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Update coordinator, call all api update functions - Common: - Rename Block.EthBlockNum to Block.Num to avoid unneeded repetition - API: - Add UpdateNetworkInfoBlock to update just block information, to be used when the node is not yet synchronized - Node: - Call API.UpdateMetrics and UpdateRecommendedFee in a loop, with configurable time intervals - Synchronizer: - When mapping events by TxHash, use an array to support the possibility of multiple calls of the same function happening in the same transaction (for example, a smart contract in a single transaction could call withdraw with delay twice, which would generate 2 withdraw events, and 2 deposit events). - In Stats, keep entire LastBlock instead of just the blockNum - In Stats, add lastL1BatchBlock - Test Stats and SCVars - Coordinator: - Enable writing the BatchInfo in every step of the pipeline to disk (with JSON text files) for debugging purposes. - Move the Pipeline functionality from the Coordinator to its own struct (Pipeline) - Implement shouldL1lL2Batch - In TxManager, implement logic to perform several attempts when doing ethereum node RPC calls before considering the error. (Both for calls to forgeBatch and transaction receipt) - In TxManager, reorganize the flow and note the specific points in which actions are made when err != nil - HistoryDB: - Implement GetLastL1BatchBlockNum: returns the blockNum of the latest forged l1Batch, to help the coordinator decide when to forge an L1Batch. - EthereumClient and test.Client: - Update EthBlockByNumber to return the last block when the passed number is -1.
3 years ago
  1. package txselector
  2. import (
  3. "fmt"
  4. "io/ioutil"
  5. "os"
  6. "strconv"
  7. "testing"
  8. "time"
  9. ethCommon ""
  10. ethCrypto ""
  11. ""
  12. dbUtils ""
  13. ""
  14. ""
  15. ""
  16. ""
  17. ""
  18. ""
  19. ""
  20. ""
  21. ""
  22. ""
  23. ""
  24. )
  25. func initTest(t *testing.T, chainID uint16, hermezContractAddr ethCommon.Address, coordUser *til.User) *TxSelector {
  26. pass := os.Getenv("POSTGRES_PASS")
  27. db, err := dbUtils.InitSQLDB(5432, "localhost", "hermez", pass, "hermez")
  28. require.NoError(t, err)
  29. l2DB := l2db.NewL2DB(db, 10, 100, 24*time.Hour, nil)
  30. dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "tmpdb")
  31. require.NoError(t, err)
  32. defer assert.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(dir))
  33. syncStateDB, err := statedb.NewStateDB(statedb.Config{Path: dir, Keep: 128,
  34. Type: statedb.TypeTxSelector, NLevels: 0})
  35. require.NoError(t, err)
  36. txselDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "tmpTxSelDB")
  37. require.NoError(t, err)
  38. defer assert.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(dir))
  39. // use Til Coord keys for tests compatibility
  40. coordAccount := &CoordAccount{
  41. Addr: coordUser.Addr,
  42. BJJ: coordUser.BJJ.Public().Compress(),
  43. AccountCreationAuth: nil,
  44. }
  45. // fmt.Printf("%v\n", coordAccount)
  46. auth := common.AccountCreationAuth{
  47. EthAddr: coordUser.Addr,
  48. BJJ: coordUser.BJJ.Public().Compress(),
  49. }
  50. err = auth.Sign(func(hash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
  51. return ethCrypto.Sign(hash, coordUser.EthSk)
  52. }, chainID, hermezContractAddr)
  53. assert.NoError(t, err)
  54. coordAccount.AccountCreationAuth = auth.Signature
  55. txsel, err := NewTxSelector(coordAccount, txselDir, syncStateDB, l2DB)
  56. require.NoError(t, err)
  57. test.WipeDB(txsel.l2db.DB())
  58. return txsel
  59. }
  60. func addAccCreationAuth(t *testing.T, tc *til.Context, txsel *TxSelector, chainID uint16, hermezContractAddr ethCommon.Address, username string) []byte {
  61. user := tc.Users[username]
  62. auth := &common.AccountCreationAuth{
  63. EthAddr: user.Addr,
  64. BJJ: user.BJJ.Public().Compress(),
  65. }
  66. err := auth.Sign(func(hash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
  67. return ethCrypto.Sign(hash, user.EthSk)
  68. }, chainID, hermezContractAddr)
  69. assert.NoError(t, err)
  70. err = txsel.l2db.AddAccountCreationAuth(auth)
  71. assert.NoError(t, err)
  72. return auth.Signature
  73. }
  74. func addL2Txs(t *testing.T, txsel *TxSelector, poolL2Txs []common.PoolL2Tx) {
  75. for i := 0; i < len(poolL2Txs); i++ {
  76. err := txsel.l2db.AddTxTest(&poolL2Txs[i])
  77. if err != nil {
  78. log.Error(err)
  79. }
  80. require.NoError(t, err)
  81. }
  82. }
  83. func addTokens(t *testing.T, tc *til.Context, db *sqlx.DB) {
  84. var tokens []common.Token
  85. for i := 0; i < int(tc.LastRegisteredTokenID); i++ {
  86. tokens = append(tokens, common.Token{
  87. TokenID: common.TokenID(i + 1),
  88. EthBlockNum: 1,
  89. EthAddr: ethCommon.BytesToAddress([]byte{byte(i + 1)}),
  90. Name: strconv.Itoa(i),
  91. Symbol: strconv.Itoa(i),
  92. Decimals: 18,
  93. })
  94. }
  95. hdb := historydb.NewHistoryDB(db, nil)
  96. assert.NoError(t, hdb.AddBlock(&common.Block{
  97. Num: 1,
  98. }))
  99. assert.NoError(t, hdb.AddTokens(tokens))
  100. }
  101. func checkBalance(t *testing.T, tc *til.Context, txsel *TxSelector, username string, tokenid int, expected string) {
  102. // Accounts.Idx does not match with the TxSelector tests as we are not
  103. // using the Til L1CoordinatorTxs (as are generated by the TxSelector
  104. // itself when processing the txs, so the Idxs does not match the Til
  105. // idxs). But the Idx is obtained through StateDB.GetIdxByEthAddrBJJ
  106. user := tc.Users[username]
  107. idx, err := txsel.localAccountsDB.GetIdxByEthAddrBJJ(user.Addr, user.BJJ.Public().Compress(), common.TokenID(tokenid))
  108. require.NoError(t, err)
  109. checkBalanceByIdx(t, txsel, idx, expected)
  110. }
  111. func checkBalanceByIdx(t *testing.T, txsel *TxSelector, idx common.Idx, expected string) {
  112. acc, err := txsel.localAccountsDB.GetAccount(idx)
  113. require.NoError(t, err)
  114. assert.Equal(t, expected, acc.Balance.String())
  115. }
  116. // checkSortedByNonce takes as input testAccNonces map, and the array of
  117. // common.PoolL2Txs, and checks if the nonces correspond to the accumulated
  118. // values of the map. Also increases the Nonces computed on the map.
  119. func checkSortedByNonce(t *testing.T, testAccNonces map[common.Idx]common.Nonce, txs []common.PoolL2Tx) {
  120. for _, tx := range txs {
  121. assert.True(t, testAccNonces[tx.FromIdx] == tx.Nonce,
  122. fmt.Sprintf("Idx: %d, expected: %d, tx.Nonce: %d",
  123. tx.FromIdx, testAccNonces[tx.FromIdx], tx.Nonce))
  124. testAccNonces[tx.FromIdx] = testAccNonces[tx.FromIdx] + 1
  125. }
  126. }
  127. func TestGetL2TxSelectionMinimumFlow0(t *testing.T) {
  128. chainID := uint16(0)
  129. tc := til.NewContext(chainID, common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
  130. // generate test transactions, the L1CoordinatorTxs generated by Til
  131. // will be ignored at this test, as will be the TxSelector who
  132. // generates them when needed
  133. blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(txsets.SetBlockchainMinimumFlow0)
  134. assert.NoError(t, err)
  135. hermezContractAddr := ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xc344E203a046Da13b0B4467EB7B3629D0C99F6E6")
  136. txsel := initTest(t, chainID, hermezContractAddr, tc.Users["Coord"])
  137. // restart nonces of TilContext, as will be set by generating directly
  138. // the PoolL2Txs for each specific batch with tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs
  139. tc.RestartNonces()
  140. testAccNonces := make(map[common.Idx]common.Nonce)
  141. // add tokens to HistoryDB to avoid breaking FK constrains
  142. addTokens(t, tc, txsel.l2db.DB())
  143. tpc := txprocessor.Config{
  144. NLevels: 16,
  145. MaxFeeTx: 10,
  146. MaxTx: 20,
  147. MaxL1Tx: 10,
  148. ChainID: chainID,
  149. }
  150. selectionConfig := &SelectionConfig{
  151. MaxL1UserTxs: 5,
  152. TxProcessorConfig: tpc,
  153. }
  154. // coordIdxs, accAuths, l1UserTxs, l1CoordTxs, l2Txs, err
  155. log.Debug("block:0 batch:1")
  156. l1UserTxs := []common.L1Tx{}
  157. _, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err := txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  158. require.NoError(t, err)
  159. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
  160. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
  161. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL2Txs))
  162. assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(1), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  163. assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(255), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
  164. log.Debug("block:0 batch:2")
  165. l1UserTxs = []common.L1Tx{}
  166. _, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  167. require.NoError(t, err)
  168. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
  169. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
  170. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL2Txs))
  171. assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(2), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  172. assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(255), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
  173. log.Debug("block:0 batch:3")
  174. l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[2].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
  175. _, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  176. require.NoError(t, err)
  177. assert.Equal(t, 2, len(oL1UserTxs))
  178. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
  179. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL2Txs))
  180. assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(3), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  181. assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(257), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
  182. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 0, "500")
  183. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 1, "0")
  184. log.Debug("block:0 batch:4")
  185. l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[3].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
  186. _, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  187. require.NoError(t, err)
  188. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL1UserTxs))
  189. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
  190. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL2Txs))
  191. assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(4), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  192. assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(258), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
  193. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 0, "500")
  194. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 1, "500")
  195. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 1, "0")
  196. log.Debug("block:0 batch:5")
  197. l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[4].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
  198. _, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  199. require.NoError(t, err)
  200. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
  201. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
  202. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL2Txs))
  203. assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(5), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  204. assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(258), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
  205. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 0, "500")
  206. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 1, "500")
  207. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 1, "0")
  208. log.Debug("block:0 batch:6")
  209. l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[5].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
  210. _, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  211. require.NoError(t, err)
  212. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL1UserTxs))
  213. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
  214. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL2Txs))
  215. assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(6), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  216. assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(259), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
