }