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\title{Anatomy of a folding scheme} \author{\small{Sonobe, experimental folding schemes library implemented jointly by \href{https://0xparc.org}{0xPARC} and \href{https://pse.dev/}{PSE.}}}
\date{\vspace{1cm}\\\scriptsize{2024-04-22\\Barcelona zkDay}}
% To mention at the beginning: % we would need more than 2h to show a bit of more detail, but we only have 20min
\begin{frame}{Why folding} \begin{itemize} \item Repetitive computations take big circuits $\longrightarrow$ large proving time \begin{itemize} \item ie. prove a chain of 10k sha256 hashes \end{itemize}
% \pause
\item Traditional recursion: verify (in-circuit) a proof of the correct execution of the same circuit for the previous input \begin{itemize} \item issue: in-circuit proof verification is expensive (constraints) \begin{itemize} \item ie. verify a Groth16 proof inside a R1CS circuit \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{itemize}
% draw: G16 proof being verified inside a circuit for which a new proof is generated \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{IVC - Incremental Verifiable Computation} Folding schemes efficitently achieve IVC, where the prover recursively proves the correct execution of the incremental computations.
In other words, it allows to prove efficiently that $z_n = F(...~F(F(F(F(z_0, w_0), w_1), w_2), ...), w_{n-1})$.
\begin{frame}{Folding idea} % draw of 2 instances being folded into a single one % then add other instances to show k-to-1 folding \end{frame}
\section[Folding]{Folding} \begin{frame}{Homomorphic commitments and RLC} We rely on homomorphic commitments\\ ie. Pedersen commitments\\ Let $g \in \mathbb{G}^n,~ v \in \mathbb{F}_r^n$,\\ $$Com(v) = \langle g, v \rangle =g_1 \cdot v_1 + g_2 \cdot v_2 + \ldots + g_n \cdot v_n$$
% \pause
RLC:\\ Let $v_1, v_2 \in \mathbb{F}_r^n$, set $cm_1 = Com(v_1),~ cm_2=Com(v_2)$. \\then, \begin{align*} v_3 &= v_1 + r \cdot v_2\\ cm_3 &=cm_1 + r \cdot cm_2 \end{align*} \\so that $$cm_3 = Com(v_3)$$
\begin{frame}{Relaxed R1CS} R1CS instance: $(\{A, B, C\} \in \mathbb{F}^{n \times n},~ io,~ n,~ l)$, such that for $z=(io \in \mathbb{F}^l, 1, w \in \mathbb{F}^{n-l-1}) \in \mathbb{F}^n$,
$$Az \circ Bz = Cz$$
% \pause
Relaxed R1CS:
$$Az \circ Bz = uCz + E$$
for $u \in \mathbb{F},~~ E \in \mathbb{F}^n$.
Committed Relaxed R1CS instance: $CI = (\overline{E}, u, \overline{W}, x)$\\ Witness of the instance: $WI=(E, W)$
\vspace{0.5cm} \footnotesize{(We don't have time for it now, but there is a simple reasoning for the RelaxedR1CS usage explained in Nova paper)}
\begin{frame}{NIFS - Non Interactive Folding Scheme} \scriptsize{ \begin{align*} CI_1 &=(\overline{E}_1 \in \mathbb{G}, u_1 \in \mathbb{F}, \overline{W}_1 \in \mathbb{G}, x_1 \in \mathbb{F}^n) ~~~~~~WI_1=(E_1 \in \mathbb{F}^n, W_1 \in \mathbb{F}^n)\\ CI_2 &=(\overline{E}_2, u_2, \overline{W}_2, x_2) ~~~~~~WI_2=(E_2, W_2) \end{align*} where $\overline{V}=Com(V)$
% \pause
\begin{align*} T &= Az_1 \circ Bz_1 + Az_2 \circ Bz_2 - u_1 C z_1 - u_2 C z_2\\ \overline{T}&=Com(T) \end{align*} % \pause
\begin{minipage}[t]{.45\textwidth} NIFS.P \begin{align*} E &= E_1 + r \cdot T + r^2 \cdot E_2\\ W &= W_1 + r \cdot W \end{align*} \end{minipage} \hfill\vline\hfill \begin{minipage}[t]{.45\textwidth} NIFS.V \begin{align*} \overline{E} &= \overline{E}_1 + r \cdot \overline{T} + r^2 \cdot \overline{E}_2\\ u &= u_1 + r \cdot u_2\\ \overline{W} &= \overline{W}_1 + r \cdot \overline{W}\\ x &= x_1 + r \cdot x_2 \end{align*} \end{minipage}
New folded Committed Instance: $(\overline{E}, u, \overline{W}, x)$\\ New folded witness: $(E, W)$ } \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{IVC} \small{ $U_i$: committed instance for the correct execution of invocations $1, \ldots, i-1$ of $F'$\\ $u_i$: committed instance for the correct execution of invocation $i$ of $F'$ }
% draw: sketch of the Augmented F Circuit % big box for F', inside small box for F. NIFS.V box, how things connect to next iteration
\vspace{4cm} \small{ F':\\ i) execute a step of the incremental computation, $z_{i+1} = F(z_i)$\\ ii) invoke the NIFS.V to fold $U_i, u_i$ into $U_{i+1}$\\ iii) other checks to ensure that the IVC is done properly } \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{Cycle of curves} \small{ NIFS.V involves $\mathbb{G}$ point scalar mults, which are not native over $\mathbb{F}_r$. \\$\longrightarrow$ delegate them into a circuit over a 2nd curve.
We 'mirror' the main $F'$ circuit into the 2nd curve\\ each circuit computes natively the point operations of the other curve }
% draw: % 1st the Nova with duplicated F' circuits over 2 curves % 2nd the Nova with CycleFold circuits sketch \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{Augmented F Circuit + CycleFold Circuit} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{cyclefold-nova-diagram} \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{Other Folding Schemes} % TODO % HyperNova % ProtoGalaxy % ProtoStar % LatticeFold % etc % mention a bit the different characteristics and folding techniques \end{frame}
\section{Decider (Final Proof)}
\begin{frame}{Decider} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{cyclefold-paper-diagram}
With Prover knowing the respective witnesses for $U_n, u_n, U_{EC,n}$
Issue: IVC proof is not succinct \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{Decider} Original Nova: generate a zkSNARK proof with Spartan for $U_n, u_n, U_{EC, n}$\\ $\longrightarrow$ 2 Spartan proofs, one on each curve (with CycleFold is 1 Spartan proof)\\ (not EVM-friendly)
% draw of the 2 circuits over the curves, and how we generate a Spartan proof for each one
\begin{frame}{Decider} checks (simplified) \begin{enumerate} \item $(U_{n+1}, W_{n+1})$ satisfy Relaxed R1CS relation of AugmentedFCircuit \item verify commitments of $U_{n+1}.\{\overline{E}, \overline{W}\}$ w.r.t. $W_{n+1}.\{E,W\}$ \item $(U_{EC,n}, W_{EC,n})$ satisfy Relaxed R1CS relation of CycleFoldCircuit \item verify commitments of $U_{EC,n}.\{\overline{E}, \overline{W}\}$ w.r.t. $W_{EC,n}.\{E,W\}$ \item $u_n.E==0,~ u_n.u==1$, ie. $u_n$ is a fresh not-relaxed instance \item $u_n.x_0==H(n, z_0, z_n, U_n)$\\ $u_n.x_1==H(U_{EC,n})$ \item $NIFS.V(U_n, u_n)==U_{n+1}$ \end{enumerate}
% by draw show which are native and not native % and that the NIFS.V we do it in Solidity \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{Decider} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{decider-onchain-flow-diagram} % draw of the full flow: from inputting the circuit, to folding to generating the Decider proof to verifying in Ethereum \end{frame}
\section{Sonobe} \begin{frame}{Sonobe} \footnotesize{ Experimental folding schemes library implemented jointly by 0xPARC and PSE.
Dev flow: \begin{enumerate} \item Define a circuit to be folded \item Set which folding scheme to be used (eg. Nova with CycleFold) \item Set a final decider to generate the final proof (eg. Spartan over Pasta curves) \item Generate the the decider verifier \end{enumerate} }
\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{sonobe-lib-pipeline} \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{Code example} [show code with a live demo] \vspace{0.5cm}
Some numbers (still optimizations pending): \begin{itemize} \item AugmentedFCircuit: $\sim 80k$ R1CS constraints \item DeciderEthCircuit: $\sim 9.6M$ R1CS constraints \begin{itemize} \item $<3$ minutes in a 32GB RAM 16 core laptop \end{itemize} \item gas costs (DeciderEthCircuit proof): $\sim 800k$ gas \begin{itemize} \item mostly from G16, KZG10, public inputs processing \item will be reduced by hashing the public inputs \item expect to get it down to $< 600k$ gas. \end{itemize} \end{itemize}
Recall, this proof is proving that applying $n$ times the function $F$ (the circuit that we're folding) to an initial state $z_0$ results in the state $z_n$. \\In Srinath Setty words, you can prove practically unbounded computation onchain by 800k gas (and soon $< 600k$).
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Wrappup} \begin{itemize} \item \href{https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/sonobe}{https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/sonobe} \item \href{https://privacy-scaling-explorations.github.io/sonobe-docs/}{https://privacy-scaling-explorations.github.io/sonobe-docs/} \end{itemize}
\begin{center} \includegraphics[width=4cm]{qr-sonobe-repo-link} \end{center}
\tiny{ $$\text{2024-04-22}$$ $$\text{\href{https://0xparc.org}{0xPARC}~\&~\href{https://pse.dev/}{PSE.}}$$ } \end{frame}