  217. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 0, "600")
  218. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 1, "500")
  219. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "B", 0, "400")
  220. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 1, "0")
  221. log.Debug("block:0 batch:7")
  222. // simulate the PoolL2Txs of the batch7
  223. batchPoolL2 := `
  224. Type: PoolL2
  225. PoolTransferToEthAddr(1) A-B: 200 (126)
  226. PoolTransferToEthAddr(0) B-C: 100 (126)`
  227. poolL2Txs, err := tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
  228. require.NoError(t, err)
  229. // add AccountCreationAuths that will be used at the next batch
  230. accAuthSig0 := addAccCreationAuth(t, tc, txsel, chainID, hermezContractAddr, "B")
  231. accAuthSig1 := addAccCreationAuth(t, tc, txsel, chainID, hermezContractAddr, "C")
  232. // add the PoolL2Txs to the l2DB
  233. addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
  234. // check signatures of L2Txs from the L2DB (to check that the
  235. // parameters of the PoolL2Tx match the original parameters signed
  236. // before inserting it to the L2DB)
  237. l2TxsFromDB, err := txsel.l2db.GetPendingTxs()
  238. require.NoError(t, err)
  239. assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[0].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["A"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
  240. assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[1].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["B"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
  241. l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[6].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
  242. coordIdxs, accAuths, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err := txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  243. require.NoError(t, err)
  244. assert.Equal(t, []common.Idx{261, 262}, coordIdxs)
  245. assert.Equal(t, txsel.coordAccount.AccountCreationAuth, accAuths[0])
  246. assert.Equal(t, txsel.coordAccount.AccountCreationAuth, accAuths[1])
  247. assert.Equal(t, accAuthSig0, accAuths[2])
  248. assert.Equal(t, accAuthSig1, accAuths[3])
  249. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL1UserTxs))
  250. assert.Equal(t, 4, len(oL1CoordTxs))
  251. assert.Equal(t, 2, len(oL2Txs))
  252. assert.Equal(t, len(oL1CoordTxs), len(accAuths))
  253. assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(7), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  254. assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(264), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
  255. checkBalanceByIdx(t, txsel, 261, "20") // CoordIdx for TokenID=1
  256. checkBalanceByIdx(t, txsel, 262, "10") // CoordIdx for TokenID=0
  257. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 0, "600")
  258. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 1, "280")
  259. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "B", 0, "290")
  260. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "B", 1, "200")
  261. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 0, "100")
  262. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "D", 0, "800")
  263. checkSortedByNonce(t, testAccNonces, oL2Txs)
  264. err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(poolL2Txs), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  265. require.NoError(t, err)
  266. log.Debug("block:0 batch:8")
  267. // simulate the PoolL2Txs of the batch8
  268. batchPoolL2 = `
  269. Type: PoolL2
  270. PoolTransfer(0) A-B: 100 (126)
  271. PoolTransfer(0) C-A: 50 (126)
  272. PoolTransfer(1) B-C: 100 (126)
  273. PoolExit(0) A: 100 (126)`
  274. poolL2Txs, err = tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
  275. require.NoError(t, err)
  276. addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
  277. // check signatures of L2Txs from the L2DB (to check that the
  278. // parameters of the PoolL2Tx match the original parameters signed
  279. // before inserting it to the L2DB)
  280. l2TxsFromDB, err = txsel.l2db.GetPendingTxs()
  281. require.NoError(t, err)
  282. assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[0].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["A"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
  283. assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[1].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["C"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
  284. assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[2].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["B"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
  285. assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[3].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["A"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
  286. l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[7].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
  287. coordIdxs, accAuths, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  288. require.NoError(t, err)
  289. assert.Equal(t, []common.Idx{261, 262}, coordIdxs)
  290. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(accAuths))
  291. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
  292. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
  293. assert.Equal(t, 4, len(oL2Txs))
  294. assert.Equal(t, len(oL1CoordTxs), len(accAuths))
  295. assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(8), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  296. assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(264), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
  297. checkBalanceByIdx(t, txsel, 261, "30")
  298. checkBalanceByIdx(t, txsel, 262, "35")
  299. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 0, "430")
  300. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 1, "280")
  301. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "B", 0, "390")
  302. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "B", 1, "90")
  303. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 0, "45")
  304. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 1, "100")
  305. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "D", 0, "800")
  306. checkSortedByNonce(t, testAccNonces, oL2Txs)
