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Oleksandr Brezhniev 113995d6f4 Fixed sql tx close, fixed unit tests. Refactoring. Added missing structs and methods. 2 years ago
.github/workflows Upgrade linter rules 3 years ago
db Fixed sql tx close, fixed unit tests. Refactoring. Added missing structs and methods. 2 years ago
.golangci.yml Upgrade linter rules 3 years ago
LICENSE Init MT adapting from 3 years ago Small fixes 3 years ago
data.go Fixed sql tx close, fixed unit tests. Refactoring. Added missing structs and methods. 2 years ago
db.go WIP. Implementation of Postgres Storage for MerkleTree. Changes in how storage works in general. 2 years ago
elembytes.go Fixed sql tx close, fixed unit tests. Refactoring. Added missing structs and methods. 2 years ago
entry.go Fixed sql tx close, fixed unit tests. Refactoring. Added missing structs and methods. 2 years ago
go.mod WIP. Implementation of Postgres Storage for MerkleTree. Changes in how storage works in general. 2 years ago
go.sum WIP. Implementation of Postgres Storage for MerkleTree. Changes in how storage works in general. 2 years ago
hash.go Fixed sql tx close, fixed unit tests. Refactoring. Added missing structs and methods. 2 years ago
merkletree.go Fixed sql tx close, fixed unit tests. Refactoring. Added missing structs and methods. 2 years ago
merkletree_test.go Fixed sql tx close, fixed unit tests. Refactoring. Added missing structs and methods. 2 years ago
node.go WIP. Implementation of Postgres Storage for MerkleTree. Changes in how storage works in general. 2 years ago
proof.go Fixed sql tx close, fixed unit tests. Refactoring. Added missing structs and methods. 2 years ago
utils.go Fixed sql tx close, fixed unit tests. Refactoring. Added missing structs and methods. 2 years ago

go-merkletree GoDoc Go Report Card Test

MerkleTree compatible with version from circomlib.

Adaptation of the merkletree from with several changes and more functionalities.


More detailed examples can be found at the tests, and in the documentation.

import (



func TestExampleMerkleTree(t *testing.T) {
	mt, err := NewMerkleTree(db.NewMemoryStorage(), 10)
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	key := big.NewInt(1)
	value := big.NewInt(2)
	err = mt.Add(key, value)
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	v, err := mt.Get(key)
	asseert.Equal(t, value, v)

	value = big.NewInt(3)
	err = mt.Update(key, value)

	proof, err := mt.GenerateProof(key, nil)
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	assert.True(t, VerifyProof(mt.Root(), proof, key, value))

	err := mt.Delete(big.NewInt(1)) // delete the leaf of key=1
	assert.Nil(t, err)