  307. err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(poolL2Txs), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  308. require.NoError(t, err)
  309. log.Debug("(batch9)block:1 batch:1")
  310. // simulate the PoolL2Txs of the batch9
  311. batchPoolL2 = `
  312. Type: PoolL2
  313. PoolTransfer(0) D-A: 300 (126)
  314. PoolTransfer(0) B-D: 100 (126)
  315. `
  316. poolL2Txs, err = tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
  317. require.NoError(t, err)
  318. addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
  319. // check signatures of L2Txs from the L2DB (to check that the
  320. // parameters of the PoolL2Tx match the original parameters signed
  321. // before inserting it to the L2DB)
  322. l2TxsFromDB, err = txsel.l2db.GetPendingTxs()
  323. require.NoError(t, err)
  324. assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[0].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["D"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
  325. assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[1].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["B"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
  326. l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[1].Rollup.Batches[0].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
  327. coordIdxs, accAuths, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  328. require.NoError(t, err)
  329. assert.Equal(t, []common.Idx{262}, coordIdxs)
  330. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(accAuths))
  331. assert.Equal(t, 4, len(oL1UserTxs))
  332. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
  333. assert.Equal(t, 2, len(oL2Txs))
  334. assert.Equal(t, len(oL1CoordTxs), len(accAuths))
  335. assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(9), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  336. assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(264), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
  337. checkBalanceByIdx(t, txsel, 261, "30")
  338. checkBalanceByIdx(t, txsel, 262, "75")
  339. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 0, "730")
  340. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 1, "280")
  341. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "B", 0, "380")
  342. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "B", 1, "90")
  343. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 0, "845")
  344. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 1, "100")
  345. checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "D", 0, "470")
  346. checkSortedByNonce(t, testAccNonces, oL2Txs)
  347. err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(poolL2Txs), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  348. require.NoError(t, err)
  349. }
  350. func TestPoolL2TxsWithoutEnoughBalance(t *testing.T) {
  351. set := `
  352. Type: Blockchain
  353. CreateAccountDeposit(0) Coord: 0
  354. CreateAccountDeposit(0) A: 100
  355. CreateAccountDeposit(0) B: 100
  356. > batchL1 // freeze L1User{1}
  357. > batchL1 // forge L1User{1}
  358. > block
  359. `
  360. chainID := uint16(0)
  361. tc := til.NewContext(chainID, common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
  362. // generate test transactions, the L1CoordinatorTxs generated by Til
  363. // will be ignored at this test, as will be the TxSelector who
  364. // generates them when needed
  365. blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(set)
  366. assert.NoError(t, err)
  367. hermezContractAddr := ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xc344E203a046Da13b0B4467EB7B3629D0C99F6E6")
  368. txsel := initTest(t, chainID, hermezContractAddr, tc.Users["Coord"])
  369. // restart nonces of TilContext, as will be set by generating directly
  370. // the PoolL2Txs for each specific batch with tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs
  371. tc.RestartNonces()
  372. tpc := txprocessor.Config{
  373. NLevels: 16,
  374. MaxFeeTx: 10,
  375. MaxTx: 20,
  376. MaxL1Tx: 10,
  377. ChainID: chainID,
  378. }
  379. selectionConfig := &SelectionConfig{
  380. MaxL1UserTxs: 5,
  381. TxProcessorConfig: tpc,
  382. }
  383. // batch1
  384. l1UserTxs := []common.L1Tx{}
  385. _, _, _, _, _, _, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  386. require.NoError(t, err)
  387. expectedTxID0 := "0x0248bae02b5c8c3847d312bfac3a33ae790616e888f2f711f22aeaff007cde92c2" // 1st TransferToEthAddr
  388. expectedTxID1 := "0x0249af018311a393c337ab9174ca2466cba489e49942b4ca4e5c530903671c4aef" // 1st Exit
  389. expectedTxID2 := "0x0228b93a261a0cdc62f35588c03bd179d31a0807c28afffdb6a7aaf0c4f017e4cf" // 2nd TransferToEthAddr
  390. // batch2
  391. // prepare the PoolL2Txs
  392. batchPoolL2 := `
  393. Type: PoolL2
  394. PoolTransferToEthAddr(0) A-B: 100 (126)
  395. PoolExit(0) B: 100 (126)`
  396. poolL2Txs, err := tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
  397. require.NoError(t, err)
  398. // add the PoolL2Txs to the l2DB
  399. addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
  400. l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[1].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
  401. _, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err := txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  402. require.NoError(t, err)
  403. assert.Equal(t, 3, len(oL1UserTxs))
  404. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
  405. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL2Txs)) // should be 0 as the 2 PoolL2Txs does not have enough funds
  406. assert.Equal(t, 2, len(discardedL2Txs))
  407. assert.Equal(t, expectedTxID0, discardedL2Txs[0].TxID.String())
  408. assert.Equal(t, expectedTxID1, discardedL2Txs[1].TxID.String())
  409. err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  410. require.NoError(t, err)
  411. // as the PoolL2Txs have not been really processed, restart nonces
  412. tc.RestartNonces()
  413. // batch3
  414. // NOTE: this batch will result with 1 L2Tx, as the PoolExit tx is not
  415. // possible, as the PoolTransferToEthAddr is not processed yet when
  416. // checking availability of PoolExit. This, in a near-future iteration
  417. // of the TxSelector will return the 2 transactions as valid and
  418. // selected, as the TxSelector will handle this kind of combinations.
  419. batchPoolL2 = `
  420. Type: PoolL2
  421. PoolTransferToEthAddr(0) A-B: 50 (126)`
  422. poolL2Txs, err = tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
  423. require.NoError(t, err)
  424. addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
  425. l1UserTxs = []common.L1Tx{}
  426. _, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  427. require.NoError(t, err)
  428. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
  429. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
  430. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL2Txs)) // see 'NOTE' at the beginning of 'batch3' of this test
  431. assert.Equal(t, 2, len(discardedL2Txs))
  432. assert.Equal(t, expectedTxID2, oL2Txs[0].TxID.String())
  433. assert.Equal(t, expectedTxID0, discardedL2Txs[0].TxID.String())
  434. assert.Equal(t, expectedTxID1, discardedL2Txs[1].TxID.String())
  435. assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeTransferToEthAddr, oL2Txs[0].Type)
  436. err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  437. require.NoError(t, err)
  438. // batch4
  439. // make the selection of another batch, which should include the
  440. // initial PoolExit, which now is valid as B has enough Balance
  441. l1UserTxs = []common.L1Tx{}
  442. _, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  443. require.NoError(t, err)
  444. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
  445. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
  446. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL2Txs))
  447. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(discardedL2Txs))
  448. assert.Equal(t, expectedTxID1, oL2Txs[0].TxID.String()) // the Exit that was not accepted at the batch2
  449. assert.Equal(t, expectedTxID0, discardedL2Txs[0].TxID.String())
  450. assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeExit, oL2Txs[0].Type)
  451. err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  452. require.NoError(t, err)
  453. }
  454. func TestTransferToBjj(t *testing.T) {
  455. set := `
  456. Type: Blockchain
  457. AddToken(1)
  458. CreateAccountDeposit(0) Coord: 0
  459. CreateAccountDeposit(0) A: 1000
  460. CreateAccountDeposit(0) B: 1000
  461. CreateAccountDeposit(1) B: 1000
  462. > batchL1 // freeze L1User{1}
  463. > batchL1 // forge L1User{1}
  464. > block
  465. `
  466. chainID := uint16(0)
  467. tc := til.NewContext(chainID, common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
  468. blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(set)
  469. assert.NoError(t, err)
  470. hermezContractAddr := ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xc344E203a046Da13b0B4467EB7B3629D0C99F6E6")
  471. txsel := initTest(t, chainID, hermezContractAddr, tc.Users["Coord"])
  472. // restart nonces of TilContext, as will be set by generating directly
  473. // the PoolL2Txs for each specific batch with tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs
  474. tc.RestartNonces()
  475. addTokens(t, tc, txsel.l2db.DB())
  476. tpc := txprocessor.Config{
  477. NLevels: 16,
  478. MaxFeeTx: 10,
  479. MaxTx: 20,
  480. MaxL1Tx: 10,
  481. ChainID: chainID,
  482. }
  483. selectionConfig := &SelectionConfig{
  484. MaxL1UserTxs: 5,
  485. TxProcessorConfig: tpc,
  486. }
  487. // batch1 to create some accounts with positive balance
  488. l1UserTxs := []common.L1Tx{}
  489. _, _, _, _, _, _, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  490. require.NoError(t, err)
  491. // Transfer is ToBJJ to a BJJ-only account that doesn't exist
  492. // and the coordinator will create it via L1CoordTx.
  493. batchPoolL2 := `
  494. Type: PoolL2
  495. PoolTransferToBJJ(0) A-B: 50 (126)
  496. `
  497. poolL2Txs, err := tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
  498. require.NoError(t, err)
  499. // add the PoolL2Txs to the l2DB
  500. addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
  501. l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[1].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
  502. _, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err := txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  503. require.NoError(t, err)
  504. assert.Equal(t, 4, len(oL1UserTxs))
  505. // We expect the coordinator to add an L1CoordTx to create an account for the recipient of the l2tx
  506. require.Equal(t, 1, len(oL1CoordTxs))
  507. assert.Equal(t, poolL2Txs[0].ToEthAddr, oL1CoordTxs[0].FromEthAddr)
  508. assert.Equal(t, poolL2Txs[0].ToBJJ, oL1CoordTxs[0].FromBJJ)
  509. // fmt.Printf("DBG l1CoordTx[0]: %+v\n", oL1CoordTxs[0])
  510. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL2Txs))
  511. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(discardedL2Txs))
  512. err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  513. require.NoError(t, err)
  514. // Now the BJJ-only account for B is already created, so the transfer
  515. // happens without an L1CoordTx that creates the user account.
  516. batchPoolL2 = `
  517. Type: PoolL2
  518. PoolTransferToBJJ(0) A-B: 50 (126)
  519. `
  520. poolL2Txs, err = tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
  521. require.NoError(t, err)
  522. addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
  523. l1UserTxs = []common.L1Tx{}
  524. _, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  525. require.NoError(t, err)
  526. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
  527. // Since the BJJ-only account B already exists, the coordinator doesn't add any L1CoordTxs
  528. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
  529. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL2Txs))
  530. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(discardedL2Txs))
  531. err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  532. require.NoError(t, err)
  533. // The transfer now is ToBJJ to a BJJ-only account that doesn't exist
  534. // and the coordinator will create it via L1CoordTx. Since it's a
  535. // transfer of a token for which the coordinator doesn't have a fee
  536. // account, another L1CoordTx will be created for the coordinator to
  537. // receive the fees.
  538. batchPoolL2 = `
  539. Type: PoolL2
  540. PoolTransferToBJJ(1) B-A: 50 (126)
  541. `
  542. poolL2Txs, err = tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
  543. require.NoError(t, err)
  544. addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
  545. l1UserTxs = []common.L1Tx{}
  546. _, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(selectionConfig, l1UserTxs)
  547. require.NoError(t, err)
  548. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
  549. // We expect the coordinator to add an L1CoordTx to create an account
  550. // to receive the fees by the coordinator and another one for the
  551. // recipient of the l2tx
  552. assert.Equal(t, 2, len(oL1CoordTxs))
  553. // [0] Coordinator account cration for token 1
  554. assert.Equal(t, tc.Users["Coord"].Addr, oL1CoordTxs[0].FromEthAddr)
  555. // [1] User A BJJ-only account creation for token 1
  556. assert.Equal(t, poolL2Txs[0].ToEthAddr, oL1CoordTxs[1].FromEthAddr)
  557. assert.Equal(t, poolL2Txs[0].ToBJJ, oL1CoordTxs[1].FromBJJ)
  558. assert.Equal(t, common.TokenID(1), oL1CoordTxs[1].TokenID)
  559. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL2Txs))
  560. assert.Equal(t, 0, len(discardedL2Txs))
  561. err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
  562. require.NoError(t, err)
  563. }